
Where I am ?

A bewildered being wakes up in a room that he himself does not know. Where I am? What was he doing before? That he should...? *Ding* "Welcome soul N°57212, in a coincidence of destiny you have been selected by my goddess to be a worthy candidate for our experiment. Now become the most Outstanding being of this reality. Welcome to the Ikemen System"

Nashi103 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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131 Chs

Chapter 71 A new friend

*Next Day*

*Itan High School*


Komi-san feels strange.

She can see Tadano-kun clearly.

But it doesn't feel the same.

Komi can't explain it.

What's stranger, she seems to be the only one noticing it.

Everyone else seems to be interacting with him normally.

Komi decided to gather her courage and ask.

As his now girlfriend, Komi must take care of her boyfriend and worry about him.

She told herself to be brave.

Approaching the still very smiling Tadano, she asked.

Komi: "Tadano-kun, are you okay? Did something happen?" she said, somewhat concerned.

Tadano: "Oh? Shouko-chan? I'm perfectly fine," he said with a cheerful smile.

For some reason, Komi felt dissatisfied with this smile.

She didn't know why.

It just didn't feel like him.

She also didn't notice that he had called her by her name.

Plus, his way of speaking was very strange.

She couldn't bear it any longer and pulled him aside to talk in a less crowded place.


As Komi left the classroom, a couple of Rabbit and Tortoise looked amusedly at the scene.

After a minute passed since Komi left, both decided to follow her.

A couple of playful smiles adorned their faces.


When Komi arrived in a secluded hallway, she confronted Tadano and said in a rare, stern tone for her.

Komi: "What's wrong with you? You're strange... Who are you?"

Tadano?: "Hehe, it seems we can't fool you..." he said as his voice became higher pitched and his features began to change.

His face became rounder and his features softer.

His eyes became slightly larger, and his pupils changed from the characteristic black to a beautiful amber color.

His once black hair turned brown.

With a soft and gentle voice, he greeted.

Nagisa: "Nice to meet you, Shouko-chan, I'm..."


Nagisa was interrupted by a fist hitting her head.

Holding his head with a few tears welling up and a pitiful expression, he looked at his attacker.

It was none other than Tadano.

However, he also seemed different.

Although his features were the same, his eyes were navy blue, and his tone of voice was also different.

Tomoya: "Hey... we were told we shouldn't reveal our identity. Did you forget?" he said wearily.

Nagisa: "Tomoya-kun, you're still a mean bully... I just wanted to greet her a bit," she complained.

Tomoya rolled his eyes and said.

Tomoya: "Fine, talk to her a bit, but don't overdo it. I'll be going now, the boss is staying in charge."

Nagisa: "Alright... see you in a bit," she said gently.

Tomoya nodded, and with his gesture, Tadano's eyes returned to normal, and he let out a sigh.

Tadano: "You had to jump the gun?" he said with a tired look.

Nagisa timidly touched her fingers.

Nagisa: "I'm sorry..."


Tadano: "Whatever... since I plan on letting you guys out from time to time, she'll know eventually..."

Nagisa smiled and took the hands of a confused Komi.

Nagisa: "Well, Shouko-chan, continuing with my introduction, I'm Okazaki Nagisa, nice to meet you... I've heard you dream of having many friends, let me help you with that," she said with a kind smile.

For some reason, Komi had a warm feeling, her feeling was very familiar to what her mother gave her.

Quickly awakening, she took out her notebook and wrote quickly.

Komi: "Nice to meet you, Okazaki-san, my name is Komi Shouko."

Nagisa let out a giggle and jokingly said.

Nagisa: "Moo∼ Shouko-chan, just call me Nagisa, Okazaki-san is what they call my husband."

In Tadano's mental landscape, Tomoya frowned.

Tomoya: "Being connected to this young man is a bad influence on her. She's slowly becoming like Mei," he said, putting one of his hands on his face with annoyance.

On a rare occasion, Shinomiya smiled at seeing his misfortune.

"Tadano smiled helplessly as he watched the interaction between Komi and Nagisa. 

Apparently, Komi still struggled to use her voice with strangers. 

He thought to himself, then shifted his gaze to Nagisa. Thanks to the [Multi Tasking] ability, he was able to infuse one of the consciousnesses to control the Shadow Clones. 

