
While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Did I reincarnate? Or was I transported to an Isekai cultivation world? To be honest, I have no clue! What matters is that I turned from being useless, bullied, and trash, to fully-fledged garbage in my new cultivation world! But what is this strange bleep that keeps ringing in my ears? Is this some kind of system? Oh God! Did you gift me such a cliché, right at the start of my journey? Wait, why are you trying to kill me? Did I do something to you? Stand back or I will be forced to use unstoppable Exhudia! Tell me, what did she do for you to treat your significant other in this way? Let me show you how girlfriends should be taken care of! Wait, everyone was always telling me that demons are bad, so why is this demonic queen trying to seduce me? Wait! KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS SWORD! I just came back from a mission and was promised at least a half a year of break. Why are you bothering me again with something as silly as subjugating a devil general? ********************** Discord link: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ ********************* DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover. It was made with the help of fellow author(ess?) with the usage of possibly copyrighted images. If you own the rights to any part of the cover and want me to take it down, please, inform me on my discord or comment.

MotivatedSloth · Oriental
Pas assez d’évaluations
641 Chs



"Emergency detected!"


"Forcefully awakening the system!"


"Limiting the mana output!"


"Converting the excess energy into power for the system recovery"


"System fully recovered!"

Whoa… that was one timely rescue!

As soon as the string of messages flashed in front of my eyes, the blob of my energy suddenly got sucked inside my body and disappeared. Falling to the ground in an instant, with my mind still flustered I didn't manage to get a stable footing and tripped on my bottom. Only then I was able to see the devastation that my outburst caused.

Everything in the area of ten meters is gone. It looks like this blob of my energy evaporated everything that was in its way! But does that mean…

Hit by a sudden thought, I can't help but panic. Using all my might and speed I crawl out of the hole in the ground that was made by my energy with desperation in every last bit of my movements.

If everything vanished upon contact with my energy, what happened to Eve?

I will never forgive myself if she died because of my lack of control!

God, please, if you gifted me with such capabilities, don't take the most important element of my new life away from me! If anything happened to her, I won't be able to find any joy in this life anymore!

As I finally managed to crawl out of the pit, I look around. With the disoriented state that I'm in, it takes me a while to organise my thoughts and actually discern one object from the other. In a few seconds, I spot motionless body lying about fifty meters away from the ditch. 


As soon as I managed to stand on my legs, I dash towards Eve, with my mind clouded by worry and desperation. Arriving near her body in a flash, I fall to my knees and place my ear on her chest to check whether she is breathing.

Badum, Badum, Badum…

Okay, I can hear the sound of her heart beating, so there is still hope. Looking diagonally at her mouth, I can see a small movement, indicating that she is indeed breathing. That's all I remember from my lessons about first aid. If she suffered from some kind of concussion or internal injuries. What should I do?

What if she is okay?

Placing my hand on her shoulder, I shake her lightly, to check if she will react. 

One second.

Second second.

Third second.


"Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Can you move to? Do you feel any pain?"

In an instant, I flood her with questions, unable to calm myself down. I certainly hope that she is in a better state than my worrying brought me to. 



"Target state cannot be healed with the current level of host healing ability"

When I see this message, my vision blanks. If even Bonger cannot help her, there is no way I will be able to do anything! 

With tears already forming in my eyes, I try to grab her so I can carry her over to the sect master in hopes that she will be able to do something!

"Calm down, I'm just shaken a bit!"

For God sake, please hold on! It will take me just a moment to get to…

Wait, what?

"What did you just say? Are you sure you are okay? Should I bring some help?"

Knowing her character a bit, she is probably lying to me! How could she be okay after this disaster that I caused! There is no way I will just trust her now and let her die because of my naivety!

"Calm down! I'm really okay! I managed to shield myself in time but had to expand a lot of my energy to maintain my barrier. In the end, it was better to just be sent flying than trying to overcome this monstrous amount of energy."

As colours are returning to her face, Eve is able to create complex sentences. While this alleviates a tiny bit of my worry, no way in hell can I calm down right now!

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know such a thing would happen! Tell me, where is the nearest physician or apothecary? I will bring some fortifying medicines right away!"

Even if she is feeling better, I won't leave her health to a chance. If I can do something for her to fix the harm that I unintentionally made, I won't spare effort, money or anything that I could to do so!

Suddenly, she extends her small hands upwards, grabs my face and pulls it towards hers.


Gosh, the softness of her lips is really something else! No matter how anxious I am, with my mouth tightly pressed against her, I can't help but calm down with every heartbeat worth of kiss. 

When my pulse finally calms down to a normal level, Eve lets go of my head. As we separate slowly, a small line of saliva still connects our lips, as if trying to prevent us from coming back to senses.

"I'm really okay, don't act like that. Everything will be alright, okay?"

With her collected voice and soft expression, I can't help but fall in love even deeper with her. Every tiniest detail of her character, looks and attitude are far apart of what earth got me used to when it comes to women. It's like she is an angelic being from heavens, that descended to this world only to make my life better! 

"But I have to admit, never in my life I could expect energy this powerful. I can't say this for sure, but I think even Sect Master wouldn't be able to output so much of her inner power. Would you mind telling me about it?"

Okay guys, here goes the last chapter for today!

Tomorrow and for the rest of the weak, there will be 4 chapters every single day! That's the result of insanely popular voting that took place recently and amassed a total of 2 votes! With this overwhelming advantage of 0-2 for the increased daily release, I have no choice but to follow it!

As always, thanks for your insane support guys! I never expected for this novel to grow so quickly and I will do my best to keep up with the demand!

If you want to support this story, I would love if you would share your thoughts in the comments or maybe even vote for this book, which may bring bonus chapters next week! Since we only reached the first threshold, I won't increase the required amounts!


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