
Bazaar Is Happening II

The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together, but many questions remained. How did my family's history intersect with that of the Seers? What was the true nature of the power that Ki Janggala had sought to control? And what did all of this mean for my own destiny?

I closed the book, my mind buzzing with thoughts. I needed to talk to Lenna, to share this new information with her.

"But why didn't my ancestor mention this in the book?" I asked, a frown creasing my brow. "His people were supposed to be the ones fighting against the Seers, weren't they? His name was Wali Ra Kian..."

I flipped through the pages of the book, searching for any mention of the conflict between the Unveiled and the Seers.

"But why didn't my ancestor mention this in the book?" I asked, a frown creasing my brow. "His people were supposed to be the ones fighting against the Seers, weren't they? His name was Wali Ra Kian..."

I flipped through the pages of the book, searching for any mention of the conflict between the Unveiled and the Seers.

I blinked, my mind still racing with questions. I pulled out the book once more, then grabbed my phone and snapped a few pictures of the pages. I sent them to the Unveiled Family group chat without any explanation.

[Me: Send Picture]

I turned off my phone and tucked the book back into my bag, a sense of urgency building within me. I needed to find out more about the Seers and their connection to the Unveiled. The answers, it seemed, were hidden somewhere in the depths of my family's past.

Just then, the classroom door burst open, and a wave of students poured in, their voices filling the once quiet space.

Huh... why is everyone coming back at the same time? I wondered, a frown creasing my brow.

Marcel spotted me and Roro's group sitting at our desks. "Hey, you guys are already here?" he asked, his voice laced with surprise. "Weren't you supposed to be outside for the opening ceremony?"

Everyone turned to look at us.

Monic chimed in, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Don't tell me... you guys didn't go outside?"

Me, Roro, and his friends shook our heads in unison.

The other classmates just groaned and made their way to their seats.

Marcel stood in front of my desk, shaking his head in disapproval. "Geez, Xian, you were supposed to be at the gate to greet people," he said, his tone laced with a hint of amusement.

"Well, I didn't know," I mumbled defensively.

Rayhan approached us, his brow furrowed in concern. "Xian, you didn't check the class group chat, did you?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, why?"

"That's why, told everyone to meet at the gate for the opening ceremony..."

Roro, who had been listening quietly, chimed in. "I knew I was supposed to be outside, but I wanted to stay here," he admitted with a nonchalant shrug.

I didn't even care that you were here.

I thought to myself, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

I turned back to Rayhan. "So, is the opening ceremony over?"

"Yeah, it is," he confirmed. "Now we just need to go to our stall and start selling. Did you bring anything to sell?"

I shook my head.

I'm not really a salesman, I thought with a sigh.

"Well, I wouldn't say that," I replied, trying to hide my amusement at Roro's sudden change in tone. "I just helped out with some of the promotional stuff."

"Oh, right," Roro said, his smile fading slightly. "Well, good luck with the festival. I'm sure your face on those posters will attract a lot of customers to our stall."

I nodded absentmindedly, my thoughts already drifting back to the mysteries surrounding my family and the Unveiled.

Just then, a senior student entered the classroom. "Um... is Xian here?" he asked, scanning the room.

Everyone turned to look at me. I recognized him as the senior who had take me to the student council room the day before.

I stood up and walked towards him. "Yes?" I asked, a sense of foreboding washing over me.

"Ah, since everyone has seen your face on the posters and flyers, even students from other schools, we were wondering if you could be the MC for the festival?" he asked, a hopeful look on his face.

Silence hung in the air as I considered his proposal.

I nodded slowly. "Sure," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "What do I need to say?"

"We've prepared some notes for you," he replied, handing me a stack of papers. "But feel free to improvise and add your own personal touch."

I nodded again.

"Great!" he exclaimed, visibly relieved. "Then I'll take you to the student council room to go over the details."

I followed the senior to the student council room, my mind racing. Being an MC wasn't exactly something I had envisioned for myself, but if it meant I could avoid another mind-numbing lesson, I was willing to give it a shot.

The student council room was bustling with activity, with students rushing around, making last-minute preparations for the bazaar. Lenna was nowhere to be seen, probably busy with her own tasks.

The senior handed me the script, a thick stack of papers filled with neatly typed words and stage directions. "This is the basic outline for the opening ceremony, Feel free to add your own flair and improvise where you see fit."

I skimmed through the pages, my eyes glazing over the generic platitudes and forced enthusiasm. "This is... a lot," I mumbled, feeling a headache coming on.

The senior chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll do great, just be yourself, and the crowd will love you."

I wasn't so sure about that, but I nodded anyway. I didn't have much choice in the matter. I had already agreed to help promote the bazaar, and being the MC was just another part of the deal.

As the senior left me to practice my lines, I sank into a nearby chair, a wave of exhaustion washing over me. The stress of the past few days, coupled with the constant reminders of my powers and the looming threat of the Harbinger, was taking its toll.

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the task at hand. I needed to memorize this script, deliver a convincing performance.

Just then, Luna, the student council president, approached me. "Good morning, Xian Ying," she greeted me with a warm smile. "Are you nervous about being the MC?"

I looked at her and shook my head. "Not really, I just want to know what I should talk about."

"Ah, yes, sorry about that," Luna apologized. "Our original MC came down with a fever this morning. Since you're already a bit of a celebrity around here, we thought you'd be the perfect replacement."

< Chapter 049 > Fin.