

Just an Idea. What If you get a chance to reincarnate with a system that grants you overpowered powers/Items/summons BUT you can't use them for your selfish desires but you need to act as a whetstone for protagonists across the multiverse polishing them so that they can face a vague unknown threat? or be better prepared in their own world. disclaimer: all props/characters/plot etc belong to their original creators. First world: Marvel.

Awriter · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Reality usually sucker punches everyone

and the only time it doesn't is when it's punching someone else.

That was the case with Stone.

When he entered Hulk's mindscape he expected to see Banner running away or trying to fight a monster but no what he saw completely disgusted him.

Hulk was no monster he was a giant toddler throwing tantrums like all toddlers. The true monster was Banner his monstrous traits hidden away under human skin.

Bruce banner a genius scientist with a troubled childhood and someone who voluntarily participated and made the gamma bomb a success. A bomb so many times deadlier than the nuclear bomb and something that turns the land it is detonated into what is essentially hell and turns any survivors into hell spawns.

Thankfully the US government in this universe saw the true horrors of the bomb and scraped it immediately after the first and only test...

Stone sighed. looks like he will be spending a lot more time in Marvel than he initially planned.

Now to deal with the toddler and the monster.

Stone snapped his fingers and the world turned white.

Bruce and Hulk found themselves alone in a field of flowers confused.

Bruce and Hulk looked around and spotted nothing so they started walking in a random direction.

Bruce and Hulk came to a clearing with a tree stump in the middle with little critters roaming around. This is where their actions diverged.

Hulk looked around and at the critters before sitting on the stump and simply continued watching the cute critters with a smile on his face.

Bruce sat on the stump and started thinking.

When the critters approached them Hulk let them and played with them with a smile on his face. Bruce on the other hand kicked them away in favor of thinking.

Soon many such situations occurred whose results showed that the Hulk in the absence of Bruce was a gentle giant and a great friend to have and Bruce? he might masquerade as a human but was a monster he was obsessive, destructive, and straight-up cruel.

soon the two came to the end of their journey, where booking their progress was a wall of kindergarten level puzzles and as expected the first to solve them was Bruce.

Bruce came into a retro office with a guy in glasses behind the desk. He had short silver hair and a royal beard. He looked like he was in his 40s and was wearing a brown retro suit with a red tie.

"Sit and don't speak," said the man with so much authority that bruce was compelled to obey.

A few minutes later the whole office started rocking as if something massive was banging at its doors.

the man snapped his fingers and the office turned quiet again.

The quiet aura of controlled anger around the man deterred Bruce from speaking.

"Do you know psychology Dr. Banner?" asked the man.

"A little bit".

"Good, now hypothetically speaking. If you come across someone with a split personality with two equally strong personalities and you have no idea which was their original true personality, what therapy would you recommend to them?"

"I'd try to find the true personality by observing them in secret and once I have Identified it help that person merge their personalities".

"What if one of their personalities is that of an angry toddler? would you still recommend integrating them?"

"Yes, Because no matter what they are both parts of the same person"

"Are you absolutely, certain?"


The man looked relieved.

"Absolutely, really, 100% certain?"

"Yes. Where are you going with this?" asked bruce a little confused.

"Before I answer that I want you to see this and tell me the mental age of the person in the video," said the man pointing at an old T.V.

One video watching later.

"I'd say around 3~4 years old but he seems exceptionally strong" answered Bruce.

"So coming back to the other answer would you still recommend the patient to undergo therapy and merge the two personalities if one of the personalities was the same as the one on screen?"

"Yes" answered bruce after thinking for some time.

"Good, I want you to write that answer down here," said the man as he gave bruce a notepad and pen.

"Bruce accepted the notepad and wrote down his answer and the reason for said answer and gave it back.

The man simply separated the Note with the answer and gave it to bruce.

"Keep it. You are going to need it"

"Okay? why tho?" asked bruce as he accepted the note and kept it in his chest pocket

"Who do you think the patient is?" asked the man

"How would I know?" asked bruce slowly thinking about all the people he has ever known.

The man waited patiently for bruce to come to his conclusion.

"You...You are talking about me! NO! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT...THAT MONSTER IS A PART OF ME! HE TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" yelled Bruce standing up in anger.

"Did he? or did he save your life?" asked the man as he pointed at the T.V where the same video was looping but this time Bruce could see the subject clearly. The subject was big, green, and dressed in shorts.

