
101. 48 Uninterrupted Hours part 2

AN: Another fluffy chapter. Originally I wasn't going to write a chapter on Meredith's birthday weekend, but real life is stressful right now, so I'm feeling the need to write something happy...even if it is fiction based on fiction...lol. However, even with the 99% fluff, there is about 1% set up for season 4. Having not particularly enjoyed season 4 the first time, I have to say I didn't give it a lot of thought for this story and expected to get through it pretty quickly. However, I have watched the whole season in a row now and I have to admit that I underestimated it. It's not as bad as I remember. And there is a lot more plot (and actually development) when you watch it straight through than once a week. Obviously there are going to be a lot of differences in this universe, but I still wanted to address some of the same issues. I'll be adding on to parts of this chapter in the upcoming chapters. I'm still trying to figure out how to handle the timeline, because seriously, the timeline doesn't make sense. Some events may happen out of order, but I'll address that when I come to it. As always, thanks for reading!

Meredith woke up feeling warm, loved and undeniably safe. It was a feeling she had gotten used to slowly over the past year, and had even come to seek and expect, but hadn't been exposed to for long enough to be tempted to take it for granted. After a lifetime without it, she sometimes wondered if this feeling would ever become something normal and expected.

She was grateful every time she awoke feeling the way she was feeling now, and was even more grateful for the man making her feel it. Although he was asleep behind her, Derek's chest was still pressed against her back and he was still holding her tight. Meredith could feel his soft exhales against the back of her neck. She rubbed her heel against the hair-brushed shin of one of his legs and then smiled when he shifted and pressed his leg between hers.

Six weeks, now, he had been her husband. Six weeks. And she hadn't been lying the day before when she had told him he was giving her high expectations. Her schedule at work was actively interfering with their life – was preventing them from spending time together and was inhibiting their ability to find a place to live – and even though she knew his patience was running as thin as hers, he hadn't once made her feel bad, hadn't once complained. That's residency for you, he'd say, before assuring her things would get better, her schedule would get lighter and they'd find their perfect new home. And now, knowing she could only manage a few days off work, he had ensured her time off matched his so he could take her somewhere special, forgoing all house hunting plans to celebrate her birthday.

Her birthday.

It wasn't something she had ever celebrated or even made much effort to recognize in her adult life. As a child, it had only led to disappointment. As a teenager, and through her college years, it was an excuse to get drunk. The previous year things with Derek had been new and a mix of exciting and terrifying. She hadn't told him about her birthday because she hadn't expected him to care. She hadn't expected anyone to care.

This year, she had lost track of the dates. Too many all-nighters and too many shifts that ran long and kept her in the hospital for days at a time had left her unable to tell day from night if she wasn't near a window, let alone be able to give the date, or even the day of the week. When Derek had caught up to her earlier in the week – what day, she wasn't sure – and asked if she wanted to go to the trailer for the weekend, she had agreed, and in adding up the days she believed to have passed, she came to the conclusion that her birthday was still another week away. And knowing that he knew about it this year, she had expected him to do something – dinner, probably – but she had never expected something like this.

He shifted behind her, waking up to the light of late morning. After making out in the parking lot the night before, they had checked in and then celebrated her birthday into the early hours of the morning. Meredith didn't know how late it was when they had finally given in to sleep.

Derek shifted again, his hold on her tightening as his mind found consciousness and he became aware of her presence.

"Morning," she offered, patting his hand.

He moaned something incoherent into the back of her neck, released her and rolled away.

Meredith rolled to face him, smiling at the sight of her husband, usually annoyingly chipper in the morning, sprawled on his back with his left forearm draped across his face. "Did I wear you out last night?" She teased as she tucked herself against him, resting her head on his chest and laying her arm across his abdomen.

A moment a passed. And then another. And then the arm that had been protecting his face from the light moved to wrap around her. "Happy Birthday," he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

She smiled into his chest. "Thank you."

He ran his hand along her back. "What time is it?"


"Feels like earlier."

