
White Knight: King of Eos

14 year old prince Soichiro Kugo lost his home Eos when he was 4 to shinigami (Gods of death) and has been hiding since. One day in the year 759 on a hunt he encounters a shinigami and attempts to kill it but the shinigami reveals itself to be his late sensei Chozen Kaibaro. Chozen informs him that Soichiro has to find 15 regalia (Royal weapons) that once belonged to his ancestor's to gain a form called arminger which will help him stop the shinigami king and end his reign of terror.

Kingsaif2099 · Fantaisie
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An Explanation

Soichiro wakes up in the tomb and starts feeling dizzy. As he walks out of the tomb Chozen appears in front of him. "Did you beat the trial Kugo?" Chozen asked. Soichiro summons the sword of the wise. "Great Kugo. What did The Wise King say?" Chozen asked. "All he said was to fulfill my destiny as The White Knight and that him and some others were rooting for me." Soichiro replied. "I knew this would happen eventually." Chozen said. "You knew what would happen?" Soichiro asked. "There's something you should know about you and what happened the day your parents died. The day the shinigami invaded Eos your parents told me to take you away from the citadel and leave them behind, they told me to do that because on the day you were born your father received a message from the god Bahamut. Bahamut said that you are the chosen one in your family that will become "The White Knight" the one to bring peace to this world." Chozen explained. "Wow this, this is a lot to take in." Soichiro said. "If I'm the one to bring peace to this earth, then I have to follow through with this destiny." Soichiro stated. "I must say you've matured a lot Kugo. Now we got one regalia down only 14 more to go." Chozen said. "What's the next regalia we're getting next?" Soichiro asked. "The next regalia is … The Bow Of The Clever."