
White Lock

How fun would it be dominating the world of blue lock? The thrill in something like that can only be truly enjoyed by someone who knows the fun and future in it. Mr. Roy was just that someone. He loved the Blue Lock manga. Now he was given chance to reincarnate in one. There was no way he was going to fail because that was his egotism.. Starting at the bottom, he will slowly learn how to play football and crawl his way to top. "So what if others are protagonists. I'm the protagonist myself, I'll just devour their protagonistism. Even the main character is no exception." - Mr. Roy.

Kido_TO · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

My sixth birthday.


This was the thought which I had, when I threw my legs toward left to fool Barou, and I succeeded in creating a feint. I then followed the gap his bulky body had produced in a moment of instance. I kicked the ball in the gap and made a goal.

1-2. The maximum goals were of 3. The one goal from my side couldn't make me win so I had to do the same trick again!

Something suddenly clicked in mine mind. I had always been defeated by Barou for months, since the moment I have reincarnated. This was the first time I scored one against him, didn't I?

"Argh, Good job donkey you have finally leveled up to a decent donkey now. Don't worry though, because I'll defeat you as usual." Barou sneered. He kicked the ball and got back to his position ready to pounce at me to dribble past me and score.

I was aghast. I didn't fear being scored against by him, I feared his physique. No..I couldn't let myself intimidated by him! He is just a 6 year old kid while I'm technically decades year old man.

With these thoughts I calmed myself down. I let him dribble towards me. I was fully focused on making him lose the ball. He tried going past me or netting it between my legs but those tricks won't work against me anymore.

"Tch." He harrumphed. Although I was weak physically I had learned to cover my area against him! So he couldn't easily score a goal against me.

Suddenly something clicked in my mind. I thought about the weapons I've developed till now. I only was good at passing and running with ball which were skills that could be learned with good practice but they weren't my weapons when it comes to 1v1.

I had two weapons I could think of. One was my passive area covering skill which was defensive one. I had to match the area covered by my opponent to not give him a scope to score the net behind me. The second weapon was what I recently developed in this match. It was my feints! Why couldn't I combine these two weapons to take control of the ball?

I was enlightened. I suddenly stretched my lefty to make a move against the ball which was under the legs of Barou, but how could Barou, the arrogant kid let go of the ball? He kicked it to his right. "Hmph, so predictable Donkey." He moved past me. I was shocked. I couldn't move my body.

Or atleast that's what I pretended to show Barou who thought he finally dribbled past me. But..

I suddenly had a flash of white colour blazing through my eyes unknowingly. The lefty I used was a feint against Barou. I moved my right leg just before Barou kicked the ball to his side. And I nutmegged him.


The ball was goaled against the tree from Barou's side. I won another score. Now it was 2-2.

The moment I could rejoice, something bad happened. My father came running to me and said, "Son, hurry up! Everyone is waiting for you to cut your birthday cake!"

Barou jumped. He came to uncle Karasuke and shouted, "No uncle! We are just gonna need a minute. Me and Roy has a last score we need to settle."

Although Barou was kind of agressive and rude player when it came to playing but outside the playing, his attitude takes the 180 degree turn. He becomes unusually docile and cute kid that no one would doubt he was the same Barou in the game.

"Ah, that can be settled later! Your Mommy Ms.Borry is waiting there too. So hurry up." Uncle Karasuke asserted.

Barou identified the threat in his words. He finally gave in, "Alright Uncle, let's go." He said. I and Barou went home with Dad.

We reached home. It was filled with candles and flowers were designed in the house from inside. Our house wasn't that big but it wasn't small either. We had a good medium sized hall and 3 bedrooms. They were good enough for our family of 3 to live...No wait, the family of four because there was a baby in my mother's stomach ready to dispatch to the world anytime soon.

We came to the cake that was on the table. My parents beckoned me to blow off the candle which I did.

"Happy Birthday to you, Dear Roy on your sixth birthday!" They all wished me.

"Thank you, everyone!" I happily said my thanks. Now it was time to collect gifts.

My father was the first one to gift me. He gave me a new football. He knew what was my precious gift!

My mother gave me a bracelet.

Next were the turns of my friends. I recieved a good chocolate cake from Barou and his Mommy Borry. Rishi also gave me a good car toy which was the worst gift I could have recieved, after all my mental age wasn't 6, right?

After that we ate our dinner together. Danced a lot before that. Now it was time for farewell. They all went back their homes. I was tired. "phew!"

I was about to head to my bedroom which I had already asked my parents to arrange since I "convinced" them I was old enough to have my own personal room.

My eyes momentarily glanced at the new football but I couldn't play it at home because that was not allowed. So I picked it up and went to my bedroom.

While laying on bed, I thought about the things that happened today. I tied against Barou. I managed to draw a tie of 2-2 and maybe if not for interference by my father I would have won him. Well let's win him tomorrow then, while trying my new football which my daddy bought me.

While I thought of these things and was about to close my eyes, I saw the old football lying on bed. I had a made it a habbit of sleeping with football tucked between my two legs. It was for the sake that I can become one with football. I had this idea from Inazuma elevens anime.

I changed that football by mine new football. I lifted the old football and put it on my stomach. I would use this way of sleeping to make football my buddy to whole of my body. This way my control of football would be perfect when I become a teen. I was just six year old now, after all.

I also thought on how I'll become greatest Striker. I needed to play in a real football group but kids around my age didn't play football. So I only had Barou and Rishi to play football with.

'Ah right..Why do I call soccer as football, well it's because I was asian in my previous life so most of the times I couldn't differentiate between football and soccer. Anyway it didn't matter much because in Japan football and soccer didn't made much difference in meaning. Whatever it was, I just needed to level up in my skills with football.'

That's what I thought. Suddenly it clicked in my mind. I had two weapons for 1v1 now. I also needed to develop a strategic weapon but that could only happen if I start learning about Japanese soccer and European soccer online. For this I needed a source of internet, and for that I needed a Personal computer.

"Hmm, I should have asked for PC as a gift." It was a good thing that my father was a worker in a company called Roberto, that was in charge of making computers. My mother did nothing but was a housewife. Well don't underestimate them because they are one of the strongest profession in my opinion.

With these thoughts I finally took my consciousness away from reality as I began my sleep.


On the other hand, Barou was also laying on his bedsheet sleeping with Mummy Borry.

"Mom, do you know what? I finally got a opponent who could match me in 1v1, in soccer. And you won't believe who he was!" Barou exclaimed since he was eager to let his mother know what happened today.

"Ohh? Son tell me, tell me..who it was" Mommy Borry responded to his excitement.

"It was Roy! I didn't expect he would be able to tie against me one day. I used to always beat him in 1v1 before today."

Mommy Borry exclaimed, "Son are you sure, you didn't go easy on him just because he had his birthday today?! Did you forgot what I taught you! Never go easy on someone when you're playing games"

Mommy Borry was a badminton player. She had a streamlined body full of muscles. It could be seen that the reason why Barou had such dominating character was her teachings which she gave him at this young age..

"No Mom, I didn't go easy on him. He seriously evolved this match, you wouldn't believe when I say he nutmegged me for a goal. He was really good, that match."

"I see, good boy. And don't let this tie weaken your mentality. You're born as a king. Remember that. Losses like this are meant to shape you up as a True King..." She started boasting her son.

"Yes mom.." Barou nodded as he listened.


"Cow Cow"

The sound of chirping of birds came. The sunlight also came. It was a new morning with new vigour. Let's see what happens today. Will Roy defeat Barou in today's 1v1 match?