"Mmm-hmm," she agreed, "Probably because we didn't get much sleep last night..."

"Refresh my memory, what were we doing instead of sleeping?"

She lifted her head off of his chest and stretched over him to press her lips to his. "This," she mumbled between kisses. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer. She shifted so she was straddling his lower torso. "And this," she added, before deepening the kiss.

He moaned into her mouth and then rolled them so she was lying under him. His lips moved to her neck. "Derek," she groaned, feeling her body begin to respond to his. He definitely wasn't groggy anymore.

She ran her hands along his bare skin, touching everywhere she could reach. He pressed into her in response and she could feel his arousal growing.

His lips followed the dip of her neck to her chest, and then her breasts.

Meredith moaned as his mouth found a nipple. Her husband had a very talented mouth. In fact, he was a very talented man overall. And he was using those talents to make an already good morning even better.

It was early afternoon when Meredith stepped out of the bathroom swathed in a soft, fluffy bathrobe. Derek was sifting through his duffel bag, wearing only boxers.

"I half-expected you to join me," she told him.

He turned his head and shot her a smile. "I had to make some calls."

"Mmm, to who?" She asked, stepping up behind him and wrapping her arms around his abdomen.

"Well, I called that restaurant I told you about yesterday and made reservations for tonight. You know; steak, wine and carbs in a basket."

She giggled at the memory. "Sounds perfect," she said into his back.

"And I ordered us some breakfast. Well, lunch really, because of the time. Either way, it should be here soon. Aha," he exclaimed as he evidently found what he was looking for in his duffle bag.

Meredith released him and moved to sit on the bed beside his bag. She smiled at his triumphant expression.

He held up the small zippered bag that she knew held his shampoo and conditioner. "I was beginning to think I'd left it at home and I'd have to use yours."

"What's wrong with mine?" She bantered.

"Nothing." He ducked his head to kiss her. "I just didn't want to spend the weekend smelling like lavender."

"What's wrong with lavender?"

He kissed her again. "For you, nothing. You smell good," he said, pressing his nose to her damp hair and inhaling, "Very good. It's just not a very manly smell."

She laughed.

Derek pressed his lips to the side of her head. "I'm going to have a quick shower."

Meredith watched him retreat into the bathroom. She briefly debated joining him in the shower, but decided against it. He had said he had ordered food while she was in her own shower, so she would need to open the door when it arrived.

Standing, she shuffled to where her own duffel bag lay on the floor on the other side of the bed, and swung it onto the bed. Her toiletries bag had been on top, so she didn't yet know what else Derek had packed for her when her shift had run long the day before. When the top items of clothing were her favourite track pants and her Dartmouth top, she decided he had done a good job. She set the pants and top on the bed and reached into the bag for underwear. What she found caused her to roll her eyes, but she chose to leave it for now.

Once she had found suitable underwear, bra and socks she dressed and was just hanging up her robe on the hook by the bathroom door when there was a knock at the door, accompanied with, "Room service."

She quickly opened the door and motioned for the bellboy to come in.

"Where would you like the tray, Mrs. Shepherd?"

"Uh," she stammered slightly, caught off guard by the name, "The table is fine." She motioned to the small table against the wall near the door.

The bellboy smiled and placed the tray down carefully. "Will there be anything else?"

Meredith shook her head, suddenly realizing she hadn't prepared for the delivery. Her hands reached to her pockets to check for any forgotten bills, only to realize her track pants didn't have pockets. She turned, her eyes searching for her purse, and caught sight of the bills Derek had set on the television cabinet. She snagged them and passed them to the bellboy with a, "Thank you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shepherd," he echoed, before letting himself out of the room.

Meredith closed the door behind him and then leaned her back against it. "Mrs. Shepherd," she whispered to herself. Although she had been married for six weeks now, she hadn't made a decision about her name. Some days she wanted to leave her past behind. Other days she wanted to remain the independent woman who had gotten through college and medical school without any help, and had established herself as a promising surgical resident. Throughout, however, she knew that replacing 'Grey' with 'Shepherd' wouldn't change her past and taking on 'Shepherd' wouldn't make her any less independent.

