
When the Story Ended...

Princess Astraea Violet de Alynthi, the only Royal descendant of the Alynthi Empire. She had a perfect life with perfect parents. But, it all turned upside down within an instant. One day, an incident occurred and she realised she had a past life. On top of that, she reincarnated into the ending of the last novel she read. Her parents were the main leads of the novel - which she thought made sense because they were so perfect. However, she remembered there was a second book to the novel and her character's name was mentioned. Feeling uneasy not knowing of the events of that novel, she seeks to find out what unfolds in the second novel. "What is this rubbish!" Wanting to burn the book and deny the reality, she was furious to see the despair that fell on her family and her. "I will save me and my family!" With her strong will and determination, she started changing the course of the future, but surprisingly, the characters who were supposed to hate her ended up liking her. They even fought over her. She also ended up meeting the pitiful second male lead and vows to support him to not fall into unrequited love. What will happen on her journey to change her fate?

BlueAmethyst · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Being cooped in a room was quite boring after some time. My parents and the maids tried to entertain me and keep me company, but my parents couldn't always be with me due to their duties and there was a limit to how much my maids could be with me. I thought I was used to staying in bed in my past life, but I was clearly wrong. I forgot how boring it was. Although, I was probably consumed with sadness and loneliness to ever think about how boring it was, especially thinking about how my time left was limited.

Then a thought came to my mind. With my resolve, I slid off my bed and looked at my hands. Now that I thought about it, I haven't actually seen any of my powers. I was too focused on me discovering I had a past life and being in a novel to even think about the sudden mana I obtained.

The idea still amazed me that I actually did have mana. For the past 5 years, or at least when I was aware of my consciousness, I was told that I didn't have mana. And, after obtaining my memories from my past life, I was used to living like a normal human being with no powers. But now that I had it, I was excited.

An idea popped into my head. I should try it out now that I have powers, right?

Feeling excited, I opened my small chubby hands.

Taking a deep breath, I shouted.


Although cursing my short tongue, I still managed to say it.

When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing. Just in case, I peered at my palm but there was still nothing.

"Hmm, maybe that's not wight."

Now that I thought about it, father never shouted that out when he summoned his powers. That meant there was a different way to summon them.

I huffed. This was difficult. Maybe if I visualised an image or something, it would help me summon it.

As I was thinking, I remembered my father saying everyone had different abilities, so maybe I needed to find out what my one was.

Out of nowhere, my dream of being consumed by fire came to mind. It seemed like a random dream but maybe it meant something. It was weird that I had that specific dream as my mana manifested inside my body. Maybe my power was the ability to use fire?

Although I could be wrong, there was no fault in trying.

Gathering my excitement once more, I sat back on my bed and closed my eyes, imagining a bright flame. I imagined it pouring out of my fingertips and imagined it growing.

My hand started tingling and my eyes snapped open. I saw a flame!

I jumped up and stomped on my bed with laughter.

"I did it!"

Although it was small, I deemed it a success on my first go.

I was so happy that I didn't see the flame increase, flying off my fingers and onto my bed as I jumped.

I cheered and cheered before I stopped when a smell entered my nose. It smelt like something was burning.

My eyes darted down, and I gasped.

The flames were licking the covers of my bed and it was getting swallowed. Without hesitation, I stupidly used my hands and pillow to blow it out but my plan backfired as it grew even more.

When a light bulb came into my mind, I imagined water flowing out. I concentrated a lot before I looked at my palms. Unfortunately, nothing appeared and I cursed inside. I guess water is not one of my abilities? Or maybe me summoning my powers before was beginners luck?

With quick steps, I ran away from my bed and had no choice but to call for help since a 5-year-old was useless in this situation.

At the sound of my plea, my assigned maids came running in and they were surprised to see what was in front of them.

"Get water!" Mary shouted before picking me up.

Maids hurriedly fetched some water before dousing out the fire. It didn't take long for it to be put out, but I looked at the bed that was covered with black ashes. I was screwed.

As the commotion happened, it seemed my luck was horrible because my father and mother came rushing in.

"What happened?" he shouted.

When he saw me, he looked relieved before taking me away from Mary.

"We heard the Princess shout and saw fire on her bed," a maid beside him bowed and answered.

"How did this happen?"

I felt guilty and looked down. I didn't want the maids to be scolded so I grabbed my father's clothes. He instantly looked at me.

"I-I'm sowwy," I mumbled.

"Why are you sorry baby?" mother asked me.

"Astraea was happy to see magic but I accidentally put my bed on fire," I confessed.

The room went silent and I gulped. Was I going to get scolded?

I felt my father's hand raise and I closed my eyes, fearing I would get reprimanded. But, instead, I felt a soft hand patting my head.

I looked at him and he sighed.

"It's okay. You were excited and just wanted to see magic, didn't you?"

I nodded and mother shook her head.

"Don't worry. I'm not angry. It was just a mistake."

Carefully, he placed me down and kneeled, so he was at the same eye level as me.

"But Astraea, from today you are forbidden from using your magic," he told me.

Feeling disheartened by the news, I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes.

"I'm sowwy," I softly cried.

"W-what? Why are you crying?" my father started panicking at the sight of me crying.

I looked up and saw he was embarrassed.

"It's not forever. I'm just saying that for now, you shouldn't use it because you have no control over your magic," he quickly explained.

"You know Astraea has more mana than me, right?"

I nodded.

"Because of that, you are still young, and your powers need to be stabilised. That's why, as a precaution, you shouldn't use it, okay?"

Realising what he meant, I blinked. I stupidly cried, thinking he was angry. Quickly, I rubbed the tears away from my eyes.

"But you can use your magic during your lessons."

I snapped my eyes at him.


"Yes. Evander will start teaching you to control your powers."

I instantly brightened up.


He laughed at the sparkles in my eyes and my quick change in mood.

I jumped up and down in excitement. Finally, I could learn how to control my powers.

I hope the story is good so far. If you have any comments, let me know.

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