
White Lake High School(Dimples)

White Lake High School, a supernatural institution with supposedly mundane students yet to manifest their supernatural potential. One of them being me, Kelly Isabella McHale, hated by all but only hate one. The infamous, Instagram sensation 'Dimples'. Why do I hate him, you ask? Well, my first response will be the fact that ever since he came into existence, bad things have been happening to me, like barred from a good college bad. But the real reason begins with my initiation into the supernatural world through the death of Henry. 'Looks at the sky' The full moon draws near...or should I saw the blue moon. 'Eyes glow....'

Shantoya · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

Chapter 2...besties 4 life

For the remainder of the day, I laid low. I avoided all well populated places and went to and fro my different classes without further complaints. But eventually the final bell rung and I envied the students leaving with joy, though I could be at ease seeing that half of them would return for the game shortly.

I left my class with everybody else but instead of going on through the front door, I stopped by the restroom. It was peaceful and quiet. In that moment, I felt like I could breathe freely with a hitch of anxiety creeping up on me. White Lake High knew what cleanliness meant. Every room was like my mother's wedding ring, sparkling and spotless. No she wasn't married to the man anymore but that didn't mean that she didn't still love him. He had impacted her life, a lot and positively and I'm grateful for his 50% of the gene pool that gave me hereditary gray eyes. I was born a mixed child, half black and half latino. Curls mixed with kinky hair gave me frazzled curls.

I was a little embarrassed of my wild hair, I admit. It was just huge and hard to handle at times. I bravely undo the messy bun, my hair fell unattactively unto my shoulders. It wasn't all that bad after, I fluffed it out and it gained some volume but I was still unsure. I wasn't even sure why I was getting pretty to go to detention.

I scrunched my nose at my lie. Let's just say that I was a lonely only child, who saw a cute boy. I glanced at my hoodie. I decided to remove it. I wore a cropped blouse underneath. I was too chicken to wear just it so I had thrown on the hoodie over it. Deciding that I was ready to flirt but not flirt, I left the bathroom and entered the almost empty hall. I made my way towards the vice principal's office, where her secretary sat chewing her gum and filing her nails.

"I have detention," I said, wrapping my hoodie around my waist.

She did not acknowledge my presence. I stepped closer to her desk and placed my hands palm down on the table. I stared at her intently, watching her avoid me.

"Hey! I'm here for my detention," I yelled perkily, slamming my palms against the desk.

She jumped caught off guard by action. I plastered a fake smile on my face as she finally acknowledged my presence.

"Name," she said with distaste, eyeing me up and down. I was use to it by now.

"Kelly Isabella McHale," I pronounced slowly and in the appropriate accent.

"Oh," she said in recognition and with venom. Its almost like she said, 'eww'.

I rolled my eyes.

"The soccer coach is waiting for you in his office," she said then went back to filing her nails.

I glared at her before leaving. I walked at a slow pace towards the coaches office, taking the long way around so that I didn't have to walk through the boys locker room. The stadium was full and Black Pond had arrived early. They were dressed in their uniforms and warming up for a match that they knew that they were going to win.

The mayor had put a lot of money into the soccer field. It was a centimeter away from being a stadium. There were enough seats here to host the entire town and more. Currently, it was being split into two, with Black Pond supporters on one side and White Lake on the other. This was a battlefield waiting to get bloody.

I shook my head and continued towards the coaches office. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened.

"The water boy is sick so you will be filling in for him," the coach suddenly said not sparing me a glance. A neatly folded towel was thrown into my chest. I caught it.

"For the fire drakons," the couch continued his eyes glued to his clipboard.

My eyes widened and I forgot how to speak but by the time that I could remember, a door was slammed in my face. I blinked away my shocked and gulped. Black Pond was going to eat me alive. The students their weren't kind and friendly towards students at White Lake. I resisted the urge yo stomp my foot childishly, instead I cautiously walked out until the field. I glanced at the stands covered in blue and white and spotted the vice principal staring down at me smugly. So this was her doing.

I was simmering with anger, all fear left my body. I began my transition to the other side. Some time while walking, you could say that I zoned out everything around me. Until I bumped into reality. He was surprisingly tall and very handsome, rock solid body.

"Are you alright," he inquired as I staggered back. I almost fell but I managed to catch myself.

"Yes," I said gaining my balance. "Yes," I repeated, glancing up at the kind stranger.

I had finished my walk and now stood a few feet of where I was supposed to be but the emerald eyed beauty in front of me, made me want to spew poetry.

"T-thank you," I found myself stuttering like an idiot. Dios mio, I dated star athlete! I should not be this flustered.

He smiled down at me showing off cute indentations at his cheeks. For the first time, I didn't hate seeing dimples on another human being. He squeezed my arm and then walked away. Wait, come back! I desperately wanted to say but I had lost my confidence a long time ago.

I sighed and continued towards the bench where the footballers would sit but sadly, I never got there. I was 5 feet away from the bench reserved for the players when a brunette suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Who are you and what are you doing on our side of the field," she said coldly, staring at me with dark eyes.

It was approximately 3:30, school had ended early that evening for another riveting match between legendary rivals the White Lake, water dragons and the Black Pond, fire drakons. The sun was still shining over the green grass of the soccer field. It was after a rare encounter that Kelly Isabella McHale was trampled by a stampede of students at the call of their leader.

