
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · Sports, voyage et activités
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61 Chs

Chapter twenty seven: Happiness

Grace and a male dancer walked down the stairs. no could tell their identity just by staring, only their outfits stood out from the others. once they reached the stage, slow music began to play in the background.

y/n stared at them from the floor above. she was amazed with how beautiful the sight infront of her is. when her eyes caught grace dancing, she noticed the discomfort and annoyance in her. because the person she kept dancing with, was not her partner Thomas.

Thomas stood beside y/n. his eyes adoringly held her. they were together since he approached her on the dance floor.  "are you okay with this...? I mean, she's your partner-"

"she had me standing in the same situation before. its only fair that i make her feel the loneliness too. they replaced me anyway." the other lost words to say and stood quiet. until now she couldnt ever figure out what kind of relation grace and thomas were in.

Thomas looked for something in his pocket then took out a flower print mask. he reached out for her to take it. "put this on." she obediently did so. thomas stepped closer.

"....can i have your first dance?" his words made her take a step back in surprise. she totally didnt expect it. walking around until the party was over was all she thought so far, "why...im not good enough to-" he took her hand in his and interrupted

"I prefer someone who works hard then someone who's already perfect. so, would you like my company?"

y/n wasnt still all the way convinced with his words. she hesitated to walk every step as they went down. but they soon reached the stage. "shall we?" thomas whispered in her ears. she smiled in reply.

he took her hand and twirled her in his arms. they both fell in step, letting the rhythm control their movements. All the scenery and people around them dissolved. It was her and him, alone.

thier eyes glistened as smile spreads across their faces. uncontrollable feelings surged through them.

Thomas drew y/n close to his chest as she wraps her arms around his neck. they continued to dance, too lost in the music to halt. y/n could finally be herself.

The music flowed through her body, the slow rhythm increasing her mood. She was happy. It was just pure bliss. There was no other word for it, she was just happy.

after a while of repeating the same steps, the music changed with an upbeat one. both removed their hands off each other. they stood awkwardly for a minute while everyone else moved on with the new song.

Thomas leaned closer and whispered, "I wanna take you somewhere. follow me." there was no time to refuse because, without anyone else noticing, both left the place.






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Thomas made her follow a long way. she couldnt even tell where they were. not long after, a small garden came in her view. y/n realised they were standing in the school's backyard. There were no light aside the moonlight. the full moon shined with the full beam in the clear and bright sky.

The surrounding atmosphere was flooded with the ray of light. The night's gentle wind making it relaxing for both of them.

"That was beautiful." y/n was startled with the other's sudden words. she looked around and found Thomas leaning on a tree while staring at her. "you were great out there." he slowly approached her. y/n heard him walk behind her but she didnt try to give much attention.

"shall we continue?" her heart began to pound. she stood there, feeling a desire run from her heart. she turned around and saw his smiling face. He grabbed her hands gently.

she felt safe with him. he spoke no words. her heart was about to beat out of her chest. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The second they started moving, she felt right in his arms. The steps flowed between them. his breath, short and trembling. he swiftly moved away her hair. he stared into her eyes with pure affection.

♬ dancing in the moonlight alone, alone ♬

Thomas wrapped his fingers around her entire hand. There were no awkward pauses, no second thoughts, no worries of what he was doing wrong. only him and her and their hands fitting together like puzzle piece.

Nothing could have possibly meant more than them, nothing could have more beauty than this moment.

He took a step closer. y/n looked like she wanted to say something but did not. She was so focused on his eyes that she did not even notice how much closer he was now. Their bodies radiated the same heat, their lips held identical smiles.

♬ Till the end of time ♬

when there were no words needed to approach each other, Thomas almost closed in to her lips. he paused to look at her. she was hesitating and shaking slightly.

In seconds that felt like years, he finally kissed her.

When he was non-respondent, she pulled away. He took a step back, heat rising to his face. "Sorry....I ...shouldn't have done that."

y/n began to feel guilty over the situation. maybe she shouldve walked away when it happened. but it was too late now. both stood still while avoiding each other's sight.

Just then, they heard a female voice calling out for Thomas. y/n began to panic. she quickly puts on her mask and attempted to run the other way. getting caught by any of her friends or grace was the last thing she wanted to happen.

but thomas caught hold of her arm. when she looked back, she met with his lonely eyes, pleading for her to stay, "dont go."

the other's call for thomas was starting to close in. y/n felt helpless. at last, she ignored him and ran away from that place.