It was a decision that was equal parts important and difficult to make. It was a decision that was on her mind every day.

"Shepherd," she murmured thoughtfully, testing the word again. No one had ever called her by the name before. Not until now.

With a, "Hmmppff," Meredith pushed herself away from the door and sat at the small table that held the breakfast tray. She selected herself a croissant and a package of strawberry jam. "Grey-Shepherd," she mumbled as she smeared the jam across the croissant. "Shepherd-Grey."

She took a bit of her croissant as she silently pondered the name possibilities. There were four; stick with Grey, take Shepherd, and two hyphenated combinations. Whichever she chose would be permanent. It would be the name she would go by for the rest of her life. It would be the name she built her career on.

The bathroom door opened, pulling her from her thoughts. Derek stepped out, freshly shaven, a towel wrapped around his waist. His dark hair was damp and unruly. He eyed her at the table and raised an eyebrow. "Couldn't wait for me, huh?"

"I'm starving," she insisted. "I haven't eaten in like fourteen hours."

He chuckled and moved towards her to press a kiss against her cheek. "I guess I'll forgive you; because it's your birthday."

She turned her head to kiss him. "You're too good to me."

"It's my job," he bantered easily.

Meredith smiled and held up her croissant to him.

He made a face, but accepted it and took a bite. "It's good."

"Mmm-hmm," she agreed.

He took another bite and passed it back to her.

"What's the plan for after breakfast?" She asked as he moved away to get dressed.

"There's a tour of the vineyard and some wine tasting this afternoon," he said. "We could do that. Or we could see what there is to do in town. Or..." He trailed off for a moment as he pulled a shirt over his head, "We could stay here. Entertain ourselves..."

She giggled as he joined her at the table and reached for a sandwich. "Do you think we have time to do both? The wine tasting and entertain ourselves?"

He smiled. "I think we could manage."

"What time's the wine tasting?"

Derek pursed his lips. "Two, maybe?"

She glanced at the clock. It was almost one-thirty. "That's soon. Probably no time to entertain ourselves before."

He chuckled. "Not if we want to do it right."

"So, we go to the wine tasting, come back, entertain ourselves for a while, and then go to dinner."

He nodded his agreement.

Meredith smiled softly at him. "Sounds like the perfect birthday. Thank you, Derek. This means...more than you know."

"You're worth it," he responded easily, and the integrity in his expression told her he believed his own words.

"Thank you," she said again, still smiling.

He smiled back at her. "You're very welcome."

Comfortable silence fell between them for several minutes. Meredith finished her croissant and helped herself to a second. Derek, still working on his sandwich, rolled his eyes in humour at her ability to eat so much. She giggled as she reached for a second package of strawberry jam.

When she was finished with her second croissant, Meredith sat back in her chair, her eyes trained on her husband.

Derek met her gaze and cocked his head, able to read the indecision and uncertainty in her gaze. "What's up?"

She shrugged.

"You seem a little lost."

She offered him a small smile to signal that she wasn't upset. "The bellboy called me Mrs. Shepherd when he delivered breakfast."

"Oh," Derek responded, uncertain. "The room's in my name. I guess he just assumed..."

"I'm not Mrs. Shepherd," she declared, "But I could be Dr. Shepherd."

Derek sat up a little straighter. "Do you want to be Dr. Shepherd?"

"Do you want me to be Dr. Shepherd?"

"Mer, it's your choice. I will support whatever you want." They had had this discussion before.

"I know. I just...want to know what you think."

He sighed.


He released a laughing breath as his lips curled into a smile, telling her he was amused that he couldn't say no to her. "I don't want to influence your choice."

"But you should influence my choice. It should be our choice, shouldn't it?"

"I'm pretty sure this should be your choice. It doesn't affect us, it affects you. It's your name, Mer. It's important that you make this decision for you."

"Do you think it would be a problem at work if I changed my name?"

