
Where To Begin

A_Prill · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

My controversial decision..

I started a riot today. Totally unintentional, sort of, but let me start from the beginning.

It started out as any other day would. I woke up like a zombie would. Moaning and groaning, hair in every direction possible, total disarray. I looked at my Bengal cat, Tigger, and told him to avoid the mirrors. He lazily yawned and stretched further across my bed now that I was no longer in his way.

"Lazy.." I grumbled as I stumbled down the hallway to my one salvation in the morning. My coffee maker. Now here is a piece of equipment that totally gets me! I smile as I start to prep it. Today I think I'm going to add a splash of O Negative to it. Oh yeah! I'm a vamp by the way. No, I don't sparkle and yes sunlight does bother me. It's almost like immediately getting a 3rd degree sunburn when we are in daylight. Obviously that means my "morning" is your dinner time. Don't worry though. I'm not too big on the whole biting someone thing. I just don't enjoy absorbing the emotions of that individual along with my meal. (Completely ruins the taste and plus, you don't know what germs they have.) As the magical aroma of my O Negative coffee brewing fills the air I decide to get ready. I had my music playing, a band called Blood's Cross was on. (The lead singer, Dimitri, is to die for omg, more on that later though.)

" What should I wear today, Tigger? The usual or should I be a little extra today?" He did not look amused about my bothering him, yawned and rolled the other way so his back was facing me.

"Gee thanks you jerk." I laughed and roughly pet his head.

"Okay then! Extra it is!" I pulled out my sparkly red crop top with the cold shoulder sleeve and my torn black leather leggings. I stood in front of my mirror carefully braiding my platinum hair that is as long as I am tall when my phone started ringing. Dread filled me as I saw who was calling. My father.

My father was a loving one and happy one even after he lost my mother to crusaders decades ago. Lately, however, he has been bent on this whole suitor business. He is one of the 3 noble lords of darkness as they call themselves. Every daughter has to be matched to a worthy suitor when they come of age in order to keep the bloodlines strong. (gag) I have been avoiding him for weeks knowing my time is coming. (I am almost 400 now.) I answer his call and immediately cringe. It seems he is a bit extra today as well.

"Good moonlight my wonderfully evasive daughter! I am surprised you answered! I was prepared to break in!"

"What do you mean break in?! I'm barely awake and haven't even had my coffee yet!"

"Well then I would finish waking up and chug that coffee because we are here! SURPRISE!!!"

"WE?!?!?" He hung up on me. I groaned and complained as I looked out my window. I nearly fell over with the site in front of my house. The whole damn village was with him!! He saw me and happily started waving while still leaning against his murdered out Range Rover. I waved back while silently cursing him and hoping one of the casters accidentally turn him into a hamster again. ( Ever seen a vampire hamster that's pissed off? It's hilarious I promise.) I started giggling as I decided on a pair of thigh high leather biker boots to finish the outfit and adorn my jewelry. (I have a thing for sparkly stuff.) I grab my coffee and put it into a to-go cup since I apparently am not staying to enjoy it. One last inspection in the mirror before I grab my thigh holster and gun as I leave.

I didn't even get the door closed before my father wrapped me in his massive arms and squeezed hard.

"Good moonlight, Father. Why all of this so early today?"

"Well I figured you can't avoid it if I brought it to you of course!" He exclaimed so happily. I sighed in answer which earned me a stern look.

"So. Have you decided how you will pick your suitor?" He asked as we walk toward the crowd together. As we walked, his personal guard filed in beside us and around us. I stole a glance to his right hand guard, Gabriel. Gabriel saw my glance and smirked for a split second as answer to it. Anyone not looking for it wouldn't have seen it but I did, and I melted in answer. Totally against the "rules" by the way. The guard are forbidden from ever directly talking to me, looking at me or even so much as to hint at having any type of emotion towards me except protection. Total bs in my opinion especially when one is so devilishly handsome. I have always admired him and longed to feel his large hands on me. Just thinking of it made me tingle all over. In an attempt to hide my thoughts and growing blush I answered my father since it is up to me on how my suitor will be chosen as is tradition.

"Well I have given it some thought over the last few weeks, father. Seeing as I am the head of our beautiful country's defensive guard, I think I have thought of a perfect solution to this suitor business." I glanced at him to read his body language. Always useless to do as he is always so poised but I still try. And I still fail.

"What is this solution? I am glad to hear you have been thinking of a solution instead of your usual bloody tactics to get out of it." He was referring to when I shot one of the nobles in the shoulder in order to get out of training for the day. Not my fault he underestimated me and left himself wide open to the shot during combat training. Now he meets with me and 2 of his own guard and I'm not allowed to have my guns during training. I just shrugged in answer to his jab while I mentally laughed.

"Wellll.. As I said, seeing as I am head of the defensive guard.." I glanced at my father and launched into the best part of my idea, " my suitor will need to be just as strong as I am and be able to stand by me in battle. I need to know without a shadow of doubt that he will not falter in guarding my back whether on the battlefield or in the courts. " My father glanced over at me. He could tell where this was going and from what I can see, he is not a fan of it. We finally reached the crowd of villagers and I looked to them to announce the final part.

"I have decided that the only suitor worthy of the position beside me is the suitor who can defeat me in battle!"

Not one person cheered that I finally made a choice. My father looked outright pissed. I never thought I'd see it but Gabriel also tensed and looked pissed. He was looking straight at me and it sent chills down my spine. I was getting the full effect of his steel silver eyes and it was not the way I was hoping it would be the first time he truly looked at me. I felt disappointed and suddenly small and meek compared to him. One of the guard behind him slightly elbowed him and he collected himself in answer and pulled his eyes from me. I almost reached out to him so his eyes would come back but the aura building around my father stopped me. He was ready to explode. And that is when the villagers erupted.

'How can she choose that?!'

'A suitor is forbidden from harming his maiden!'

'What kind of brute is our maiden?!'

'No one will ever defeat her! We will be ruined by a brute!'

'Such shameful words!'

Yupp. My father exploded after that.

"ENOUGH!! Anyone who dares speak of our maiden in such vulgar ways will have their tongues removed and you will feed your own tongues to the hell guard before being branded with shame!" He bellowed over everyone. A hush came over the crowd but they were still clearly enraged. No one would dare to challenge him especially when he brings up the hell guard. The hell guard is our elite vamp/wolf hybrids. They love the taste of flesh, especially vampire flesh.

Gabriel leaned into my father, 'Sir, with all due respect, she cannot make this claim for a suitor. It goes against all of our laws.'

"I am aware. Rayze, you will accompany me back and we will discuss this further in private. Is that clear?"

"Father my choice is made and announced already. I cannot go back and change it. I am bound by my word."

"I am not, Rayze. Now let us go. This is the end of the discussion."

"But father.."

"I said that is the end Rayze! Act as a maiden and follow me. NOW."

I bit my tongue and tasted blood which made my eyes glow. I was pissed. I cannot take a meek scholar as my suitor. If they intend on forcing me into this, I will only do it if I get the strongest one to lead my forces with. I stole another glance at Gabriel wishing he could be a suitor. As if knowing my thoughts, he raised an eyebrow without even looking my way. I sighed again at my crushed dreams and silently followed my father back to the vehicles and started the drive to his palace. (double gag) Too extravagant for me.

As we pulled into the gate, I outwardly groaned. The other 2 nobles were standing out front waiting, with their own guards and their children. 2 of which, are supposed to be intended suitors. All of them, looked pissed. Wonderful. Let the games begin I guess...

First time ever writing like this. Hope you enjoy! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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