
While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Did I reincarnate? Or was I transported to an Isekai cultivation world? To be honest, I have no clue! What matters is that I turned from being useless, bullied, and trash, to fully-fledged garbage in my new cultivation world! But what is this strange bleep that keeps ringing in my ears? Is this some kind of system? Oh God! Did you gift me such a cliché, right at the start of my journey? Wait, why are you trying to kill me? Did I do something to you? Stand back or I will be forced to use unstoppable Exhudia! Tell me, what did she do for you to treat your significant other in this way? Let me show you how girlfriends should be taken care of! Wait, everyone was always telling me that demons are bad, so why is this demonic queen trying to seduce me? Wait! KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS SWORD! I just came back from a mission and was promised at least a half a year of break. Why are you bothering me again with something as silly as subjugating a devil general? ********************** Discord link: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ ********************* DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover. It was made with the help of fellow author(ess?) with the usage of possibly copyrighted images. If you own the rights to any part of the cover and want me to take it down, please, inform me on my discord or comment.

MotivatedSloth · Oriental
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641 Chs

Melty reunion

What is even this beastmaster that they are muttering about?

Thinking about the name itself, it would imply that I have some strange ability to tame the fucking demonic beasts! But who would want to do such a thing? While I admit that its fur was insanely soft and I would love to pet it for the rest of my life, that doesn't prove anything!

In this world where the strength remains supreme, only a stupid person would risk their entire life trying to subdue a monster of similar strength! While it is true that for cultivators and beasts on the same level, the beast will always be physically tougher, stronger or faster, with the addition of various techniques and martial arts, the balance between those two sides of a coin was saved.

That's why I couldn't wrap my head around the faces of the sect cultivators when they heard sect master's muttering as well. Instead of ridicule, their expressions were filled with awe! But wait, that means they think I actually negotiated with this penguin instead of fighting it?

Right now, the even better question was how did they manage to find me in such a short amount of time? While this fight might seem long for me because of how intense and dangerous it was, in the end, it didn't take more than just twenty or thirty minutes! If we didn't go in circles while hunting gyuarnas with Eve, it was damn impossible to go to the sect and back in that time, even if one were to know the exact route and destination!

I remember this strange voice from the visions proclaiming that I will understand everything about the matters tackled by the mortal realm cultivators. It seems that it couldn't be further from the truth as I'm as flabbergasted by the situation as are the sect cultivators with their master leading them in the contest of making a weird face!

But at this moment, all of that didn't really matter. The only thing that could get my attention was the calmness born from Eve's body hugged tightly into mine! While I could feel her softness all around, my hand involuntarily moved on top of her head and started rubbing her hair in an attempt to calm her down.

"I don't know what they think about me being a so-called 'beastmaster', but I had to give all the loot from our hunt to this strange demonic beast so that it can recover at least a bit of its strength."

With my hand still brushing her head, I pull her even closer to prevent her from jumping out in fright. I can only imagine how will she interpret those words, so denying her the chance to do so and explaining myself is the way to go.

"While it sounds ridiculous, this forest needs this big… Oh, little guy to function properly. If such a powerful figure suddenly disappeared, the power balance among the beasts would crumble. I don't want to be the one responsible for such an event!"

Upon hearing those words, Eve suddenly flared with strength and managed to raise her head from my breast. With drops of tears lingering in the corner of her eyes and trembling mouths, she stared in my eyes as if unable to look anywhere else.

"Why do you care about such minor details!"


As if angered by my concern over the forest well-being, she started hitting my chest with her small fists.

"Did you not think how worried I was! All the way to the sect and back I was sure that I will be able to see your cold corpse at best!"

With this outburst of emotions, she fell down on my chest again and started outright crying!


So that how it feels when a girl uses your shoulder - or rather chest in this situation - to cry her heart out!

Feeling her body trembling in my embrace, I can't think of anything more pleasant than this. It's like I'm some sort of relief worker who just saved a puppy who can't express how thankful it is!

With Eve's tiny body hidden under my arms, I don't know where I should place my eyes. Looking around, I see a sect master jumping down from her mount and coming my way. I can guess what is the topic she wants to tackle with me, but with this sobbing mess on me, I'm in no state to talk about any serious topic!

Grabbing Eve's chin with my hand, I raise her head.


Before she can finish her sentence, I push my lips against hers.

In the first moment, I can feel her entire body tense from my sudden kiss, but after just a short moment it relaxes completly. After only a few second passes, instead of only receiving my passion, she starts to actually give back!

As my tongue enters her jaw, she is eager to intertwine it with hers. Finally taking another taste of her saliva, I can feel her body heating up and slightly squirming as our kiss continues.

But everything has its limits!

We are in the middle of an empty field with eyes of the cream top of her sect glued to us. Calming her down with a kiss is okay, but developing this situation further would be an affront to the sect master who is just a few steps away now!

Pulling my head back, I can see Eve's dreamy expression, with drops of our mixed saliva spilling down from her slightly open mouth. While the longing and annoyance in her eyes are nearly enough for me to ignore everything and indulge myself back in the taste of her lips, the figure of her master standing right in front of us succesfully kills my momentary affection.

"Now now, can you stop this lovebirds act and actually give me some explanation for this mess?"

Hello guys!

Sorry for the late chapter and one of the chapters from yesterday missing, but I have some news for you all.

Right now I'm going through some very time-consuming stuff (finishing off my current work, preparing to move to another city etc), so I was hardly able to sit down and write anything. If nothing changes (and it is common for my plans to be disturbed right now) for a few more days (2-3 days at most) I will turn to post only a single guaranteed chapter daily.

Whenever I will have some free time, I will write as much as I can because I'm very eager to bring out some scenes that will happen in the near chapters.

Sorry for disappointing you and I hope you can keep up with my selfish person who dares to have real-life outside of writing! (Just a joke tho, reading the topmost post on the forum made me laugh so hard!)

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