He achieved this discovery after much practice and experimentation with the limitations of his [Shadow Clones] ability, as the clones can use their abilities. 

Nagisa can use her [Camouflage] ability to return to her original appearance. 

Tadano realized that he could be influenced by the soul fragments if he wished, enhancing the original abilities of the soul fragments. 

Nagisa was able to enhance her performance. 

The only reason she was exposed was that she was very excited to meet Komi-San. 

Unfortunately, Tadano can only maintain one clone at a time with his current stats. 

Tadano was reluctant to spend points recklessly. 

He had already lost 150 points to get the first volume of Shingeki No Kyojin, which he presented at the Gongon editorial. 

Tadano tried to create it himself based on his memories, but he lacked the ability. 

After much effort throughout that school day, he could only obtain the [Drawing - Intermediate] ability, and according to the system, to create most of the manga in the System store, he needed the ability at a Professional level. 

This made him sigh with annoyance and have to practice for a few more days to raise the ability to that level. 

He also noticed that now it would cost him 20 points to raise a statistic with Idol. He was very reluctant to spend his points. 

He didn't know how many points he would earn with his performance, so he was reluctant to spend recklessly. 

Today he would give his presentation. 

He also had other plans. 

Tadano thought about attracting the attention of a certain rising star. 

He wanted to be noticeable enough to catch her attention. 

While Tadano thought about plans to attract the attention of his future star, a pair of hands covered his eyes. 

Kaede and Nene: "Guess who we are ∼" 

Tadano didn't need to guess to know who they were. 

With a quick movement of his hands, he had each girl in one of his arms. 

Both looked surprised and somewhat embarrassed by the sudden closeness. 

Without worrying too much about that, he gave each of the girls a kiss on the cheek. 

With a cheerful voice, he said. 

Tadano: "It's good to see you here... how about I introduce you to my new ability?" said the young man as he pointed to Nagisa, who was talking animatedly with Komi-San. 

Both looked at him curious and asked. 

Kaede and Nene: "Ability?" 

Tadano proceeded to explain how his clone ability worked, although he omitted some unnecessary information and added that Nagisa was in a way a part of him. 

Then both girls smiled and said. 

Kaede: "Hehe, I knew this was one of your tricks..." 

Nene: "Yeah... for some reason, we felt a discordant feeling from that clone of yours." 

Kaede: "We were betting among ourselves to see who of all the girls around you would be the first to notice..." 

Nene: "And since it was Komi-san, then you lose..." 

Tadano: "Huh? Why me?" I asked somewhat puzzled. 

Kaede: "Because I bet on Agari..." 

Nene: "And I bet on Najimi..." 

Tadano: "That doesn't explain why I lose..." I said somewhat puzzled. 

Kaede and Nene: "Because we decided so..." they said as they both pointed their index fingers at me. 

Tadano: "That's absurd... this is an abuse... referee! I demand VAR" 

Kaede and Nene: "Denied!" they both said as they made a cross with their hands. 

I rolled my eyes at this pair of ruffians. 

They laughed at my expression and proceeded to pull my cheeks. 

After pulling for a while, they nodded satisfactorily and said. 

Kaede and Nene: "Yes... this is the real one" Then they laughed again. 

Kaede: "So that adorable little one is your clone..." she asked curiously. 

Tadano: "Yes" 

Nene: "But she has a completely different attitude from yours..." 

Tadano: "Could you say it's like another personality of mine...?" 

Both looked at me with blank looks. 

Then Kaede stroked my hair and said. 

Kaede: "It doesn't matter, Hitohito-Kun... even if you have chuunibyou syndrome, I'll still love you..." she said with some tears welling up in her eyes. 

Nene on the side couldn't help bursting into laughter. 

Before she could teach this naughty tortoise a lesson, she escaped from my arms and ran to where Nagisa and Komi were, while taking Nene with her. 

When they were close enough, both looked curiously at Nagisa and approached to chat with her. 

I couldn't help but sigh at this mischievous duo. 

However, seeing them chatting animatedly all together was somewhat relaxing. 

Tomoya: "This brings back memories..." he said with a nostalgic tone. 

