
White Dragon Lord

Staff: anshi (Translator) , LordCeraz (Editor) Sypnosis “Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the troubadour sings of the legend of the dragon and his eternal will”. One fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die. Reincarnated as a white dragon —considered to be the weakest and dullest kind among the evil dragon race. He embarks on his journey in a fantasy world resided by countless races, where danger lurks at every corner along with his brother and sisters to dominate the world. Come along to join him in his adventures and witness the Saga of the White Dragon Lord.

GodOFGames12 · Fantaisie
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110 Chs


Amos came to the breeding base for pets.

In front of a vertical sea cliff, Amos plunged into the bottom of the sea from one end. Only then did he see a huge cave with a diameter of eight meters being grooved on the underwater cliff wall. Murloc guards were patrolling outside the cave entrance.

The murlocs patrolling saw the white dragon entering the water and hurriedly greeted him, while a murloc left to call his superior.

While Amos was looking at the periphery of the cave, a murloc with white scales on his forehead got the news and walked out of the cave.

It came to the white dragon and greeted, "Master! The No.17 War Pet Breeding Base welcomes you."

"Take me in to have a look."


Although the entrance of the cave was very large, it was still too small for Amos. He shrunk himself and followed the murloc into the battle pet breeding base, after passing two gates.

There were murlocs with lightbulb fish cruising back and forth, and the dim lights illuminated the deep caves. For murlocs with night vision, this was enough.

Amos asked, "How is the defensive deployment here?"

The murloc follower said, "Replying to the master, there are two teams of murloc patrols in front of the cave at all times. There are four elite guards at the entrance of the cave. After entering, they have to pass through two gates. There is a team of murlocs patrolling back and forth in the base. To ensure sufficient energy, all personnel on duty alternate in three shifts."

Amos nodded, "Strictly guard this place! You guys are doing a good job!"

"Thanks to the master for the praise, we'll take care of it. Moreover, master, you have specifically instructed that battle pets are of great importance, we will naturally do our best to ensure the safety of the breeding of pets."

Under the command of murloc tide hunters, these battle pets could play a more important role than many murlocs put together, and even dozens of times their combat power. They could be called the main naval battle force under the white dragon. Therefore, the training process of battle pets had always been very good.

After advancing for a while, the followers of the Darkscale murlocs stopped and pointed to the intersections in front of them, "Master, these four caves lead to the seedling breeding bases of large claw crab, swordfish, megalodon and deep-sea giant seal, respectively. Do you want to see that first?"

"Let's visit all of them one by one."

Amos chose the leftmost cave and walked in, followed by his murloc followers.

The seedling breeding base of the squeeze crab was very long and wasn't visible at a glance. The two sides of the cave passage were neatly symmetrical stone chambers.

Amos opened a stone door at random and walked in. He saw a dense square cave.

The cave could accommodate a shoebox-sized young crab claw, but the number of caves was far less than the number of young claw crabs, and many crabs were fighting for the right to live in the cave.

On the ground, there were throngs of crabs with missing arms and legs.

When the murlocs saw Amos looking at the mutilated crabs, they explained, "These squeeze crabs can give birth to nearly a hundred offspring per litter, and the same batch will be sent to the same stone room. These squeeze crabs are aggressive by nature, and as long as they meet, they will fight. Only the cave on the wall is a safe harbour. Therefore, they will continue to fight for the cave for safety."

"We sprinkle food on the ground, so the tong crabs in the caves can't keep nesting inside. After each feeding, there is a new round of competition, which will cause the tong crabs to become disabled, and these disabled tong crabs will soon be taken away by the working murlocs who come to feed them for disposal."

"Until the number of claw crabs in the cave is less than or equal to the number of caves, they will stop fighting. In this way, we will select the strongest part of the claw crab seedlings. At this time, they will be taken away for the next step of training, only those who live till adulthood are qualified to become the pets of tide hunters."

After adulthood, the average body length of the crab claw reaches eight meters, and their whole body is covered with a hard carapace. A pair of huge crab claws could pinch an adults' waist to death. Their effect on the battlefield was comparable to that of a tank, and it could go ashore, so claw crabs had always been one of the key training objects in the pet breeding effort.

The White Dragon Lord nodded in satisfaction, and praised, "Very good, it's better than the original cultivation method!"

One dragon and one murloc came to the swordfish breeding base on the other side.

The murloc family members pointed to the swordfish seedlings in the mud, and introduced, "These swordfish are not as numerous as squeeze crabs, and the newly born seedlings have softer beaks. If they hit a rock wall, their beaks will easily break. It is very troublesome to feed them. These swordfish seedlings are timid and will run around when they are frightened ..."

After watching the swordfish, the White Dragon Lord and the Darkscale murlocs followers watched the breeding stone room of the megalodon and the deep-sea giant chapter. The megalodon and the deep-sea giant chapter were huge and relatively few, each of them was a cub. A separate stone chamber was required for them and professionals who fed them.

After visiting the underwater pet breeding base, Amos came to the breeding base of the copper-backed snapping turtle, the absolute main force of the pet army. Unlike other pets living under the water, the copper-backed snapping turtle breeding base was established on the beach.

Amos saw rows of cabins on the golden beach. This was the residence of murlocs, the keepers of the copper-backed snapping turtles, while the young copper-backed snapping turtles lived by the sea.

Murlocs set up isolation nets on the seashore to keep the predators out of the sea. The cubs of copper-backed snapping turtles lived in the protection circle. Due to a large number of snapping turtles, strong vitality, and survivability, the copper turtles were mainly used for free-range rearing.

Amos happened to meet the murlocs feeding them, and the snapping turtle cubs were like ants, rushing for food on the beach.

The White Dragon Lord glanced at these common snapping turtles and lost interest in them.

The White Dragon Lord went straight to the centre of the island, the heavily guarded artificial lake, which was a base for cultivating outstanding individuals among snapping turtles.

Compared with the scene of refugees grabbing food on the beach, the number of snapping turtles here was much smaller, and the quality varied greatly. The snapping turtles here were selected from millions of snapping turtle cubs. The Selected ones were either outstanding in size or had active magical elements.

Each of them had its speciality. Professional murlocs fed special food and recorded their growth data for high-level reference.

After discussion by the senior management, some of these special snapping turtles would be rewarded, and an outstanding graduate of the Tide Hunter Academy would be given away, and some would be used to mate with other turtle species, and at the same time improve the average level of the ethnic group.

Although these special snapping turtles were excellent, there were no outstanding individuals that Amos was interested in. After all, excellent mutations were not so easy to produce.

The White Dragon Lord was going to see the Ramos giant tortoise, lantern fish, coral polyps and other special sea beast breeding bases. Suddenly, he received a magic message from Ghoul-Garu.