
39. The End of Meredith on Morphine

Meredith smiled at all of the familiar faces as she was wheeled through the surgical floor towards the elevator that would take her to the OR floor. George was behind her, steering her gurney, whispering at her to stop as she waved happily to everyone she knew – and didn't know – as she passed by. When he had arrived to prep her, Derek had stepped out to check on his patient, but still hadn't returned. He had promised to see her again before her surgery, but time was running out.

Still, Meredith wasn't too worried.

"How are you doing, Mer?" The worried voice of her roommate called softly.

Meredith waved her hand at the pilot of her gurney, back and forth twice before offering him a thumbs-up. "I'm grrrreat, George!"

He sighed heavily, and the gurney slowed to a stop. George appeared suddenly in her sight range, his expression apprehensive. "Are you sure? Because you are about to have surgery, Meredith. And...it's okay to be worried..."

"I'm not worried, George."

"Just keep in mind that an appendectomy is a routine procedure. Very little time under anaesthesia. Short recovery. Low rate of problems. You'll be fine." He continued, unconvinced by her reassurances of being fine.

Frustrated by her roommate's apparent fixation on her being worried, Meredith swiped a hand towards him, managing to clip the edge of his forearm.

"Hey!" He chastised. "You're not supposed to hit your doctor."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well, you're not supposed to annoy the hell out of your patient. Seriously, George, bed side manner; look it up."

George sighed, making sure to remain out of arm's length when he spoke again. "I know that you're drugged and everything, but-"

"I'm not drugged," Meredith countered. Seriously, what was it with the entire freaking staff of the freaking hospital accusing her of being high? She was perfectly sober. It was them that were acting like neurotropic drugs were invading their synapses.

He considered her for a moment before nodding. "Fine. I get that you're all fine and not worried and all, but...I'm your friend first, Mer, before being your doctor, so you can tell me if you're scared, because I'm here for you..."

Despite her annoyance with the situation, Meredith was surprised to feel her eyes welling with tears. She reached her hand towards him, and scowled when he leaned away, having learned the hard way to be leery of her hand. "George, get over here," she commanded.

With a hesitant glance each way down the hall, he slowly leaned closer.

As soon as he was within range, Meredith grabbed a fistful of his scrub top and pulled him half over the gurney to hug him.

"Oh, I...uh..." He stuttered. "This wasn't exactly...uh..."

She ignored him. "Thank-you for being my friend, George," she said, still clutching tightly to him.

He finally relaxed somewhat, hesitantly hugging her back, using the hand not holding himself off of her to carefully pat her on the back. "Hey, I'm glad to be your friend, Mer. And I'm glad you're my friend, because you're a great friend, but..." He pulled away as far as she would let him. "Maybe you should let go of me in case Shepherd shows up..."

Meredith giggled, but did as instructed. "You can call him Derek, George," she explained as George stood upright again. "He is your roommate too. And I'm allowed to hug anyone I want. It's a rule. Okay, maybe not a rule, rule. But it should be. I'll make it a rule. And he won't mind. You know why?"

George shook his head. "Why?"

She smiled back at her roommate, warmth filling her heart. "Because not only does he love me, but he trusts me," she whispered.

George returned her smile and nodded. "He does," he agreed. "But why do you sound surprised?"

Meredith sighed and shrugged. How could she begin to explain the issues that come with being an only child of an emotional distant, borderline emotionally abusive mother, to a guy who grew up with two brothers and happy parents? She was confident George had never doubted that parents loved him; George had never thought to doubt it. Meredith had never thought to believe it. "No one has ever loved me or trusted me before," she said simply, hoping he would hear what she wasn't saying.

"Oh, Meredith," he said quietly. "That can't be true..."

"But it is," she responded, very matter-of-fact. Her mother had taught her from an early age to refrain from forming close personal relationships – to avoid, to distance oneself, to never be vulnerable, to never believe in love, to never trust in anything except science - and it had taken Meredith until her return to Seattle after more than two decades to realize just how wrong that was. Because love existed. And things like being vulnerable were scary, but they were also worth it.

George cautiously reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Well, for what it's worth, I love and trust you too," he said, his voice hesitant, but honest. "Maybe not the same way Shepherd does, but you're one of the best friends I've ever had, Meredith."

She felt her lips curling into a bright smile. "You too, George. And...thanks."