He shook his head. "You can't let work influence your choice."

Meredith huffed. "You are decidedly unhelpful today. It's my birthday; doesn't that mean you're supposed to be nice to me?"

He stood and pulled her up as well. "I am being nice to you. I love you. And you obviously need to make a decision before you become a crazy person."

She snaked her arms around his waist and leaned into his chest. "I think it's already made me a crazy person."

He rubbed her back. "It's okay if you don't want to change anything, Mer. You can stay as Dr. Grey. I'm not expecting you to change for me. I don't need you to change anything for me. I just need you."

Meredith stayed silent, tucked against him. She had his permission and support to remain Dr. Meredith Grey. And yet, something inside her didn't accept it. And that could only mean one thing; that she wanted to change her name. The only problem was she didn't know what she wanted to change it to. Shepherd, Grey-Shepherd or Shepherd-Grey.

Derek pressed his lips to the top of her head. "You don't have to decide anything in this moment. Let's get changed and go to the wine tasting. It'll get your mind off all the crazy."

She giggled and nodded against him. "Okay."

The restaurant was close enough to the resort they were staying at, so Meredith and Derek had opted to walk. It was getting dark now, as they began the short walk back after lingering for hours at dinner. The food had been amazing; causing Meredith to, once again, eat more than her body was happy with.

"Ugghhh," she mumbled as she closed her eyes, trusting Derek to lead her safely along the path back to the resort as her free hand clutched to her unhappy stomach.

Derek squeezed her hand and chuckled softly.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"You were thinking it."

"Maybe I was. But telling someone to shut up comes with a valid understanding that that person verbalized their thoughts."

She opened her eyes to mock-glare at him. "Shut up," she repeated, "And stop thinking mean things about me."

Derek stopped and snaked his arms loosely around her middle. "I'm not allowed to think now?"

She stifled a giggled and nodded. "Yes."

He brushed his lips against hers, before murmuring, "Trying to control my thoughts? That doesn't seem entirely fair. I happen to like thinking about you. In fact, you're one of my favourite subject to think about."

Meredith pressed herself into him, her hands finding purchase along his sides, and pressed her face into the crook of his neck. She inhaled. He was one of her favourite subjects as well. She exhaled, and then smiled as she felt his hands begin to run across her back in lazy loops and circles. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to be lulled by him.

"Mmm," he breathed, his nose now buried in her hair. He sighed before loosing a second, "Mmm."

She smiled at the sound. It was a happy sound. It told her he was just as happy in this moment as she was. The evening air was just cool enough to make the warmth of her husband's embrace all the more comforting. Without moving, she kissed the soft skin of his neck, her way of telling him she was happy.

Derek's hands came to a gradual stop along her spine, and then he hugged her tight.

She snaked her hands as far around him as she could and hugged him back. "Thank you for dinner," she murmured after a long minute.

He pulled back far enough to meet her eyes. "You," he paused to kiss her lips, "are very welcome."

"And thank you for this weekend."

"Again, very welcome." He kissed her again, much longer this time.

She kissed him back hard, and then moaned and broke the kiss.

He groaned in response, signalling his displeasure that she would pull away.

She pecked his lips, but didn't let him pull her into another long kiss.

"That's all I get as a thank you?" He whined, cocking his head and pushing forward his lower lip.

Meredith giggled as his attempt at a pout. She pecked his lips again. "No, but that's all you're going to get here. Take me back to the resort so I can thank you properly."

He bit back a smirk. "Bossy."

"Keeps you in line."

He kissed her one more time, long but soft, and when he pulled away he threaded his fingers through hers as they began the relatively short trek back to the resort.

"It's a beautiful night," she commented, gazing upwards. The sky was perfectly clear of clouds, allowing the stars above to light up the evening sky.

"It is," he agreed.

"I like it here," Meredith declared.

Derek chuckled. "I like it here, too. Though I like being anywhere you are."

She bumped his shoulder as they continued to walk along the path to the resort. "Cheesy."

