


I woke up because of this stupid alarm! I checked the time and it's 10:00 am!!! Omo I'm 2 hours late y/n!! What should I do now!? Let just skip breakfast!

I did my morning routine and I was going to make coffee but then I remembered that I have to skip breakfast! So I just left to my job!

I reached the company, I rushed to my boss's cabin, I mean my soo cold boss! He can even compete ice...

Oh I forgot to introduce myself, my name is y/n, 23 years old, works in park electronics and JIMIN is my boss!

I knocked the door and heard a cold and deep voice..

'come in'

I entered the office just to see him backfacing me, he turned around and just seeing his cold and angry face made me gulp down my saliva!

Jimin : WHY ARE YOU LATE? *shouting*

Y/n : S-sir I-I was stuck in t-traffic!

Jimin : Would you mind telling me the truth, I waited for 2 DAMN hours for you!!

Y/n : S-sir actually I set up alarm at 10 by mistake!

Jimin : *death glare*

You know what his glare means so you rushed to your computer and told his morning schedule...

Y/n : Sir you have meeting with Mr.kim for collaboration and then you have to sign some papers blah blah blah (You know office things 😅)

Jimin : Okay now do your work! *cold*

Y/n : O-okay sir

You started working but suddenly your pen stopped working you saw jimin and he was staring at you deeply, you started working with that empty pen so he won't scold you!


I started remembering how she used to call me chim-chim and mochii but for her I didn't existed before, she totally forgot about me...


To be continued....