He gave her hand another tight squeeze before releasing it. "Well, I should really get you to surgery now, if you're ready?"

"I'm ready, George. And try to make it quick, okay? Because there could still be a chance that Derek and I could get to the airport and-" Meredith cut herself off as her sights fell on the recognizable man standing at the nurses' station before her. "It's McSteamy," she told George.

He nodded. "Yeah, it is, but I don't think-"

"McSteamy!" She called out, trying to get his attention. "Woohoo! McSteamy!"

Mark's head, along with almost every other one at and around the nurses' station, turned to face her. She waved him over. He closed his chart and sauntered over to her gurney, nodding an acknowledging greeting at George. "Is that what you're calling me now?"

A giggle escaped her lips and she shrugged. "We are, but I don't think you're supposed to know that..."

He shook his head, a smile playing across his lips. "So, I heard my fellow dirty mistress is having an appy."

"Yup," Meredith said, nodding emphatically. She waved a nonchalant hand towards he roommate, "George is going to appendectomize me," she explained, and then brought three fingers to her palm, leaving her index finger out to point at Mark. "But I'm not your dirty mistress."

"I never said you were my dirty mistress. You're Derek's dirty mistress."

She glared at him, still pointing. "He'll kill you if he hears you call me that."

Mark rolled his eyes in good nature and reached for the hand that was still accusing him, in an attempt to stop her, but Meredith wrenched it out of his grasp immediately.

"He'll also kill you if he sees you touching me."

Mark did his best to look casual, but not even the morphine coursing through her system prevented Meredith from glimpsing the flash of pain that flittered across her boyfriend's ex-best friend's eyes as he pulled his hand away from her. He cleared his throat and kept his distance, maybe even more distance than the situation required. "Derek seems awfully protective of you," he stated, most of his usual confidence back in his voice. He made a show of motioning towards George, who was still close by, torn between keeping his distance from the new Attending and showing support for his roommate.

George opened his mouth and began to stammer a response, but Meredith cut him off.

"Don't do that," Meredith chastised, shaking her head. "Derek's not that guy, and you know it. And I know it. And you know that I know it. And I know that you know that I know it. And you know that I know that you...wait." She paused for a moment to recollect her thoughts. "The point is...Derek has only ever been protective of me in regards to you. And with good reason," she reminded. "In fact, the only reason he hasn't punched you again today is because I made him promise last time that he would never do that again. And don't even try to bring George into this," she said, waving her hand towards her roommate. "I live with him, so obviously Derek trusts me and him."

Mark sighed and nodded as he absorbed the new information. He glanced cautiously towards George before meeting Meredith's eyes once more. "Sorry," he offered very quietly.

She smiled brightly at him. "No worries; just don't let it happen again."

He smirked. "I'll try and contain myself."

Meredith giggled. "Now, we have something very important to talk about..." She prompted.

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Do we, now?"

She nodded emphatically. "Mmmhmm."

"And that would be?"

She rolled her eyes, wondering why men could be so dense. "Addison."

The confident smirk on his face fell away immediately, morphing into an uncertain grimace, which was quickly masked by a forced, neutral expression. "That's not something we need to discuss."

"But it is," Meredith insisted. "I've already talked to Addison."

Mark paused, his stonewalled expression cracking enough to let a sudden burst of curiosity to shine through. He tightened his jaw for a long moment before sighing and shifting his weight, a clear indication that he was going to stick around for the conversation. "So," he began hesitantly, "What did she say?"

"It wasn't what she said," Meredith explained. "It was what she didn't say."

Mark narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Did you come here for her?"

"That's not what I asked."

"No, but it's what I'm asking."

Mark sighed heavily and glanced at George, who had the decency to avert his eyes. "I came for them both," he finally admitted.

"You love her." It was a statement, not a question.


"And you miss your best friend." Another statement.


Meredith offered him a small smile. "Good. Now, I can't talk for Derek...but I know Addison cares for you, Mark."

A flicker of hope flashed through his eyes. "Really?"

She nodded. "Without a doubt."

His lips curled into a small, hesitant smile, causing Meredith to glare at him.

"Don't go messing it up again," she ordered, once more pointing her index finger accusingly at him. "I don't know what you did to her, but I can tell you hurt her," she explained. "And she deserves better."

The remainder of Mark's careful control over his facial expression fell away at her words, a look of sudden integrity taking over. "I know she deserves better," he said quietly. "I... I love her, and I want to... I want to make her happy. I want to be able to make her happy. And I screwed that up before – back in New York – but I won't do that again."

