
Chapter 7

****WARNING: This chapter contains adult situations not intended for people under the age of 18 please view at your own discretion ****

I was standing in the field taking in the lovely aroma of flowers that lingered in the cool breeze. My hair was moving freely with every little gust of wind that came and I could see all the bright twinkling stars in the sky. The stars seemed slightly different from the ones I was use to seeing in the night sky, somehow displaced from their original spots. I saw a cluster of what seemed more like shiny diamonds instead of stars sparkling in the dark sky making up the outline of a two people. Lost in thought as I stared at them I then heard him.

"Hello my love" said a lustrous voice.

My heart began to race and I felt butterflies in my stomach, slowly I turned around and locked eyes with him. The wind blew and I swear I could smell Jasper, musk and pines and hint of spice, it was intoxicating.

"Why are you here?," I asked with a quiver in my voice.

"The question is not why I'm here but why did you want me here?" Jasper said with a smirk.

I stood there a little baffled at his response, clearly this man was all about secrecy and I wasn't going to get much out of him. So I decided to change tactics.

"Okay I'll play your game, why do you think I want you here?" I said with confidence.

"It's because your drawn to me in more way then one." He shrugged.

I began to feel the heat rising in my body and a blush crept onto my cheeks. I turned my head so he couldn't see my embarrassment.

Jasper stood there watching Alisons every move. Her beautiful porcelain skin seemed to sparkle under the moonlight and her hair was as dark as the shadows around them. He could smell her sweet scent of lavender, she was breathtakingly beautiful. In all the years he has seen her in his visions he never thought she would be anymore beautiful then in person even if they were in her dream world. She turned away from him just as a blush crept up her cheeks. Jasper wanted to brush his fingers across that cheek so badly he thought he might loose his mind. He began to move towards her ever so slowly as to not startle her.

I heard a snap of a twig from behind me, I started to turn around when I felt a hand firmly lay itself around my waist. I could smell pine and knew it was Jasper without looking, this was closest he had been since last night in my dream. I could feel my pulse quicken. He let his head rest gently on my shoulder as he whispered in my ear.

"Come with me my love I want to show you something" he said on a husky tone sending shivers up my spine.

Jasper held out his hand for me and I graciously took it. I felt spark between us when my fingers wrapped around his and I pulled back subconsciously. I stared into his beautiful eyes what appeared to be silver with a hint of blue at the edges I felt my heart skip I interlaced our fingers again and began walking with him.

We walked north and as we left the field behind us I could feel the temperature start to drop ever so slightly. After a few minutes I could see a small cottage and a lake behind it the air was cooler but not cold more like a cool summer night before fall.

As we approached the small cottage I saw a small statue at the base of the steps something told me to turn it over so I did. To my surprise a skeleton key layer beneath. I picked up the key to examine it, how did I know it was there, at that moment I started to climb up the staircase to the door with Jasper at my side.

To my surprise the key fit perfectly in the keyhole, with a turn I could hear the latch unlock. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and pushed open the door. The house was empty looked like whoever had stayed here left in a hurry, drawers had been upturned and papers scattered about. A small crib sat in the corner next to a rocking chair. I walked closer and saw a name engraved into the crib Alison written in the most beautiful calligraphy I had ever seen. I swiped a tear from my eye and looked over at Jasper his face unreadable.

His features began to surface and a soft looked appeared "oh my sweet do not be stricken with sadness" Jasper said with such tenderness while caressing my cheek.

I leaned into his touch and felt my body tremble with desire. I locked my hands behind his neck and looked into his eyes. My breath quickened and I shakily started to advance toward his face. Then I felt my lips brush against his. Slowly Jaspers tongue entered my mouth swirling around my tongue. He tasted so delicious, a soft moan escaped my lips as he bite and sucked on my tongue.

Jasper started to quicken his pace with more kisses then I could keep up with he left my lips and started to trail kisses down my neck and on my shoulders and back, every little touch electrifying my senses. I felt my underwear dampened as my arousal intensified. Jasper pulled at my hair sending pleasure throughout my body. I felt his hands begin to roam over me. He cupped my left breast fondling it making me loose my mind in pleasure, I stared to moan more loudly at his action while I felt his mouth cup around my other breast taking little nips of my nipple. I could feel his erection through his pants start to pulsate. His hands began to move down from my chest to hovering over my most precious spot. I could feel the heat radiating from his palm. Slowly I felt his hand grip my sex and I screamed in ecstasy as he started to rub his hand over it. My dampness increasing I feel it start to drip down my legs wetting through my pants. I felt Jasper fingers start to tug at the top of my pants when I heard a voice in the distance calling to me.

"Ali, Ali wake up"