
Whispers of Zephyrs

In the magical city of Eldrin, young Kael discovers an ancient Resonance Stone that awakens powerful magical abilities within him. Under the guidance of the mysterious Morven, Kael learns to harness these powers, navigating a world where magic is as dangerous as it is enchanting. Alongside Lila, a skilled thief with secrets of her own, Kael delves into Eldrin’s shadowy underbelly, unearthing artifacts that challenge everything he knows about magic and morality.

xelvet_ · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Trial by Combat

Kael woke to the sound of the cell door creaking open. His body ached from the previous days' relentless training, but he forced himself to sit up. The Blink Mage stood in the doorway, her expression as cold and unreadable as ever.

"Get up," she commanded. "Today, we test your progress."

Kael climbed to his feet, his muscles protesting every movement. He followed the Blink Mage down the dimly lit corridors of the council's stronghold, his mind racing with questions about what lay ahead. They reached a large, open chamber with high walls and a dirt floor. A makeshift arena had been set up, and the air was thick with tension.

Around the edges of the arena stood other prisoners, their expressions a mix of fear and resignation. Kael's heart sank as he realized what was about to happen. The Blink Mage had brought him here to fight—to prove his worth through combat.

"Today, you will fight," she announced, her voice echoing through the chamber. "This is no sparring match. This is a battle for survival. You will face another prisoner. Only one of you will walk away."

Kael's eyes scanned the crowd, his gaze settling on a large, muscular man with a scarred face. The man looked back at him with a cold, calculating stare. Kael felt a chill run down his spine.

The Blink Mage gestured to the center of the arena. "Step forward, both of you."

Kael and his opponent moved to the center of the arena, their movements slow and deliberate. The Blink Mage's eyes glinted with anticipation.

"There will be no magic," she declared. "Anyone who uses magic will be punished severely. This is a test of raw physical strength and weapon skill."

She handed Kael a spear, the same one he had been training with. His opponent was given a large, double-edged sword. Kael's grip tightened on the spear, his mind focused on the coming battle.

"Begin," the Blink Mage commanded.

Kael's opponent wasted no time, charging at him with a roar. The man's strength was evident in his powerful strides and the way he swung the sword with deadly precision. Kael dodged the first strike, feeling the rush of air as the blade sliced past him.

He countered with a quick thrust of the spear, aiming for his opponent's midsection. The man deflected the blow with his sword, the force of the clash reverberating through Kael's arms. The impact left a dent in the dirt floor, a testament to their superhuman strength.

They circled each other, both aware that a single mistake could be fatal. Kael's mind raced as he tried to anticipate his opponent's next move. The man was experienced, his movements calculated and efficient. Kael knew he had to use his agility and speed to gain an advantage.

His opponent lunged again, swinging the sword in a wide arc. Kael ducked under the blade, using the momentum to pivot and strike at the man's legs. The spear's tip grazed his opponent's thigh, drawing blood but not slowing him down.

The man roared in anger, his eyes blazing with fury. He swung the sword with renewed ferocity, forcing Kael to backpedal and defend. Each strike was powerful and relentless, the clang of metal echoing through the chamber.

Kael's muscles burned with exertion, but he refused to give up. He focused on his training, channeling his strength and precision into every movement. He could feel the energy of the fight coursing through him, sharpening his senses and heightening his reflexes.

His opponent's attacks grew more erratic, driven by rage and desperation. Kael saw an opening and seized it, thrusting the spear with all his might. The tip pierced his opponent's shoulder, eliciting a cry of pain.

But the man was not defeated yet. He swung the sword with his uninjured arm, aiming for Kael's head. Kael ducked just in time, the blade missing him by inches. He rolled to the side, coming up in a crouch, ready to strike again.

His opponent's movements were slower now, the wound in his shoulder sapping his strength. Kael knew he had to end the fight quickly. He lunged forward, using his spear to parry the sword and disarm his opponent. The sword clattered to the ground, leaving the man defenseless.

Kael hesitated, the spear poised to strike. His opponent looked up at him, a mixture of fear and defiance in his eyes. For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

"Finish it," the Blink Mage's voice cut through the silence, cold and unyielding.

Kael's grip tightened on the spear. He didn't want to kill, but he knew he had no choice. This was a battle for survival, and mercy had no place here. He drove the spear forward, the tip plunging into his opponent's chest.

The man's eyes widened in shock, then slowly dimmed as the life drained from his body. Kael pulled the spear free, his hands trembling. He had won, but the victory felt hollow.

The Blink Mage stepped forward, her expression one of satisfaction. "Well done, Kael. You have proven your worth."

Kael looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and despair. "What have you made me become?"

She smiled, a cruel glint in her eyes. "I am making you stronger. This is just the beginning. You will face many more trials before you are ready."

The other prisoners watched in silence, their faces a mix of fear and respect. Kael felt a surge of determination. He would endure whatever the Blink Mage threw at him. He would become stronger, not for her, but for himself and for those he cared about.