The cheerleader standing in front of me meant business and I'm not talking about petty mean girl business, I'm talking about Veronica Lodge business.

"Your school's waterboy is sick so I'm here to fill in for him," I replied softly and calmly. I didn't want to meet her cold eyes but I also didn't want to look away.

She stared me down for a hot minute before turning on her heels to consult the blonde and redhead standing behind her.

I turned away unimpressed. If I was Queen Bee, I would have sent me one my merry way home.

I turned my gaze towards my school's cheerleading team warming up opposite of where I was standing. They were deliberately leaning over and flashing their underwear to the crowd, like a little puppy desperate for attention. Pathetic! No, I was not over that little stunt earlier or that one on my first day of school or the second day.

They were the reason for my first detention. Sticky fingered, bitches.

"Harsh," an amused voice brought me out of my thoughts. I flinched when I realized that I said that those words out loud. I was not one to break another girl down but those...girls in particular were not girls.

"They don't exactly like me, so," I said glancing at the cheerleaders.

"Anyways since you apparently don't need me, I'm just going to go listen some music somewhere until all this is over," I said with feign excitement and began to walk away. I was not fund of wasting my time.

"I didn't say that we didn't need you, we're just not letting you near the cooler," she called after me, I paused. Why! I turned slowly towards her and nodded.

"OK," I replied, following her pointy finger towards a tent with a few chairs underneath it.

I sat down and pulled out my phone, I sent a quick text to my aunt that I was caught up with a school project and I had a club meeting. I bit my lip as the lie ate at my consciousness. I was lying to my pregnant aunt, in no world was this normal.

I slipped my phone into my bag and decided to people watch. I spotted the cold cheerleader talking to Melanie. She was smiling and swaying slightly, a little flirty maybe. Melanie was bright red, too that was until she glanced towards her boyfriend and her body language and expression changed. She said something to the cold cheerleader and she went rigid. Suddenly she was stomping her way over towards me.

"She is such a bitch," the brunette said, upset.

She sat heavily unto the chair causing it to creak. I glanced at the legs wearily.

"I mean all I did was say that I liked her hair and she snapped at me," she said frustratedly and then paused. I glanced at her wondering why she stopped expressing herself and met her brown nearly black eyes.

"Ugh, I've had people say mean things to me for no reason before," I said hesitantly, not really sure how to tackle this situation. I didn't have much friends. I was heavily antisocial.

"Really," she said calmly, too calmly. A sharp whistle went through the air.

"Yeah," I replied cautiously, watching her carefully. She hummed and then smiled.

"I'm Frost," she said gleefully, extending a long tan arm towards me. She must be on her period, not to be rude or anything.

"Kelly," I replied releasing her hand.

"So Kelly, why are sitting behind enemy lines," she asked watching the soccer game that had begun during our strange agreement.

"Detention," I replied awkwardly.

"What did you do, study too hard," she teased. I rolled my eyes and glance at the bleachers. I was about to answer when she suddenly jumped to her feet.

"GO FIRE DRAKONS," she yelled causing me to flinch.

"Warn me next time," I said to her as she sat back down. She giggled.

"I called Melanie and Angela...a fly" I said slowly, picking over my words.

Her head snapped in my direction and she stared at me with wide eyes. She probably thinks that I'm weird and a...shamer.

"Wait, that was you. I totally saw the video. That shit was legendary," Frost said shaking her head.

"There's a video," I said in disbelief.

Frost didn't respond to my statement, she instead got up and did quick cheer for her team, who had already scored twice. White Lake did some changes and it helped a little, I guess since Black Pond didn't score anymore for that half of the game.

The sound of a whistle echoed through the wanna be stadium, signaling the end of the first half of the match. Just because I didn't like it, didn't mean that I didn't watch it with my hyperactive uncle in law. My gaze returned towards the field just in time after answering my aunts text, to see a lean figure dressed in red and black walking towards me.

To say that he was hot would be an understatement. What were putting in the water over there in Black Pond.

A deep chuckle left his lips and my heart jumped a hurdle. He sat on the chair beside Frost, who seemed to be unaffected by his presents.

"Sis, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend," his deep voice was so intoxicating.

My hungry eyes watched him as he took a sip of his Gatorade and his Adam's apple bobbed. OK, don't think about it, Bella. I was lonely, okay. All my relationships were long distance and not even real.

"No, the last friend that I introduced you to, you told her she looked like a carrot, right after you slept with her," she said accusingly, she clenched her jaw and glared at him. So, he was a player. I'm not sure that I could work with that but he could still be good eye candy.

"It was the truth," was all he said before our eyes met.

Unlike his sister who had dark brown eyes, he had the most gorgeous forest eyes. Let's just say that I was now sure that there was something going on with Black Pond's water supply. He tapped his sister on the shoulder then went back to the field. Wrong move, don't look at his ass, Bella but I was already staring at it.

I gulped and glanced at Frost, who was staring at me with a knowing look.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm human," I admitted.

"Just try not to drool at the diner after the game. I need a plus 1," she said with a slight smile.

Did I just make a friend?