
Hero Here Save the Country

This looks nice... I thought to myself, admiring the jacket in the mirror.

"Right, right!" Hanna chuckled, clearly pleased with her choice.

I nodded, a smile playing on my lips. Maybe a change of style wasn't such a bad idea after all.

We continued shopping, Hanna picking out a few more items for me: a pair of slim-fit jeans, a graphic t-shirt with a vintage design, and a pair of comfortable sneakers. I also picked up a few accessories, including a stylish beanie and a leather bracelet.

By the time we were done, I had a whole new wardrobe, and I couldn't wait to try it all on. Hanna, too, had found several pieces for her upcoming performance, including a flowing white dress with delicate lace detailing and a pair of knee-high boots that screamed confidence.

As we left the store, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Hanna's help. She had not only helped me update my wardrobe but had also made the experience fun and enjoyable. I was starting to see her not just as an idol, but as a friend, someone I could genuinely connect with.

"So you really only buy from that store?" I asked her while holding her bags.

She nodded. "Yeah! Since my stage outfits always have brands, so... yeah, I just need some non-branded clothes for everyday wear."

I smiled. "Well, I have to admit, you have good taste. I'm actually excited to wear these new clothes."

Hanna beamed. "I'm glad you like them! Now, let's go find something to eat. All this shopping has made me hungry."

We wandered through the mall, eventually settling on a cozy Japanese restaurant. As we ate, we continued to chat, our conversation flowing easily from fashion to music to our dreams for the future.

"Hey, Xian," she called me suddenly, her voice a little hesitant.


"You know those heroes that went viral this week, right?"

I raised an eyebrow at her sudden question. "Yeah, they're pretty popular, aren't they?"

"You know, you and your friends saved the concert that night with your bare hands, right!?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

I nodded, a slight smile playing on my lips.

"Do you think... those heroes were actually you guys~?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and playful teasing.

I wouldn't tell her the truth. Like... why would I? I thought to myself.

I shook my head, feigning innocence. "No way, they couldn't be us."

Hanna pouted playfully. "Aw, come on, Xian. You can't fool me. I saw the way you and your friend handled that fire guy at the concert. You were both so brave and strong."

I chuckled nervously, trying to maintain my composure. "It was just a lucky coincidence," I lied, hoping she would buy it.

She leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Really? Or maybe you're just hiding your secret identity?"

I felt my cheeks flush, a nervous laugh escaping my lips. "What secret identity? I'm just a regular guy, Hanna."

She giggled, then her expression turned thoughtful. "But seriously though... those people aren't supposed to be in this world, right? Like, this world is supposed to be free of magic and all that..."

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. I didn't want to scare her or put her in danger, but I also didn't want to lie to her.

"Well..." I began, choosing my words carefully, "let's just say that the world is a lot more complicated than it seems. There are things out there, hidden in the shadows, that most people don't know about. And sometimes, those things can be dangerous."

Hanna's eyes widened, her curiosity piqued. "Like ghosts?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

I nodded. "Ghosts, spirits, other beings... they exist, Hanna. And sometimes, they need our help."

She looked at me, a mix of awe and fear in her eyes. "That's... incredible," she said softly. "And scary."

"Don't worry, most of them aren't a threat..." I reassured her.

"Oh right, that police officer said you can see ghosts!" she exclaimed, remembering the conversation at the concert.

I was taken aback. Why does she remember that? I nodded. "Yeah, kind of..."

A comfortable silence settled between us as Hanna digested this new information. The jazz music played softly in the background, and the aroma of coffee and pastries filled the air. It was a normal, everyday scene, yet the conversation we were having was anything but ordinary.

Ting! A notification sound, not from my phone, broke the silence.

Hanna opened her phone, her eyes widening in shock. "Oh my god, I forgot I have training today! I'm so sorry, Xian, I have to go..."

"It was nice having this...date with you, Hanna," I said, a playful smile on my lips.

She chuckled, "Nice to meet you too! See you again!"

I stayed seated, watching her run away with her quick, small steps. It was endearing.

Whoosh! IM suddenly appeared in the chair opposite me.

"They didn't mess with us. They just watched from a distance," he reported.

"Her friends?"

"Yeah, her friends."

"That's good," I sighed in relief. "I was worried they might try something."

"They seemed more curious than anything else," IM said, a thoughtful look on his face. "Maybe they were just curious about who Hanna was hanging out with."

"Heh, maybe," I replied, chuckling softly.

We sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in our own thoughts. The cafe was still bustling with activity, but the noise seemed to fade into the background as we contemplated the events of the day.

"So, what do you think about Lili?" IM asked, breaking the silence.

I shrugged. "She seems nice enough. A bit timid, but I guess that's understandable considering what she's been through."

"Do you think we can trust her?" IM pressed, his voice serious.

"I think so," I replied, after a moment of thought. "She seems genuinely remorseful about what she did, and she wants to make amends. Besides, we could use someone with her abilities on our team."

IM nodded slowly. "I guess you're right. But we'll need to keep a close eye on her, just to be safe."

"Agreed," I said. "We can't afford to let our guard down, not with the Seers out there."

We finished our drinks and left the cafe, stepping back into the bustling mall. The crowd seemed even larger now, the air filled with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and the jingle of cash registers. It was a world away from the darkness we had faced just a few hours earlier.

As we made our way towards the exit, IM nudged me playfully. "So, about that date with Hanna..." he started, a mischievous grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes. "It wasn't a date, IM," I said, but I couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at my lips.

"Whatever you say, Xian," IM chuckled. "But you can't deny that there's something special between you two."

I shrugged, my cheeks flushing slightly. "Maybe you're right," I admitted softly.


It was night again, and time to resume our duties as the Anti-Gangster. In a narrow alleyway, Yolan, IM, Lili, and I were huddled together, looking at a device I had created with my imagination. It was designed to detect threats, and it was currently displaying a red dot on its screen.

"There's a red dot. They're nearby, the gangsters," I announced.

"Are they the same ones we dealt with yesterday?" Yolan asked, her grip tightening on the device.

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Well, let's go find out," IM said, a mischievous grin spreading across his masked face.

"Wait," Lili interjected, her voice hesitant. "I'm still not sure about this whole... fighting thing."

Yolan placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Lili. We'll have your back. Just stick close to us, and we'll make sure you're safe."

Lili nodded, a flicker of determination replacing the apprehension in her eyes.

We followed the red dot on the device, moving swiftly through the darkened alleyways. The air was thick with the scent of garbage and stale urine, a stark contrast to the luxurious surroundings of the mansion we had infiltrated earlier.

The red dot led us to a dimly lit warehouse district, its crumbling buildings casting long, eerie shadows in the moonlight. We could hear the faint sounds of shouting and laughter coming from one of the smaller warehouses.

"What should we do when we go inside?" Lili asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"Beat them all, and teach them a lesson that being a gangster isn't cool," I replied, my voice firm and resolute.

"They love abandoned warehouses..." Yolan said in a whisper.

"Big and free space," I replied, understanding their logic.

Just then, IM reappeared through the wall, a smirk on his face. "They seem to be having a drunken party."

"Really? That's easy then...." Yolan said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

IM raised an eyebrow. "Easy? You have a plan?"

Yolan grinned. "Of course. We'll just crash their party and give them a little surprise."

I chuckled. "Sounds like your style."

< Chapter 138 > Fin.