
When You Are In Love

Zhang Huan is one of the richest man Tokyo Japan his family have billion dollars empire all over Tokyo Japan Huna is smart man in business industry as well good looking long with a charming romantic heart Hung is in engaged too Xiaomi Aiya he lovely beautiful model girlfriend Wang Sachi a assistant of Zhang family over hear Huna is getting married and become heartbroken that the love of her life is marrying another woman. How Sachi stop Huna from getting married to the wrong woman.

TaniquaBryant · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Huna put the newspaper down on the coffee table and got up from the couch too see what his maid Sachi was doing. Shu was getting suspicious of her son maid. Sachi. Huna walked down the hallway towards the first guest room Huna seen the first guest room door shut. Shu walked back into the kitchen to get herself something to eat out of the refrigerator Huizhong wanted to Sachi all too himself Sachi felted uncomfortable with Mr Zhang in the room with her while she is working her duty.

Sachi:Mr Zhang what bring you here

Huizhong was looking at Sachi body with a flirt look on his face. Sachi felted more uncomfortable around Mr Zhang Huna tried to break down the bedroom door too see what was going on the bedroom of his penthouse. Sachi back way from Mr Huizhong Zhang on to the bed. Sachi was so scared of Mr Huizhong Zhang. Huna bang on the bedroom door.

Huna:Sachi open this door right now What is going on in there.

Sachi:Master Zhang your father is blocking me from unlocking the door too let you in the bedroom.

Huna:Father if you hurt Sachi in anyway you will pay a serious consequences do I make myself clear.

Huizhong:Huna why don't go to your office and work on an new plan for our family business I have to talk too Sachi about something.

Huna:I will have mother or one of my bodyguards to unlock this bedroom door than you will be pushed do you hear me father.

Huizhong didn't hear his son Huna talking to him through the door in the hallway. Huizhong walked closer too Sachi too succed her while she was standing near the master bed. Sachi was so scared of what Mr Zhang might do to her. Shu was in the kitchen drinking another glass of wine. The doorbell rang Shu wondered who could be at the door Shu sat her glass of wine on the counter and walked towards the door too see who was at the door. Aiya Xiaomi was ringing the door bell too come see her fiancee and how he been doing.

Shu:Who is it?

Aiya:Its me Aiya I came too see Huna about our wedding festival for tonight.

Shu opened the door too let Aiya in the penthouse so she see her fiancee Huna. Aiya walked through the door into the house. Shu was so excited too see her future daughter in law Aiya hugged her future mother in law.

Aiya:Hello Mom how are you doing

Shu:I'm doing fine how are you doing

Aiya:I'm fine I need to speak to my fiancee right now where is Huna.

Shu:He is in the first guest room Aiya.

Aiya:Okay I will go see him right now.

Aiya walked towards the hallway too the first guest room too see what her fiancee Huna was doing. Huna seen his fiancee Aiya standing in the hallway.

Huna:What are you doing here you not supposed to be here until later on tonight after the fivstal tonight.

Aiya:I came here to talk to you about our wedding and what is with this fivstal that will be going on tonight.

Huna:Well you are just going to have to wait to talk about our wedding.

Aiya crossed her arms over her chest and pouted at her fiancee and walked up to Huna to give him a kiss on his cheek. Huna pushed Aiya away from his face and lean on the first guest bedroom door. Aiya had a disappointing looked on her face.