revenge is the misguided attempt to transform shame and pain into pride. Being forsaken and neglected, ignored and forgotten, revenge seems a fairly competent obligation at this point. It doesn't matter who I have to hurt to get what I lost even if I have to get tortured,lied, manipulated at the end I always get what I want
I opened my eyes and started moving up the tree. Reaching the top of the tree My cold pale hands reach over the rowlet's head where a blue circular berry with smaller dark blue spots.
It was an oran berry if memory serves me well. It feels like a well blueberry so smooth to the touch. Unlike blueberries the oran berry is almost big enough to fit in my adolescent hands.
Moving it closer to my mouth the taste of the fruit is almost sickeningly sweet, way too sweet for me to eat in my past or now in my new life. Taking another bite I greedily take in the sweet fruit. In five bites The fruit was no more. Looking over at the bird I pondered my next move. In hindsight taking a wild animal and sleeping near it no matter how cool is a bad idea. Now I'll have to feed, wash and teach the little creature how to fight and to not shit or pee in buildings. Now how to wake it up without it ripping my hand off. I decided on moving the branch a little bit to the side. Eventually my approach in waking up had worked and i had a confused dazed pokemon on my hands. I coughed to get its attention and when I had it I raised my voice " It's time to eat breakfast or leave to go looking for a town". "There is an oran berry above you if you're hungry" pointing upwards to the berries in the highest branch.
Rowlet decided on eating three of the berries on the tree after he she i don't know floats down. To my arm resting on my arm. I look appreciating its soft feathers and its sharp talons dig into my arm. Fortunately the talons aren't sharp enough to make me bleed. We start on a walk going at a slow but steady pace.
Going through a bush We kept walking when we abruptly heard a voice pleading for assistance. We quickly located a young man who was resting on the ground in a small area after following the sound. He was a hiker I guess as he had a backpack with hiking gear, and he seemed to become disoriented while in the woods lost just like myself in this hell hole of a forest.
Rowlet hovered nearby, keeping an eye on us as I moved to his side and helped him stand. Ethan was happy to see us and appreciative of our help. He was speaking in a different language screaming bloody murder.
The boy with brown hair, his eyes closed, his skinny arms wrapped around his right leg. Crouched over his body I pulled him up and took a good look at him I realized that this was a good friend of mine. The essential questions on why is he also trapped in this forest and how come he has hiking gear will wait for later. I made him focus on me and I hoped to god that there were no weird shenanigans going on and he still spoke english. "Ethan you good bro".
Apparently he did not speak English as his face scrunched up in a confused expression.
I then decide to do the universal sign and follow me and we make our way to a dark part of the forest.
There is a fog growing the further we go in the deeper it goes we stop at a tree when we all get settled Ethan pulls out his small phone out of his pocket and starts typing on it. I asked him a valid question "why the hell did you not pull out your phone sooner when I found you" focusing on the phone I read the message that is in the English alphabet thank god and it said "why are you speaking a different language". I grab the phone softly from his hands and delete his message and type "I'm not speaking a different language you are" I put the phone back into his hands as he takes in the phone message with apprehension and types a response "your speaking a different language". Oh well I guess that makes sense since at least one of us is speaking in a different language because of the dimension shift numbo jumbo. I grab the phone and type "meet rowlet he's some bird i found that just so happens to be a pokemon were in the pokemon verse if you did not know that already and when we find someone anyone don't tell them were from a different planet for god's sake or arceus sake now". Ethan takes in the sudden information as well as you would suspect. He panicked and eventually calmed down with some reassurance that he could not understand but understanding the gesture. He then after a minute gave a response to me that was a few words "i'm going to sleep i'll think about this later".
Thinking that sleep would be a good idea right about now. I join him in the world of sleep for the night, forgetting about my issues for a few minutes.
When I woke up it's pitch dark outside and felt a liquid on my face rolling down past my cheek.
I look up to see the disturbance and I wish I didn't.
It was an arachnid that had red with a black stripe on the tail; it had four legs that were predominantly yellow and pink stripes on the bottom. And what finished the image was a nasty white horn oozing some type of purple liquid which is no doubt some type of poison. It opened up its mouth and shot a web at me and I dodge so I did the only reasonable scream bloody murder therefore waking up Ethan and the rowlet I let out a yell saying " Attack help help".
Ethan ran up to me with rowlet on his heel. I start shouting out commands to rowlet to circle and attack. I'm not sure if it will listen to me being its first battle. And rowlet goes up and the air and doges the ariados webs while I grab a big sturdy stick while ethan brandishing a hiking cane in his hand with both hands having a death grip on the cane.
I scream out leafage pointing at the ariados rowlet ignores me or doesn't know what I'm talking about, lets out a war cry and dives at the insect and those a barrel roll into its beak glowing as it rams into the arachnid. Ariados falls on to the ground with a splat and gets up and hits a purple web at rowlet.
Rowlet, unaware of the attack, gets nailed and grounded and Ethan and I rush over to aid the bird. But we were too late and the rowlet got pulled over to Ariados and when it reached I saw its big fangs gleaming in the moonlight with poison dripping strikes at the rowlets face ripping off skin and muscle in five bites. Rowlets screams are deafening in the empty clearing. And all too late We arrive and I bludgeoned it with my stick blood coming out of its face going all over me and Ethan and the corpse. Ethan swings his cane at the head multiple times.
With a screech it dies in pain as it gets bludgeoned to death. Me and Ethan look at the cooling bodies and run till our legs can't any more. Collapsing over into unconsciousness.
i wonder why every time an ariados shows up something dies is it just me or is that a common theme im still re uploading