
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantaisie
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What To Do Next

The Next Day

"Morning." Chozen said to Leo. "Is the sword still where I hid it?" Chozen asked. Leo digs a 6 foot hole into the ground where Chozen hid the sword of the tall and he finds it. "I got it." Leo said. "Good we still have it. By the way, where's Suki?" Chozen asked. "She's still in her tent with Soichiro." Leo answered. Chozen goes to Suki's tent and opens it. "What do you want Chozen?" Suki asked. "I was checking up on you." Chozen answered. "Don't you mean you were checking up on Soichiro?" Suki said. "No I was actually checking up on you, you've been affected to most by this, I wanted to make sure you're ok." Chozen said. "Oh. Well I'm fine. Soichiro's burn marks healed up." Suki said. "Take a break, I can look after him." Chozen suggested. "Really? Thanks Chozen." Suki said. "Wait a second Suki." Chozen said. Soichiro's eyes begin to open. "What the? Where am I?" Soichiro asked tiredly. "SOICHIRO!!!" Chozen and Suki shouted. Leo rushed to the tent and said "WHAT HAPPENED?!!!" "Shit. Shut up." Soichiro said as he grabs his head. Soichiro sits up. "Wait a minute. Where's the dragon?" Soichiro asked. "We'll catch you up to speed in a little, just take it slow." Suki said. Everyone helped Soichiro out of the tent and sat him down on a log. Leo gave Soichiro food and water. "Alright tell me what exactly happened." Soichiro said. "What's the last thing you remember?" Chozen asked. 'I remember we were fighting a dragon then the next thing I know I woke up with you two in my face." Soichiro said. "Sounds about right. So after you got knocked out I managed to kill the dragon and after that we found the sword of the tall, then we hid it and rested for the night." Chozen explained. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!" Soichiro shouted. "You guys found the sword of the tall? I must say that's very weird. Don't get me wrong it's good that we found it but still it's weird that it wasn't in a tomb." Soichiro said. "Give it to me." Soichiro said as he stood up . "What?" Everyone said. "Give me the regalia. Let me enter the trial of the tall." Soichiro said. "Take a break man, you just woke up." Leo said. "No, let me enter the trial so it's out of the way." Soichiro said. "Soichiro, now's not the time to be hard headed." Chozen said. "I'm not being hard headed. I just don't wanna sit around and do nothing when I can get closer to saving the world." Soichiro stated. "Stay here Kugo. You two with me." Chozen said. Leo, Suki and Chozen jump up to the trees to discuss. "What the hell are we gonna do?" Leo asked. "I say we let him enter the trial." Chozen said. "No, we can't let him enter." Suki said. "Why not? Soichiro brought up a good point." Chozen. "He just woke up. He needs to take a break." Suki said. "Listen, how about we meet in the middle? Let's have Soichiro rest up, build back his strength and then we let him take the trial when the time is right." Leo said. "Fine." Chozen and Suki said. As Leo Chozen and Suki go back to the campsite but Soichiro and the sword of the tall is nowhere to be found. Suki finds a note that says "Leo, Chozen, Suki, by the time you find this letter myself and the sword of the tall will be gone. I left because I need to get stronger on my own for the safety of all of you. Don't worry about me, you guys know I can hold my own. Please understand my decision, I'll return soon. From you dear friend Soichiro."