
50 Sarina's call

Tears start streaming down my face as I ached for Jackson. I needed to know if he was alright. I wanted him back here where I could hold him. I needed him back here.

A hand on my shoulder startles me. I had forgotten Ethan was there for a minute. I wipe my eyes and turn to him.

"I'm okay, I'm just concerned." I struggle out, pulling myself back together.

Ethan clicks his tongue, "I know." As he gently rubs my upper back to soothe me. "I'm here for you though." 

I pick up my phone again and look up the latest news and I see what Eric was talking about. Some news outlet mentioned that their had been rumors of the council woman having an affair. They assumed that it was Jackson and that first he took out her husband, but things must have went south so he killed her too in a fit of rage. As I read the article, I felt nauseas and kept shaking my head. I could not believe the utter bullshit that this news outlet was spewing. A picture of the council woman was shown and while she was attractive for her age, she was easily twenty years Jacksons senior and he would not have sex with someone who was old enough to be his mother. Just the thought of it all was overwhelming and I had to suppress a gag behind my hand.

"Mel, let's put the phone away for now. It'll do you no good if you make yourself sick over this." Ethan takes the phone out of my hand and sets it back on the bar.

"I just can't believe the lies they are saying about him. I also can't believe he hasn't had anyone contact me to let me know." I bury my face in my hands again. "I know he's busy, but shouldn't he have had someone call me by now? Or am I just being selfish?" 

Ethan sighs, "I wouldn't call it selfish, but yes he should have had someone send a message to you by now." His shoulders deflate a bit, "But try to cut him some slack, he's defending his Innocence in a foreign country right now." 

"You're right." I give a weak smile as my phone starts going off.

I pick up the phone again and see it's Sarina. "Hey, Sarina." I answer trying to sound fine.

"Girl! Have you seen the news! I just saw about Jackson!" Sarina exclaims through the phone and I have to pull the phone from my ear.

"Yes. I did. He didn't kill anyone though." I quickly defend Jackson.

"I know he didn't. I'm calling to check to see how you're handling the news though." Sarina inquires and I swallow hard.

"Not very well since I've not been able to talk to him yet." I say, twirling my still damp hair around my finger.

"Oh... Mel... I'm sure he'll call you soon as he can. So what happened with that back stabbing whore at work?" 

"Hey Mel!" Lirael's voice comes over the phone too.

I chuckle, "Hey Lirael." 

"Oh yeah, sorry. Lirael is here with me right now. The hubby's are working out." Sarina adds, "Anyways, did you catch her in her own trap?" 

I groan, "Ughhh... Where do I begin again with that...?" I grumble.

Ethan mutters lowly, "She had a lifeboat."

Sarina quickly asks, "Who was that?"

My eyes widen and throw a glance Ethan's way. He looks sheepish and mouths sorry as I sigh, "That would be Ethan."

"WAIT WHAT?! That Ethan?!" Sarina and Lirael start making noises and then the line hangs up.

I hold the phone out and see the call ended. Frowning, I go to call her back when her number comes back up on the phone. It's a video call.

I roll my eyes, "Prepare yourself. They're going to want to say hello." I warn him before answer the call. "Nice to see you two." I answer.

Sarina and Lirael's faces pop on the screen, "We missed your pretty face." Lirael exclaims and I flush. That woman still makes shy at times.

Sarina scoffs, "You just wanted to make her blush. Anyways, Let's see him!" 

I roll my eyes, motioning for Ethan to step closer. He steps into the picture and waves hesitantly, "Hello ladies."

Lirael and Sarina both wave back, "Hey Ethan."

Lirael inquires, "Are you taking care of our friend while she's dealing with all this stress?"

"Yes, ma'am." Ethan replies.

"Mistress, sweetheart. I go by Mistress, not ma'am." Lirael winks at him and Ethan turns four shades of red.

I clear my throat and give Lirael a disapproving glare.

"What? IT's true!" Lirael starts laughing. 

Sarina smacks Lirael's arm and adds, "Sorry about that Ethan. We just wanted to put a face to the name. Thank you for taking care of our Mel while Jackson is currently unable to."

"Not a problem." Ethan nods. "I understand I'm not exactly falling under the approved guest list." Ethan chuckles as I frown at him.

"Only because he hasn't met you yet. I've tried explaining that you're a better man than he's giving you credit for."

