
When Three Immortal Fairies Visited Earth and Met Me

In a realm where boredom is practically unheard of, three fairy sisters—offspring of the immortal realm's mightiest warriors—decided they had enough of celestial monotony. Seeking adventure (or maybe just a break from their all-too-perfect existence), they make a break for it, leaving behind the wonders and restrictions of their home. Enter me, Nikolas, but you can call me Nikko or Nick if you're feeling friendly. Just a regular guy navigating the complexities of university life, nursing a not-so-secret crush on the most captivating woman on campus. Imagine my surprise when what I thought was an unattainable dream starts looking like a reality. There's just one tiny, slightly terrifying catch. She comes with a warning label: impress her parents, two of the five rulers of the immortal realm, within a hundred years or risk facing their wrath for daring to woo their precious daughter. Oh, I wonder if their wrath will triple when they hear I'm going after all the three precious daughters. *Contains r18 scenes of love. These themes appear in the book although it isn't necessirily focused on them: #Yandere #Tsundere #Mafia #Dual-cultiavtion #Idol #Gamer-girl

Author_of_Culture · Fantaisie
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207 Chs

Chapter 1 – Prologue

"I made it! Hahaha! I made it!"

A young woman laughed merrily as she looked at the mess on her bedroom floor. Well, she called it a bedroom floor, but it was so spacious that most people might refer to it as a hall. Thankfully, she could easily travel through it, wall-to-wall, in a matter of seconds, and that's also because of the restrictions placed on the house to keep it civilized and prevent the immortals from sprinting across the halls.

On the floor, dozens and hundreds of scrolls lay open, inscribed with strange marks and complicated theories that gave away the woman's vast knowledge in runes and arrays. It was significant research that finally yielded results after a century of relentless work.

"Time to flee, I'm running away from home!"

Marlene cheered with a wide cheeky grin all over her face. This was the purpose of her great, century-long research. She was tired of the immortal world!

'Hehehe, I must hide this from Father and Mother,' she giggled to herself, thinking about their reaction if they found out the fruits of her hundred-year-long "seclusion".

She threw her lavish black hair behind her back, its curls enhancing her cute round face. She still had a bit of baby fat in her cheeks, but it did nothing to diminish her allure; if anything, it gave one a need to protect her. Perhaps this bit of plumpness made her turn out so spoiled and naughty.

A short review of her background is necessary. Marlene, the third daughter of Elara and Gideon, two of the Five Pillars. The Five Pillars were the strongest Celestial Immortals of the immortal world, and their word was akin to the word of God in the mortal world. The balance of the whole plain was in their hands, and luckily, the era of wars was behind them, and the immortal world was calm under their leadership.

Elara and Gideon had a son and three daughters. Each one of the four enjoyed every privilege available in the immortal world. With an unclear mutter, they could order treasures like they were cheap pizza, and their whims dictated the world's course, or at least the course of the part of it under their parents' jurisdiction.

'I'm tired of life here, I want to go out and travel, I want to meet people!' She fumed as she remembered her father's response when she mentioned meeting a man. 'I shouldn't leave my siblings behind… Wait, I should leave Kael behind. He is too serious, he will snitch on me the moment I turn my back to him. Nyssa and Opal then, they can come with me.'

Now that she had a solid plan in mind, she got up and straightened her clothes with her hands. She wore a pretty white hanfu and walked barefoot. No matter how spoiled she was, not much could hurt her feet given her cultivation stage. She quickly crossed the room, arriving at the door within two Mississippi.

"Young Missy," female guards greeted her as soon as she opened her door. They walked silently behind her, following the Pillars' orders to guard their daughter from any harm.

She walked as quickly as allowed within the palace, ignoring the breathtaking waterfalls and the many extravagant decorations, heading straight to her first sister's room. A normal immortal walking by would've been captivated by every stone and pebble on the grounds outside the palace, as each one of them was worth a small fortune.

"Junior Sister Marlene, a pleasure to see you," one man beamed as soon as he saw her and pulled a treasure from his storage ring, a gift he had prepared in advance for this very occasion. "I have-"

"Sorry, I have no time, talk to you later Michelle."

"It's Michael…" The man muttered in despair as the fairy eluded him and disappeared, leaving him to stare at her entourage hurriedly chasing her.

"Junior Sister Marlene-"

"Sorry, I'm busy. Let's catch up later!"

Another man with long black hair was rejected at once, prompting him to bite his tongue in annoyance and stop midsentence. There were many such men. Promising youths who visited the palace to woo the three fairies. The rest of them learned their lesson from the other two and chose to observe the woman without approaching her for the time being.

*knock knock*

Marlene's delicate fist hit a wooden door, producing a rich sound as though she were playing an instrument.

"What do you want?" An impatient voice came from the other side of the door. Marlene smiled at her sister's lack of manners.

"Big Sister, it's me, Marlene. Will you open the door?"

"Ah, sure, just a sec."

A "sec" passed, and a stunning woman with sharp cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes opened the door. Opal had exquisite amber eyes that seemed to shine when she glared at a person and matching red hair. Her stance was strong but improper, prioritizing dominance and comfortability over femininity and elegance.

