
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

Round 2 With The Shinobi

Night Time

As the trio arrive at the base Chozen does recon. "I count guards at all 6 exits." Chozen said over coms. "Alright let's each take out 3 exits." Leo instructed. Chozen heads to the exits on the roof and rapid fires arrows at the guards. Leo sneaks up above the guards in the front and he electrifies his daggers. Leo throws his daggers at 2 of the guards, jumps on to the guard in the middle and snaps their neck. Suki sneaks up above the guards in the back, points the trident at them and shoots flaming arrows at them. Everyone gathers up at the front and then breaks the door down. "WHAT'S GOOD MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" Leo shouts. Leo then slaps his palms together, puts his hand on the ground and yells "Lighting Style: ELECTRIC BURST!!!" A wave of electricity forms and engulfs the Nighteyes, electrifying them to death. "Spread out find the commander." Leo instructed. Leo checks the first floor and doesn't find the commander. Suki checks the second floor and finds nothing. Chozen checks the third floor and does not find the commander. Everyone regroups and discuss. "Where the hell is this guy?" Suki said. "I have no idea." Chozen said. "I have an idea but it's a stretch." Leo said. "What is it?'' Chozen asked. "I may be able to detect the leader if I use earth style." Leo said. Leo slaps his palms together, puts his hands on the ground and says "Earth Style: Spatial awareness." Leo tries to sense the commander and he finds him in the ground. "Look for a grate." Leo instructed. The group searches and Chozen finds a floor grate. Chozen opens it and finds the commander cowering. Chozen pulls the commander out of the floor grate and alerts everyone. "I FOUND HIM!!!" Chozen shouted. Leo and Suki gather with Chozen. "Find enough metal to surround him. Don't worry I'll be on the lookout." Leo said. Chozen and Suki find metal rods and then they place it around the commander. Leo slaps his palms together, puts his hands on a piece of the metal and says "Earth Style: Steel Prison." The metal surrounding the commander mutates into a cage. "Now, what's this base for?" Leo asked. "Fuck off." The commander said. Leo puts his hand on the cage and shocks the commander. "I'm losing patience. Unless you want 10 thousand volts, answer me." Leo said. "Alright alright. This base is for distributing supplies like weapons, food, and anything else that other bases in this region needs." The commander explained. "Well you don't have to make deliveries anymore cause we took out the bases of this region." Leo said. "If this is a supply base then maybe we can take some things from here." Chozen said. "Have at it." Leo said. After Chozen and Suki leave to find supplies Leo senses something around him. "Is someone there?" Leo said. The Shinobi of light jumps down from the roof. "You have some skills kid. No one ever seems to sense me." The Shinobi said. "What do you want?" Leo asked. "Him." The Shinobi said as he pointed at the commander. "If you want him you're gonna have to go through me." Leo said. Leo summons his daggers and the Shinobi of light summon two hand guns. Leo and Shinobi dash toward each other and Leo slides under the Shinobi while the Shinobi jumps over Leo. The Shinobi shoots at Leo but he deflects the bullets with his daggers. Leo touches his fists together and his daggers electrify. The Shinobi of light presses a button on the gun's handle turning one of his guns into a sword. Leo and the Shinobi dash towards each other and Leo throws a dagger at him but the Shinobi dodges it. The Shinobi then shoots a barrage of bullets at Leo but Leo slaps his palms together, puts his hands on the ground, and a wall comes out of the ground blocking the bullets. The wall goes back into the ground and before the Shinobi striked again Leo stops him. "WAIT!!! Why are you doing this? I must know before one of us dies for the wrong reason." Leo said. The Shinobi turns his sword back into a gun and puts his weapons away. "You wanna know why I'm doing this? I'm doing this because my family was killed by Nighteye and then I had to abandon my friends. So I'm taking revenge on Nighteye cause they're the reason I lost everything." The Shinobi explained. "I understand where you're coming from." Leo said. The Shinobi pulls a gun on Leo. "DON'T ACT LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND!!!" The Shinobi shouted. "WAIT!!! I know your pain. Nighteye and the shinigami killed countless lives but some of us survived and that's not fair. But we now have to carry on for those who didn't. Look I lost people too. I lost my parents but more importantly I lost a man that was like a brother to me and ever since I've been trying to honor him. You can do the same for those you lost." Leo said. The Shinobi puts his gun down. "What was his name?" The Shinobi asked. "His name was Soichiro." Leo said. Out of nowhere a kunai flies towards the Shinobi's head but his helmet deflects it. "TIME FOR ROUND TWO ASSHOLE!!!" Suki shouts. "SUKI DON'T DO IT!!!" Leo shouts. The Shinobi summons his guns and Suki summons her dragon spear and the trident. Suki throws her dragon spear at the Shinobi and he flips over it and shoots at Suki but jumps into the air dodging the bullets. "Now you bring out the weapons? Bold choice." Suki said. The trident begins to electrify and as Suki starts to go to the ground she yells "LIGHTNING DIVE BOMB!!!" Right before she hits the ground the Shinobi dodges her. Chozen flies in and attempts to slash the Shinobi but he catches Chozen's katana and yanks it out of his hand. The Shinobi then throws the katana out of a window. Suki then throws her trident past the Shinobi's head, warps to it, and puts him in a headlock. Chozen then continuously punches the Shinobi. "Let me have a go." Suki said. Suki lets go of the Shinobi, Chozen puts him in a headlock and Suki begins to continuously punch the Shinobi. Leo runs to Suki and pulls on her arm. "Suki stop. He's had enough." Leo begged. Suki pushes Leo and punches the Shinobi so hard the bottom of his helmet breaks showing his mouth. The Shinobi elbows Chozen in the gut and throws Chozen over his shoulder. He then sweeps Suki off her feet and slams her to the ground. He then summons a handgun and shoots the commander in the cage, killing him. As he leaves he says "I know what you were trying to do Leo. Thank you." Leo stood there in shock and said "Soichiro?"