"It's your birthday. And I'm your husband. Isn't it my job to be cheesy today?"

Meredith shrugged. "I've never been married on my birthday before. This is unchartered territory for me."

He laughed and dropped her hand to swing his arm around her waist. "Unchartered territory, huh? You make it sound so pleasant," he added sarcastically.

"It is," she insisted. "And yes, it's unchartered territory, but I'm discovering good things, not bad things, like sea monsters or whatever."

He fell silent beside her.


He shot her a humorous glance. "I'm just trying to figure out how we got to sea monsters..."

She laughed. "You should have learned by now that conversations with me aren't always linear."

"Oh, I think I learned that lesson a long time ago."

Meredith rolled her eyes, but leaned her head against his shoulder. It made walking together a little difficult, but Derek didn't complain as their pace slowed to accommodate the position. Their conversation dissipated, but the silence was anything but uncomfortable.

"I'm really happy, Derek," Meredith whispered as the resort came into view.

His arm tightened around her. "I'm happy, too."

She stopped at the outskirts of the property and turned into Derek. She hooked her hands behind his neck and pulled him down to kiss him softly. "Today was amazing. And being able to get away from everything that's happening at home... Thank you."

He kissed her back, his hands settling along her lower back. "We'll do it again next year," he promised.

She smiled at the ease in which he tagged the words 'next year' onto his sentence. He was a permanent fixture in her life. He had been for a while now, but getting married had made it all the more real. He wasn't going anywhere. He loved her. And he wanted to be here next year. And every year after. And she wanted him there. She had even come to expect him to be there.

"I love you," she murmured, unable to not say it in that moment.

"I love you, too," he echoed, his voice confident and soothing. "And things at home will get better."

She breathed. "I hope so."

"They will," he repeated. "I promise. And I'm here. I'll always be here."

"I know." She offered him a tender smile. "You being here make things so much better, Derek."

He inhaled and then returned her smile. "I want to fix everything for you. Take away all the stress. You deserve better."

She knew he wasn't trying to shelter her from anything. He just wanted her to not have so many stressors to deal with. "I have you," she told him.

He beamed at her, and her heart melted just a bit at his reaction. "You most definitely do," he agreed. "And I want to be here. For everything."

Meredith leaned in to kiss him. "Good. Now, let's go inside so I can thank you for today..."

"Mmm, whatever you want."

She took his hand and they quickly covered the short distance to the resort. Once inside, they took the stairs to their room, and then she waited while Derek pulled the key card out of his wallet and opened the door.

His lips were on hers the moment the door was closed behind them. She groaned as he pushed her back against the wall and ran his fingers through her hair. "Derek..." she began, but trailed off as further words deserted her.

He mumbled something incoherent into her mouth between kisses.

She buried her fingers in his hair, and subtly directed his movements as his lips left hers to travel down her neck. Goosebumps erupted across her skin as a familiar, and very welcome, heat began to build within her. His lips traveled lower, moving from her neck to her chest, as far down as her shirt allowed for. When he was effectively prevented from accessing anymore skin, he moaned and pulled away, his hands reaching for the hem of her top.

It was then that she pressed her hands to his chest.

He was panting and his dilated pupils were filled with bewilderment, but he stopped.

She tried to offer him a smile as she fought for oxygen.


She leaned in to kiss his cheek and then pushed gently on his chest.

He stepped back, releasing her from her captivity between him and the wall.

"Give me a minute," she told him. "I need to change."

His breath was hot against her neck as he leaned in close. "You don't need to change. Changing involves taking clothes off and putting other clothes on. You just need to complete half that process. And I can help you with that."

She giggled, but pushed him away. Her duffel bag was sitting on the bed from when she had pulled out clothes for dinner. She rifled through it and pulled out the dark blue lingerie she had discovered earlier. "Does that mean you don't want me to wear this?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was a heavy breath. And then his jaw tightened and his eyes darkened.

She smirked. "That's what I thought." She pecked his cheek on her way into the bathroom. "Give me a minute."