Meredith smiled proudly at her work. Even if everyone around her today was acting crazy didn't mean she couldn't do some good. "Good."

He smirked. "And you really think she...she..."

"Loves you?" Meredith supplied.

He nodded.

"I do," she agreed. "But she's still not admitting it to herself, so don't push her."

He nodded again. "What...what should I do?"

"...useless..." Meredith muttered under her breath, pulling a chuckle from George. She rolled her eyes at Mark, wondering how such a successful surgeon could be so unbelievably dense. "Remember all that stuff you just told me?"

Another nod.

"Tell her. And then tell her you're here to stay, and that you'll do anything and everything it takes to make everything up to her."

"I can do that."


He smirked and opened his mouth to respond, but closed it quickly and took a step away from her bedside, his eyes trained on something on the other side of her.

Meredith turned her head and smiled warmly when she spotted Derek hurrying to her side, momentarily forgetting about Mark. "Hey!"

He stepped up to her side and reached for her hand, and after sending a warning glance towards Mark he leaned down to kiss her. "Hey. I'm sorry; my patient's family just showed up and had lots of questions. I was afraid I was going to miss you..."

Meredith shrugged. "You're here now," she said simply. "George kept me company. And we've been talking to Mark."

"So I noticed," Derek ventured, sending a second angry glance towards his former best friend.

Mark held up a hand. "Hey, man, she called me. All I did was talk with her."

Meredith pursed her lips and glanced questioningly back and forth between Derek and Mark for a moment before realization hit. "Crap," she muttered, gaining Derek's attention. "I'm sorry," she told him. "I forgot you two weren't talking."

The corner of his lips curled upward. "Maybe I'm not the only crazy one today..."

Meredith rolled her eyes. "You're not being very knight-in-shining-whatever-y."

He leaned down to kiss her again. "I love you."

"Trying to distract me again-" She was cut off as he captured her lips once more.

"Hmm," he agreed, "You've discovered my secret weapon..."

She giggled. "Not like it was much of a secret."

Mark chuckled. "Shep's never been much good with secrets," he said lightly.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Better than you," he retorted, and the two former friends stared at each other with a mock challenge before both seemed to realize at the same time that they had fallen into their old routine without thought. Derek quickly cleared his throat. "Uh, don't you have patients to see, Dr. Sloan?"

There was a swell of tension as Mark hesitated before nodding. "I...do, Dr. Shepherd," he agreed. "I'll...go..." With a curt nod, he turned and disappeared behind a corner.

Meredith glanced upwards, watching as Derek's eyes followed his former friend. She squeezed his hand, and smiled as his gaze returned to her. "He misses you," she offered. "He told me he came for both you and Addison."

Derek sighed and leaned down to kiss her, not saying a word.

She clutched at his scrub top when he broke their kiss, pulling him so his forehead rested against hers. "I love you too," she told him, realizing she hadn't said it back, and that maybe he needed to hear it.

"I'm so glad I made it before they took you in," he whispered.

She shrugged. "I wouldn't have been mad if you hadn't. I'm not that kind of girlfriend."

He chuckled and lifted his forehead away from hers and replaced it with hip lips. "No," he agreed, "You're not. And I wasn't worried about you being mad; not with your tiny, ineffectual fists and all..."

She rolled her eyes and held up a fist to him. "Try me."

He deftly hooked his fingers around her wrist and pulled her hand to his lips, kissing each curled finger. "I love you," he said again.

This time even George laughed at him.

Meredith giggled and opened her mouth to retort, but was cut off.

"Derek Shepherd!"

Derek winced and turned to face his girlfriend's resident. "Miranda Bailey."

She glared at him, unhindered by his superior height or title in the hospital. "Here I was coming to find out what was taking my intern," she glared at George, "So long to bring my patient," she glared at Meredith, "To surgery." She glared at Derek. "And here I've found my reason."

"Hey, I've only been here for about two minutes," he countered.

"Surgeries are scheduled to make the most efficient use of the ORs, Dr. Shepherd," she continued, "So that we can help the most number of patients possible. And you're screwing with my schedule."

"Two minutes," Derek repeated. "And I was with my patient before."

"It's true, Dr. Bailey," Meredith added. "Derek just got here. First I was talking to George and then to McSteamy."

