
Echoes of the past

He stood there in the strange bathroom, a sense of unease gnawing at the edges of his mind as he pondered his options. Escape seemed like the only solution, but the thought of venturing beyond the safety of the room filled him with a paralyzing fear.

Frightened by the prospect of what lay beyond, he found himself trapped in a vicious cycle of indecision. With each turn, he circled the confines of the bathroom, his mind racing as he weighed the risks and rewards of each possible course of action.

Desperate to quell the rising tide of panic that threatened to consume him, he forced himself to focus, drawing upon every ounce of inner strength to steady his trembling nerves. With each breath, he sought to calm the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within him, determined to find a way out of this nightmarish labyrinth.

But as the moments stretched into eternity, the walls of the bathroom seemed to close in around him, suffocating him in their oppressive embrace. Despite his best efforts, he could not shake the feeling of impending doom that hung heavy in the air.

When he finally found the resolve within himself, he exited the bathroom and headed towards the other door. It looked exactly the same as the first one—a simple wooden barrier standing between him and the unknown. He stood there, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, knowing that he had no other choice but to press forward.

"It's not like I have any other choice," he muttered to himself, the words a feeble attempt to quell the rising tide of fear that threatened to engulf him. With a shaking hand and a mind trembling with uncertainty, he reached out and turned the knob, the creak of the hinges echoing in the stillness of the room.

As the door swung open, he was met with a sight that caused his mind to reel in horror. There, sprawled upon the floor in a pool of blood, lay a corpse. The sight was enough to send a shiver down his spine, his stomach churning with revulsion at the gruesome scene before him.

With one hand gripping the frame of the door for support and the other tightly clutching the handle of the knife, Elysian forced himself to study the scene before him, his heart pounding in his chest with a mixture of dread and disbelief. The dead body lay sprawled on its back, a haunting sight that sent shivers down his spine.

The woman was young, her raven-black hair cascading in soft waves around her delicate features. Her skin, pale as moonlight, bore a serene expression, as if frozen in eternal slumber. She wore a nightgown, its delicate fabric adorned with intricate patterns embroidered in gold thread. But the beauty of her attire was marred by the stains of blood that mottled the fabric, a grim reminder of the violence that had befallen her.

As he beheld the lifeless figure before him, a deep sorrow gripped Elysian's heart, as if some part of his mind recognized the woman lying in the pool of blood. It was a strange sensation, as though he knew her from a distant past, yet could not place where or how. The sight of her delicate features, framed by raven-black hair and set against soft white skin, stirred something within him—an echo of familiarity that he could not ignore.

He stood there, transfixed by the sight of the lifeless form before him, when he felt something cold running down his cheeks. Startled, he reached up with a trembling hand, only to realize that he was crying. But it was not tears of fear that flowed from his eyes; it was tears of profound sadness.

He couldn't comprehend why he felt such a deep sorrow for the woman lying before him, yet the emotion was undeniable. It was as though her death had stirred something within him, awakening a wellspring of grief that he could not explain. Perhaps it was the echo of familiarity he had felt upon seeing her.

As he continued to gaze upon the lifeless form through blurry eyes, Elysian's attention was drawn to something extremely strange. Surrounding the woman on the wood flooring were peculiar engravings, etched into the surface with an air of mystery that filled his mind with dread.

The markings seemed to twist and coil around her body in intricate patterns, their meaning obscured by the veil of time. They were unlike anything he had ever seen before, their otherworldly nature sending a shiver down his spine. Each line and curve held a silent secret, a cryptic message that seemed to taunt him with its unknowable significance.

Despite the profound fear that gripped him, Elysian summoned the last vestiges of his courage and walked with hesitant footsteps towards the woman. Each step felt like an eternity, his heart pounding in his chest with the weight of impending dread.

Once in front of her, he knelt down, his movements slow and deliberate as he sought to get a better look at both the body and the mysterious engravings. With a trembling hand, he reached out to gently brush aside a lock of her raven-black hair, revealing the pristine features of her face.

Her skin was as pale as alabaster, smooth and unblemished save for the cruel stain of blood that marred her beauty. Her delicate features bore an expression of eternal peace, as if she had been frozen in time at the moment of her death. But despite the serenity of her visage, there was a haunting sadness that lingered in the depths of her eyes, a silent testament to the tragedy of her untimely demise.

As he studied her face, Elysian felt a wave of sorrow wash over him, the weight of her loss pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket. It was as if he could feel her pain, her fear, her longing for a life that had been cruelly snuffed out.

Looking down at the engravings, Elysian felt a deep sense of fear and regret wash over him like a tidal wave. The markings seemed to writhe and twist on the wood's surface, as if alive with some malevolent energy that sent a shiver down his spine.

With a hesitant hand, he reached out to touch the engravings, his fingers trembling as they made contact with the ancient symbols. But as his skin brushed against the carved lines, a throbbing pain assaulted his mind, sending shockwaves of agony rippling through his consciousness.

In that moment, he heard whispers and screams echoing in the depths of his mind, a cacophony of tortured souls and eldritch entities vying for dominance. The voices seemed to claw at his sanity, threatening to drag him into the abyss of madness.

With a gasp, Elysian jolted aside, recoiling from the engravings as if burned. He retreated, pulling his hand back as if it had been scorched by fire, his heart pounding in his chest with the intensity of his terror. Whatever dark power lay within those markings, he knew that he dared not delve further into their mysteries, lest he risk losing himself to the darkness that lurked within.

The moment seemed to stretch into an eternity, the searing pain from touching the engravings etched into his mind like a haunting memory. As Elysian crawled on the floor, gasping for breath, the intensity of the experience lingered, leaving him shaken to his core. After a few moments, he managed to pull himself back up, determined to put some distance between himself and the malevolent symbols.

Deciding not to approach the engravings anymore, his eyes swept around the room. It revealed itself as a kitchen, but not like any he had seen before—it bore the markings of a medieval setting. 

The kitchen boasted a large hearth with charred wood logs inside. Cookware made of rough-hewn metal hung from hooks, and a wooden table with uneven legs stood in the center of the room. The shelves were lined with jars containing mysterious ingredients, their labels faded with time. A large cauldron, blackened from years of use, hung over the hearth.

On one side of the room lay a narrow window, its panes frosted with age and grime. Through the dusty glass, Elysian could glimpse a narrow street, bathed in the ethereal glow of the pale moonlight. Shadows danced along the cobblestones, casting eerie shapes that seemed to shift and writhe in the darkness.

Opposite the window stood a thick wooden door, its weathered surface bearing the scars of countless years. It loomed ominously in the dim light, a barrier between Elysian and whatever lay beyond. Though tempted to explore further, a sense of unease gnawed at him, warning him of the dangers that lurked in the unknown.

For a moment, he hesitated, torn between the desire to escape this strange place and the fear of what he might encounter beyond the safety of the kitchen. But as the silence of the room enveloped him like a suffocating blanket, he knew that he could not linger here forever. With a determined nod, he steeled himself for whatever lay ahead and approached the door, his hand reaching out to grasp the worn handle.