
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantaisie
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The Battle For Fortuna Part 3

When Leo arrives at the ninetieth floor he finds Nighteyes ready to fight him. "Aw you guys didn't have to do this much for me." Leo said. Leo summoned his daggers and the Nighteyes run towards Leo. Leo leaps over them, touches his fists together and his daggers electrify. Leo then throws a dagger in between some of the Nighteyes and they get shocked to death. As Leo lands on the ground the Nighteyes surround him. "You have nowhere to go." A Nighteye said. Leo smirks and disappears. Leo appears where he threw his dagger. "Think again dumbass." Leo said. Leo then slaps his palms together, puts his hands on the ground and says " Earth Style: Concrete Prison." A cage forms out of the ground. Leo walks up to the cage. "You guys really want us dead don't you?" Leo said. A Nighteye tries to stab Leo but he dodges it. "Woah buddy. I'll take that as a yes." Leo said. "How the hell are we getting our asses kicked by some pipsqueak." A Nighteye said. "Hey fuck you man." Leo said. "Look kid, how about we cut a deal? You let us out and we fight with you and your friends." A Nighteye said. Leo puts his hand on the cage and says "You know what. How about another deal?" "What's the deal?" The Nighteye asked. "How about you take your deal, shove up your ass and rot in hell?" Leo said. Leo then puts his hand on the cage, electrocuting everyone in the cage to a crisp. "The ninetieth floor is clear." Leo said over coms. All Leo hears is static over the coms. Leo then uses the Nighteye watch to teleport to the ninety-third floor.

As Leo arrives at the ninety-third floor he sees Nighteyes huddled together making a plan. Leo slaps his palms together and says "Wind Style: Barrier." A gust of wind surrounds the Nighteyes. "What the fuck?" A Nighteye said. "What's up dickheads?" Leo said. "You little shit. You have no idea what's coming for you." A Nighteye said. "No. You have no idea what's coming for you." Leo said with a grin on his face. Leo then summons his daggers, touches his fists together and his daggers ignite fire. Leo then throws the daggers into the wind barrier and the barrier catches on fire burning the Nighteyes to death. "The ninety-third floor is clear." Leo said over coms. Leo then uses the watch to teleport to the ninety-sixth floor.

As Leo arrives at the ninety-sixth floor and he finds a big device. "What the hell? Is this a signal jammer?" Leo thought. Leo drops a dagger and then walks up to the device. Leo then tries to find a control panel on the signal jammer until a spear is put to his neck. "If you know what's good for you you'll surrender. " A Nighteye brute said. Leo laughs and then disappears. Leo then appears where he dropped his dagger. "You really thought I wouldn't see that coming?" Leo said. The Nighteye throws the spear at Leo but he dodges it. Leo then pulls the spear out of the wall and throws it at the Nighteye but the Nighteye fails to catch it and gets a cut on their face. "Why you little." The Nighteye said. The Nighteye charges towards Leo and Leo leaps over the Nighteye's head, throws a dagger at the Nighteye's head and warps to it ending up on the Nighteye's shoulders. Leo then snaps the Nighteye's neck. "Why the hell would Nighteye leave a brute to guard a floor?" Leo thought. Leo then goes to the signal jammer. Leo then slaps his palms together, puts his hands on the jammer and says "Lightning Style: ELECTRIC BURST!!!" The burst of energy coming from Leo explodes the signal jammer. "Guys come in." Leo said over coms. "Leo? What happened?" Suki asked. "There was a signal jammer in the tower blocking our communications." Leo said. Leo then uses his watch to teleport to the ninety-ninth floor.

As Leo arrives at the ninety-ninth floor and he is surrounded by Nighteyes ready to strike him down. "Ah shit. Looks like my luck was gonna run out soon huh?" Leo said nervously. "Look how about we cut a deal, there's about 50 of you here so 20 bucks each?" Leo said. The Nighteyes charge at Leo but Leo throws a dagger up into the air, warps to it, throws it outside the crowd of Nighteyes, and warps to it. "You had to pick the hard way." The Nighteyes then realize that Leo isn't in the crowd. Leo leaps over the group of Nighteyes but one of the Nighteyes grabs Leo by the leg and slams him to the ground. "Look how the tables turned you little shit." A Nighteye said. As the Nighteye was about to kill Leo a spear suddenly goes into the Nighteye's skull. "Looks like you could use some help." A mysterious voice said. Leo recognizes the red blade on the spear. As the spear is pulled out of the skull the Nighteye's body falls to the ground, Leo sees a familiar face and says "Suki?"