
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantaisie
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Trial of The Rouge

Soichiro and the Ghost jump back, runs on the walls, and throws the star of the rogue at each other but the stars deflect each other. They jump to the ground, call back the star to their hands, and the Ghost throws her star but the four blades on the star split from each other. Soichiro jumps back on to the wall behind him, dodging the blades. "What the hell was that?" Soichiro thought. He then leaps off the wall going over the Ghost and throws the star at her going into her back. "Very clever White Knight. Now we must commence the close range portion of the trial." The Ghost said. Soichiro pulls out the star from the Ghost's back, the Ghost calls her star back and they face each other. Soichiro and the Ghost dash towards each other and their stars collide. Soichiro, adding strength to his star says "You know why did you choose a big star for a regalia? I mean a daggers or a crossbow would make sense for you because of the whole stealth thing." The Ghost, adding more pressure to her star kept her silence. Soichiro knocks the star out of her hand, dashes back, throws the star of the rogue behind the Ghost, warps to it, and puts one of its blades against the Ghost's neck from behind. "I've won." Soichiro said. The Ghost claps and says "You have indeed White Knight." Soichiro releases the Ghost and the Ghost kneels with the star of the rogue in both hands. Soichiro puts his hand over the star of the rogue and absorbs its energy till it was gone. As the Ghost fades away she says "As for your question White Knight my star may seem useless but a major key to using it is one of the greatest weapons humans have, the mind."