"Little Sister, what is it?" Her voice softened a little. A big sister always has a soft spot for her younger siblings, especially the youngest one.

"I will tell you when we meet Nyssa. It's urgent, come with me!"

Marlene was too absorbed in her dream of escaping the immortal world. Her sisters and she have explored some of the worlds with their senses, even bringing small souvenirs back when possible. Delicate items that would break from the gravity of the higher realm alone if not for the sisters' efforts to preserve them.

"Hey, you can't just pull me," Opal objected to her sister's grip over her wrist, but only moaned about it and gave in to Marlene's whims. This time, the wooers took a step back in worry. The sight of pursuers backing off from the chance to talk to one of the most desired women in the world might seem strange for an onlooker unless they knew of Opal's violent tendencies and fiery personality.

"Wimps," Opal snorted in contempt. "Do they really believe they have a chance at impressing Father with that attitude even if one of us magically says yes?"

"Let them dream, we do get free gifts," Marlene chuckled.

The two made it to their second sister's chambers without a hitch other than the unique environment. The area was made of entirely solid frost, including the building itself.

"Ah, I hate coming here," Opal complained and cast a spell with her Qi, coating the two ladies with a warm magical blanket that kept them warm. Marlene drew her sword from her storage ring and used the hilt to knock on the door.

"Nyssa, it's us, Marlene and Big Sister Opal!"

"And tone down the freaking temperature!" Opal cursed.

They didn't have to wait more than a moment before the door opened, and a third woman revealed herself. Her oval-shaped face and exotic phoenix-shaped eyes were complemented by smooth white hair that framed her complexion.

Before she even invited them in, the two girls took the liberty to invite themselves and entered, sighing in relief from the unexpected warmth inside. Well, at least it could be called warmth when compared to the temperature outside.

"Why are you here?" Nyssa asked coldly. She remained indifferent to the sight of her sisters, but the two knew she cared more than she showed.

"For starters, a wooden chair," The redhead listed her biggest wish first. White ice formed the entirety of the chambers, which were occasionally highlighted with unique ice in different colors. Those ice stones were gifts she took from pursuers whose feelings she never reciprocated. Now, offering her rare types of ice turned into a well-known practice.

"Shh…. Forget about it. Is any of your guards listening?" Marlene hushed her big sister, knowing she would only meet condescending silence from the ice princess of the household, an aloof personality that was developed after getting less attention as the middle child.

"They aren't."

"Good. Listen, you two. I have an escape plan, we can escape home!" Marlene yelped excitedly, exposing a few scrolls for her sisters to see. "I created an eighty-eight-layered formation that would allow us to disappear without a trace!"

"Eighty-eight layers? Impressive!" Opal's mouth made a little 'o' of astonishment, and even Nyssa's eyes flickered when she heard about her sister's achievement.

"Useless. Father and Mother will find us within a year using their divination spells if we show ourselves in the outside world, and I'm not going to escape home only to be living in a cage of divination-blocking arrays – I might as well stay here," Nyssa snorted.

"You are right. But what if we go to another world?" This time the curly-hair girl's voice contained a sense of triumph.

"Another world… as in a mortal world?!"


"Hmph, I'm not interested," Nyssa turned her back to the other two and pretended to walk away with a dignified pose.

"Haha, Sister, why are you trying to hide your face?" This time Marlene's expression turned especially naughty, an expression her sisters knew they should dread, "Do you perhaps think I do not know about all the dirty comics you have been summoning here?"



 Two sharp shouts echoed, one with curiosity and the other with anxiety.

"Look, Big Sister, isn't Sister Nyssa a bad girl?" Marlene stuck out her pinkish tongue and threw a pile of colored books at the redhead. Opal's complexion almost matched her hair when she opened it and saw the pretty drawings in their strange poses.

"Stop this! How would you know about it?!"

"I snuck in and stole them," the younger sister spoke as if she was stating the obvious. The curse of little siblings. They always think they deserve everything. "I even used your summoning technique for reference while creating my formation. But, Big Sister, if you think this is her worst side, wait until you hear of her fantasy, the ra-"


One large boulder of ice appeared out of nowhere, in its center was a certain girl with cute chubby cheeks. In the girl's hands, another book was held, but its contents were hidden by the white frost.

*Crack, crack*

Two more cracks followed, and the ice shattered in a flash of lightning. Unfortunately, the book was charred beyond recognition. "Ok, ok, your secret is safe with me. Are you coming with us or not?"

"I… will come to keep an eye on you…" Nyssa murmured.

"Hey, when did I agree to come?" Opal raised her eyebrow.

"Will you let your little sisters go to a scary place like the mortal world all on their own?"

"Scary? You can destroy a mortal world in a matter of seconds, that's why the heavens restricted us from going there in the first place!" Opal pointed out the obvious lie right away. But she hated those puppy eyes. Or she loved them. Or maybe she hated loving them?

"Fine! I'll join you!"

"Great! Let's tell Father and Mother the good news – the three of us are going into a joint seclusion of a hundred years. After experiencing a lifetime of a mortal, we can come back satisfied!"


These were, my friends, the events that led to my encounters with three fairies from the immortal world who had mischievously made their way into our world to have fun.

Here we go.

Leave behind your comments, powerstones, and golden tickets!

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