Bruce collapsed on his seat his face full of disbelief.

"You were supposed to be dead, Bruce. You should know about the fall out of your bomb more than anyone" paused the man as he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"But you are alive and breathing. You gained a gift, a gift that will let you survive anywhere or anything but what do you do with it? you reject it and project your anger and fears on it turning it into something it should never have been." paused the man again to let bruce digest everything.

"So, are you telling me that I was supposed to be a big green rage monster?" asked Bruce with a sneer.

"No, you were supposed to be able to control your body making it stronger/bigger or smaller/weaker as you pleased, but now? that power is linked to your rage so much so that it has changed in its entirety and gained a sentience but it no HE is a part of you as much as you are a part of him and NOTHING is going to change that" answered the man.

Bruce covered his face trying to deny it but his brain simply couldn't come up with a plausible explanation to deny it, in the end, he decided to do what he has always done run away.

"What now?" asked Bruce.

"Now you accept the fact that the both of you are part of each other and figure out a compromise between yourself and the Hulk before the nuke that has been fired at you and the 'Giant' kills the three of you or worse make the 'Giant' stronger"

" What Nuke?" asked Bruce but he found himself on a flowery hillside.

Bruce looked around and saw Hulk sleeping peacefully. His first instinct and feeling was anger/fear but then he remembered the 'talk' he just had so he calmed down and let go of his fear and walked to the hulk and sat down next to his head.



Normal mode resume

Hulk saw the double fist that was coming to his face and held it with one hand as he started getting bigger his skin and eyes started glowing as he matched nay surpassed the Abomination in pure power. Much to the Abominations horror.

Hulk then twisted the abominations' arms holding them against the abominations back as he lifted him as a makeshift shield against the incoming nuke.

The abomination looked at the incoming missile and struggled to get free but was unable to break free before the nuke detonated in his face engulfing him and Hulk in a ball of plasma hotter than the sun.

After a few minutes.

Two barely humanoid husks were the only things present in the crater which started greedily absorbing the lingering radiation and heat healing themselves. soon it started snowing in the crater as the two boys absorbed any energy they can get to heal themselves.

After some time they stopped absorbing any more energy as there simply wasn't any left and one of the husks stopped healing while the other continued to heal getting the required energy from somewhere.

after a few minutes, the Hulk stood in the crater and roared as if to challenge the heavens. He looked at the half-healed body of Abomination and simply jumped away once again on the run thankfully someone scrambled the satellite and there were no drones nearby to track the Hulk or watch the abomination's body disappear as it fell into a ring of sparks.


Stone current Stats:

Name: #*$^Q*^$(#(Stone)(mission mode)

Age: 27

Health: unlimited(1%/day)

Energy: unlimited(10%/Hour)

Physique: Unknown (Human).

Mind: Unknown (Human).

Spirit: Unknown (Human).


Mission Powers: Plot keeper.

Bought Powers:-

Rescue Points: 30,000.

Inventory: Misc.

Stone's current Mission:

Mission: Help the Biggest heavy hitters of the MCU realize their true potential.


>Help Hulk and Banner reach an understanding. Progress: 40%.

>Help Thor access his divinity: 0%.

>Help Tony enhance his tech: 0%.

>Make sure the Quantum Virus doesn't come to this reality: 0%

Bonus Objectives:

>Help children of Odin become a family(not the Alabama kind): 0%.

>Help the Winter soldier and make sure that Tony doesn't kill him: 0%.

>Help the Mutants get a proper status : 0%.


Main Objective:

>Summon cosmic world breaker Hulk as your helper for half an hour five times.

>A custom weapon/Armor from Nidavellir.

>Prime Armor(Proto-adamantium version).

>Immunity to all types of body-altering micro-organisms including nanites.

Bonus Objective:

> Necromancy.

>Passive Immunity to most types of mind alteration.

> X-gene.

Power Description:

Plot Keeper:

Is a role that doubles as power the wielder of this power can not interfere directly in a fight but rather decides the fate of all that participate in their presence.

The holder of this title/power can manipulate probability to their needs, grant powers and weakness, help the participants realize something but are unable to reveal their role or their actual face or the plotline to anyone.

The actions of the holder serve to keep the Plotline intact whether the holder realizes it or not.


I am having a lot of fun writing this, I hope its fun for you all as well.

Well have a good day/night and as always thanks for the views, collections, reviews, and stones.

Awriter out.

Awritercreators' thoughts