Tadano: "I understand... anyway, at this moment, I'm partly you and you are partly me..."

Tomoya: "That sounded somewhat unpleasant... if I didn't know you well, I'd say you're just as gay as Sunohara..."

Tadano: "..." 

Shinomiya: "HAHAHAHA!" 

After a while, everyone seemed to get along well. 

Komi and Nagisa became very good friends. 

Komi liked to hear about Nagisa's Great Dango Family. 

And Nagisa liked the cute Dango drawings Komi made. 

Kaede liked the atmosphere around Nagisa. 

So much so that when she hugged her, she trembled with satisfaction. In Kaede's words.

Kaede: "This is incredible, Hitohito-Kun, it's like lying on the grass on a spring afternoon... it's really comfortable," she said as she seemed to melt over Nagisa. 

Kaede also pulled Nene to try it, but it didn't have much effect. 

Instead, Nene preferred to chat with Nagisa about cooking and household chores. 

I'm not sure how they got to those topics, but they both chatted for a long time as if they were old friends. 

Komi watched all this happily from the side, happy to have a new friend. 

Kaede, on the other hand, was melting over Nagisa. 

A little while later, Nagisa trembled and then looked at me. 

The other girls were surprised by Nagisa's reaction and also looked at me for answers. 

Tadano: "You're at your limit, right?" I asked. 

Nagisa: "Hehe, it seems so... my energy is about to reach 0," she said somewhat embarrassed. 

Tadano: "Alright, go back... then talk to that annoying guy and ask him if he also wants to go out," I said nonchalantly. 

Nagisa nodded and said. 

Nagisa: "Yep... I'll try to convince him to go out for a bit. Although I like spending all my time with him, I should also go out and have some fun," she said affectionately. 

Nagisa: "Well... then Shouko-Chan, Nene-Chan, and Kaede-Chan, see you later..." she said as she waved her hand. 

In the course of their interaction, she had completely returned to her appearance from when she was in her last year of school. 

With a *Puff*, she disappeared. 

The three girls were surprised to see how the girl in front of them disappeared behind a cloud of smoke. 

Then they looked at me worriedly. I shook my head and said reassuringly. 

Tadano: "Don't worry... my Clone's time is up, once I regain enough energy, I can bring her back."

The three let out a relieved sigh. 

I shook my head at their reactions. 

These girls... it was only a couple of hours, but they got so close to Nagisa. 

The communicative power of women is certainly terrifying... 

Shinomiya and Tomoya: "Confirmed." 

After giving each of them their favorite drink, I said. 

Tadano: "I plan to give a presentation later. Do you want to come?" 

Nene and Kaede nodded. 

Komi, on the other hand, asked. 

Komi: "Presentation? Are you going to present your homework or something?" she asked somewhat confused. 

Kaede and Nene smiled at how confused she was, and before I could say anything, they took Komi and started explaining what my presentations were. 

Kaede narrated while Nene made an exaggerated interpretation of me, which I didn't particularly like. 

However, this didn't seem to matter to the duo, and they continued. 

On Komi's side, she was amazed, and her eyes shone the more she listened. 


With the appearance of a wild KomiCat and finishing listening to the explanation, she jumped towards me and said. 

Komi: "I want to go! Let me go, please!" she said very excitedly as she jumped around me. 

She looked like a cute little kitten excited to play. 

Tadano: "Of course... let's go, the 5 of us after class," I said gently. 

Kaede frowned a bit when she heard 5 and asked. 

Kaede: "Who else will join us?" 

Tadano: "Yamai..." 

Kaede pouted at the name, but before she could say anything in response, Nene's hand rested on her shoulder. 

Kaede looked at her and saw her shaking her head. 

Although somewhat reluctant, she nodded. 

Kaede: "Fine... bring her," she said reluctantly. 

Komi was somewhat confused by the situation, but something inside her told her it wasn't prudent to ask now, but she would ask Kaede later. 

Tadano: "Well, it's decided then..."

Author's note: "Well here we are, I know it's a little late but I was a little depressed during the day and it's the best I could do, see you in a couple of days this author has to see happy things or he'll screw up. Remember to drink a lot water and that I love you very much. Sincerely, your favorite depressive author.

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