Ethan looks surprised and humbled. "Thank you, Mel." 

"Anyways," Sarina pulls our attention back to her, "Tomorrow, Brian is going to take me out to lunch and told me to invite my friends since I've been stuck in this house for the past two weeks except for my doctor visits. You want to come? You can come too Ethan, give us the chance to get to know you too?"

Ethan pauses, "I don't know if that's a good idea... I don't think Jackson would appreciate me just..."

Sarina cuts him off, "You're obviously important to Mel, though. Plus, you'll be with a large group of people, who trust me, can handle anything thrown their way."

Lirael exclaims off in the distance, "You know it!"

Sarina's smile grows larger, "Whether you come or not, the invitation is there." 

"That's very gracious of you. Thank you. I'll give it some thought." Ethan smiled and nodded to Sarina.

"Okay then, I'll send Mel the details and she can get them to you. Now, Mel. Tell me what happened with your work?"

I stepped away from the bar and started explaining to Sarina what happened with Sybil. I ended upstairs, to talk to her and she asked me what was going on with Ethan there. I made sure I shut my door and explained to her, that I left work in a rage and decided to walk home. I then explained the anxiety attack and me going upstairs and passing out from the attack. How Ethan saved me from falling down the stairs and then has been here to make sure I was alright. 

"He's not staying the night is he?" Sarina asks.

"No..." I shake my head, "No, of course not. I'm an adult. I'll be fine." I look at the clock and see it's past nine. "Although I should probably get him out of here now." I say my thoughts out loud. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna let you go and do that. I'll see you tomorrow." Sarina and I hang up, leaving me in silence. I'm staring at the drawing I've been working on, when a knock comes at my bedroom door.

I open it up, "Hey sorry Ethan. I didn't mean to ignore you like that." I apologize. 

He waves his hand in dismissal, "It's fine. No worries." His eyes focus on something behind me and his jaw drops, "Is THAT the art you're drawing?" He asks, pointing to the canvas.

I flush, a wave of nervousness washing through me as I stutter, "I .. Uh.. Yeah."

"May I take a closer look?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Of course." I chuckle awkwardly and let him come in to take a closer look. He approaches it and starts making noises of approval.

"Wow, Mel. This is amazing." He turns to me as I fiddle with my blouse sleeves, awkwardly.

"Thanks. It's not finished though." I smile at his kind words, knowing that there's still improvements I need to make.

"It doesn't have to be finished. This is still amazing as it is." He turns to me his eyes bright and sincere with awe.

"You really think so?" I bite on my thumb, needing to do something to control my body in some way waiting for his response.

"Yes. I do." Ethan nods emphasizing each nod slowly. 

I drop my thumb from my mouth and grin, "Thanks. Anyways," I change the topic, "you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Ethan's brows pinch in confusion for a second before it clicks. "Oh, yeah. You shouldn't have another seizure or attack like that tonight, right?"

I shake my head, "No. I should be fine. As long as no more shocking news gets unloaded on me." I laugh but my laughter quickly dies, "Thank you for staying as long as you have. I appreciate it. Also if you don't want to join us all at Ozona's for lunch it's fine. I don't want you to feel pressured about it."

Ethan lets out an amused scoff as he looks down at his shuffling feet before raising his head, "I'll go. I don't feel obligated in the slightest. I am concerned about Jackson though. I don't know if he'll appreciate me being invited by your friends when he hasn't even met me yet." He sticks his hands in his pockets and shrugs.

I chew my lip, "Yes, but it wasn't me who invited you. It was Sarina." I grin and begin walking out of my room to head downstairs.

Ethan follows me chuckling as we head to the front door. Ethan pulls out his phone and gets an Uher on it's way to pick him up.

"Thank you Ethan. For being here and taking care of me." I say as he ties his shoes back on. 

Ethan stands, "I am happy to help you out, Mel. Don't even need to mention it." 

His Uher is less than a two minutes away so I open the door and walk him out. 

"I'm still thankful that you did so." I nudge him with my shoulder and he chuckles.

The Uher pulls up as we walk down the walkway. 

"Well, there's my ride. I'll see you tomorrow." He waves and walks to the car door.

"Good night, Ethan." I wave back at him as he gives me a soft smile.

"Good night, Mel."