

The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one's own discretion is an Act of Free Will.

Now a Question comes to mind, "Does it really Exist? What about Fate and Destiny?"

"Destiny is the inevitable or necessary fate to which a person or thing is destined; one's lot. And as a predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control."

Some people say that your destiny is predetermined. Supposedly we are born, things happen to us, and then life ends. The idea that one's destiny directs all life can be overwhelming. Is it true that human beings can't change anything? If everything is inevitable and unavoidable, what about "Free Will".

Destiny is the true spiritual law governing interactions. It starts with the energy of a single thought, which develops and grows over time through our feelings, attitude, words, actions, and relations. It finally settles into our souls as personality traits, only to emerge again in the form of another thought.

Whenever a human being acts, we set off a force that reacts. This energy may be changed, but only if it is recognized.

The law of Destiny or Neuton's Third Law of Motion. Every single action results in a reaction. We have a choice in what initial actions that we take. Then we have our free will to respond to the energy force that returns to us as the resulting reaction. Through our free will, we can choose actions that bring success and happiness to ourselves and others.

In essence, we reap what we sow. we harvest our Destiny. The joy of living requires our participation. Our actions and reactions continue throughout our lives. Destiny is not crime and punishment at all. We have chosen the circumstances that we are living today through our actions in the past.

Today's World is a result of the actions taken by the Ancestors of Mankind. So let's ask ourselves, 'What If Mankind never learned how to Cultivate Crops? Will we be born as Nomads? What if Medicine was Never Invented? Would we be still alive To this Day? How about if World War 2 never happened?'

Think of a Traumatic Event that Happened in your Life, Now What If it never happened? Will the Person Standing Here will be the Same Person That is Here Now?

As we learn and grow through experience, we are shaping our destiny. Making decisions and taking actions create our Destiny and shape our future. Therefore, Since Time Immemorial Mankind has been blessed with 'Free Will'.