
White Carnations : Love & Blood

A vibrant Lina Williams finally has someone who treats her better than her brothers. But her dark past finally catches up to her, threatening the bond she had with them & the pure blooming love for Avril. A vampire, Avril Alexander who wants to finally end his eternal life meets and falls in love with Lina Williams, changing all his plans. Can love bloom between a vampire with a death wish and an immortal woman holding dark secrets in her lost memory?

jandralitto · Fantaisie
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45 Chs

Chapter 35

"What do you mean you can't come, this is a very important meeting Avril, so stop messing around" muttered Richard.

"They need me, not the other way round" he said gazing at Lina holding him in her sleep.

Richard sighed, "Sometimes I hate that cold rich attitude of yours, get on video call now" Richard hang up

Avril gestured to Tony to get his laptop, he covered Lina and connected the call.

Richard and the other five men stared at the screen when they realised where Avril was.

"My apologies gentlemen, my girlfriend is unwell so I could not make it, hope this would do" he said.

Richard sighed, "Let's not waste time then and go ahead with the meeting"

The others agreed and for the next one hour, they held their meeting.


Lina heard voices next to her, recognizing one as Avril.

Slowly her eyes opened to see him laying next to her talking to someone on his laptop. One arm holds her close while the other is on the laptop.

Lina felt him move and she looked up to meet his gaze, "Your up?" he asked.

"Mmm, did I interrupt you?" she voiced peeking at the screen to see the other six faces staring back. Moving back she turned back to him, "Sorry"

He smiled, looked back at the screen and said, "My partner will handle the rest, have a great evening" disconnected the call and placed the laptop away.

Avril held her up, "Are you still in pain?" he asked.

"No, but how did I get here?" she asked.

"I picked you up"

Lina looked down at her arms and frowned "Oh, but.." then stopped.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing" She turned to get out of bed. Grabbing her arm he pulled her back, "What happened you were in so much pain you passed out" he asked.

Lina gulped avoiding his eyes, "It was a fever" she lied.

"Fever, Lina that wasn't just a fever, something else was wrong. Your whole body was filled with dark veins. Did someone do something to you?" he said.

"It happens sometimes, but it was just a fever" she emphasised.

He could see the pain in her eyes but didn't linger on the topic and let her arm go.

Lina got up ready to leave but had Avril say, "I know it wasn't what you say it was, but when you finally want to tell me I will be ready to listen"

His eyes resting on her paused frame, Avril got out of bed and approached her. Lina felt him near but didn't move, He got closer and his arms embraced her.

"Am sorry" she muttered. He breathed holding her, "it's alright, am not angry" he said.

"Am sorry, Avril. But... but..." She stopped, and he turned her to face him.

"You don't have to tell me, Lina, just make sure when something like this happens you tell me. So I can take care of you, I was so worried that I almost went crazy" he said.

"Am worried that if I do tell you, then you might break up with me" she said.

He chuckled, "Why would I do that, you didn't break up with me when I fed on your blood or after you saw what I was. So how can it be fair for me to do that"

She blinked, "I don't care what you are Avril and you can suck my blood anytime you need, just don't stop liking me"

He smiled embracing her, " I can never stop doing that".... "but hurting you again will never happen again"

"Huh, but what if your hungry and need to do it?" she frowned.

"I won't ever and never do it again"

Lina scowled holding his hand, "It wasn't that painful, if that's what you worried about it".

"Still No," he said.

"But I enjoyed it a little, it was scary but felt good. Even when I fainted, it was worth it cause, after all, I saved you" She smiled.

Avril gaped at Lina, "You enjoyed it?" he repeated.

"Mmm, I didn't want to tell you 'cause you would think am crazy, but I liked every bit of it" Her serious, smiling yet shy look made him look away.

Lina giggled and Avril moved back, "Stop looking at me that way," he said.

"Huh, what way? She laughed.

He turned completely away and she laughed louder.

"I guess you think am crazy now "said Lina..."Since you don't want to look at me let me go to my room "

Avril felt her move and before she could go further he pulled her back, Lina felt his lips meet hers, and his hand shifted to her neck bringing them closer. Tilting her head to the side, Avril tasted her soft lips.

He smiled between their kiss, relishing her sweetness as his hand caressed her smooth cheek. She pulled back catching her breath, his hand leaning her back to him his lips opened hers.

She shuddered holding onto him, their tongues bickering the more they kissed.

Lina jumped wrapping her legs around his waist, supporting her he turned moving back to the bed.

Lina felt her back hit the soft bed and Avril on top of her, his soft searching eyes stared down at Lina before he sealed her lips again with his.

He wanted more, more of her lips, more of her sweetness, more of Lina. Avril's lips travelled down to her neck, kissing the bite marks he had scarred, lingering for a moment then moving back to her lips.

Gasping they pulled away and stared at each other.

"Avril "she called.

"Mmm ".

"How did you make it stop? the side effects of the drug would have lasted the whole night but am fine now "she muttered.

"I sucked it out of your system, "he said.


He smiled, his fingertips tapping the bite marks on her neck, Lina moved her hand touching it.

"It was the only way to relieve your pain, "he said.

Lina pushed him up, sitting now," But then you might have hurt yourself instead "

Avril fell silent, as he recollected how he had thrown up on their way back home after sucking her blood.

"Am stronger than you think "he let out.

"But it doesn't stop me from worrying "She looked away frowning," I just got a boyfriend, I don't want to lose you yet "

Avril chuckled hugging her," And Neither do I, Lina. So please promise me to be careful ".