Once the bathroom door was closed behind her, Meredith freshened up and then replaced her clothes with the lingerie Derek had bought her months before. When she re-entered the bedroom, she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

Derek was sitting up against the headboard on the bed, clad in nothing but his boxers. The clothes he had been wearing to dinner had been dumped unceremoniously onto the floor.


His gaze found hers, and his eyes immediately darkened to the point that they mirrored the colour of her lingerie. "Oh, yes," he breathed.

Meredith bit her lip at the intensity of his gaze. She's always been comfortable in her own skin, but no one had ever made her feel half as attractive as Derek made her feel. He made her feel wanted in every way.

She shuffled quickly across the short span of floor to join him on the bed. He reached his hands out to support her as she straddled his thighs, facing him as he leaned against the headboard.

"Definitely worth the wait," he declared as his hands found her thighs and pushed under the thin, silky material of her slip.

She leaned in and pressed her lips to his, tasting him. "I hoped you'd think so. Especially since you hinted at this."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know how it got in your bag."

She giggled at his antics. "Suuuuure, you don't."

"Mmm, I don't," he insisted as he dipped his head, his lips finding the sensitive skin of her neck.

"Well, then, if you didn't pack it, maybe I should just take it off?"

He chuckled against her, his hot breaths hitting her neck and making her shiver. "Let me do it for you."

"'Kay," she mumbled as his hands pushed higher, taking the slip up with them as they ran over her ass and up her sides. When they reached the fabric of her bra, Meredith raised her arms so he could remove the slip altogether, leaving her in only her bra and underwear.

Derek tossed the garment across the room and then returned his attention to her. His fingers reached up to brush a few strands of hair out of her face. "God, you're beautiful," he murmured. "How did I get so lucky?" He mused.

"I'm the lucky one," she insisted, fully believing her own words. Her husband was a wonderful man. He was tender, intense but compassionate, and remarkably kind. He loved without limitations or undue expectations. He was determined and devoted, but retained a level of patience that she couldn't always understand, and an easy going nature and sense of humour that had proved resilient to the events of the year and a bit that she had known him. Horrible things would dampen his demeanour, but only for short periods of time. The essence that made him Derek Shepherd always found its way back to the surface.

Meredith couldn't have wished or hoped or asked for a better man to spend her life with. He was forever for her. He was who and what she wanted for the rest of her life. His wife was who she wanted to be for the rest of her life.

She was his wife. That meant more to her than she could even comprehend. It meant he wanted her in his life just as much as she wanted him. It meant she was forever to him, too.

"Grey-Shepherd," she murmured, verbalizing the decision she hadn't realized she made until the moment she said it.

The hands that had been running through her hair cupped her face. "What?"

She loosed a giggle. "Sorry. I'm being non-linear again; bringing things up out of nowhere. But I... Grey-Shepherd. That's who I want to be. It's my past and my future, or whatever. It lets me be me and your wife."

"Grey-Shepherd," he repeated, tasting the words together. His tone was reverent and tender.

Meredith's chest tightened at the sound of the name coming from his lips.

"Grey-Shepherd," he said again. "Doctor Meredith Grey-Shepherd." He smiled. "I like it."

"Me too." She kissed him.

"You're sure that's who you want to be?"

She smiled at him. "I don't think it's who I want to be, Derek, I think it's who I am."

He smirked. "Now who's being cheesy?"

She laughed; the weight of the decision was off her shoulders and she was filled with joy at knowing she had made the right decision. "It's my birthday. And my husband is being remarkably perfect. I'm happy. So, I'm allowed to be cheesy."

"I'm all for the cheesy. More cheesy I say," he responded.

She laughed again at his words and then kissed him.

Derek kissed her back for a long moment being pulling back far enough to meet her eyes. "Happy birthday, doctor Meredith Grey-Shepherd."

She smiled happily at him. "Best birthday ever."

AN: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who weighed in on Meredith's name. I appreciated and took into account every comment. Grey-Shepherd was my original thought, and it had a lot of support, so I went with it.