
Chapter 2

With the box in my hands, I ran home eager to open the box but also scared. When I got home I ran to my room to open it, I sat on my bed and put the box on my lap. I slowly and carefully took off the lid. I didn't even open it halfway when streaks of light started shooting out from the box the lid blew off and landed on the floor. The entire room lit up for a second and then the light went away. There were just two things in the box: a key on a chain and a book with a lock. With my hand shaking, I grabbed the key and opened the lock that kept the book shut. As I opened the book words appeared on the first page it read "This is where the lost things go". I turned the page and was amazed at the image I saw of my dog playing in the field. I thought to myself, "Is my dog in this heavenly place?" I turned the page to see that it was another picture this time of my grandparents looking down upon me with smiles on their faces. I heard their voices in my mind say "you are safe and so are we.'' This brought tears to my eyes. I turned the pages and saw where all of my lost things went. I don't know who or what gave me this but I want to say to you thank you for showing me the way to "Where the Lost Things Go".