Bailey narrowed her eyes at her intern. "I thought Derek was McSteamy?"

Meredith made a face and shook her head. "No, he's McDreamy. Mark is McSteamy."

With a heavy sigh, Bailey shifted her eyes from her uninhibited intern to her embarrassed boss, allowing herself a moment of triumph at his red face. "Do I look like I care, Grey?"

Meredith huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "You asked."

Derek laughed, causing Miranda to glare at him once again. "We have to get her into surgery," she snapped.

He nodded and took her hand as George began to push the gurney once more. Meredith went back to smiling and waving as she passed by hospital employees, patients and visitors on route to the OR. They were just coming up to the ominous double doors that Meredith had only ever been through before as a doctor when Bailey signalled George to stop.

"What's going on?" Meredith asked.

Bailey took a breath and stood up straight, staring down Derek, even from her lower height. "This is as far as you go, Derek."

His gripped tightened on her hand and he shook his head. "I'm going right to the OR."

"No, you're not."


She shook her head. "You assured me, when you were sharing a bed with my intern earlier, that you were here for her as a family member. And family members don't cross through those doors."

"Oh, so this is revenge."

"You are here with my patient as a family member."

He glared at her. "I'm not an ordinary family member."

"I don't care."

"Well, I do. I love her, and I'm a surgeon here. I have full right to be in that OR."

"I will not perform a surgery while my patient's boyfriend is breathing down my neck."

"I'll keep my distance. I'll even step out after she's under."

She shook her head. "No. You will not step foot past these doors the entire time she's on my table."

"You're being unreasonable."

Bailey cocked her hip. "Do you need me to call the Chief? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to come and sort this out."

Derek sighed, long and heavy. "I just..."

With a show of sudden compassion, Bailey stepped forward and placed a hand on his forehand. "I'll take good care of her, Derek. We should be less than an hour. And you need to find something else to do during that time then stalking my OR."

He nodded and turned his attention back to Meredith.

Meredith smiled up at him, having watched his interaction with her resident silently. "I'll be fine," she assured him. "Bailey and George are going to appendectomize me."

The corner of his lips twitched at her words and he leaned down to kiss her. "I'll be there when you wake up."

She nodded. "I know."

He kissed her again. "I love you."

"I know, and guess what?" She asked brightly.


"George loves me too!"

Derek's gaze shifted quickly to the younger surgeon who was suddenly gripping onto the gurney for dear life, his eyes wide. "I...uh..." He swallowed hard. "As a friend. I love her as a friend. She had this whole thing about no one ever having loved or trusted her before you. And I... She's one of my best friends. And my roommate. And I do love her...as a friend. Not the way you do. I told her that even."

An amused chuckle escaped from Derek's lips as he watched his roommate flounder.

"O'Malley, shut up," Bailey commanded.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Meredith giggled, though she wasn't exactly sure why.

"Say goodbye to Dr. Grey, Derek."

Derek sighed and leaned down for one last kiss. "You'll be fine," he assured her.

She narrowed her eyes at him when he pulled away. "I told you that earlier." Meredith shook her head and glanced towards her resident. "I don't think he has very much confidence in your skills, Dr. Bailey."

"I have plenty of confidence in Dr. Bailey's skills," he retorted. "Other wise I wouldn't let her near you with a scalpel."

"That's almost romantic."

He smirked. "I'm a romantic kind of guy."

"Oh, for the love of..." Bailey shook her head, pretending not to be please with Derek's comment about her skills. "Say goodbye to Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Grey."

Meredith waved at Derek with her free hand. "Goodbye, Dr. Shepherd."

With one last squeeze, he finally released her other hand. "I love you."

"I love you too," she called, still waving as she was pushed through the double doors.

"Fool," Bailey muttered under her breath as she walked along side her two interns, her surgery starting a good half hour later then it could have. She glanced at Meredith. "I can't imagine what that man would be like should you ever need anything more serious then an appy. He's a tad neurotic when it comes to you."

Meredith smiled brightly. "That's because he loves me."

AN: So, in the words of George 'Life...sucks.' LOL. Sorry about the massive delay. I was horrified when I saw that it has been more than a month since I updated. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I began this fic exactly ONE YEAR AGO TODAY! So, it was a good day to update. And big thanks to everyone who has been reviewing and PMing lately with concern and support. I know I've said this before, but things really should be calming down now, leaving more time for writing.