
When the Story Ended...

Princess Astraea Violet de Alynthi, the only Royal descendant of the Alynthi Empire. She had a perfect life with perfect parents. But, it all turned upside down within an instant. One day, an incident occurred and she realised she had a past life. On top of that, she reincarnated into the ending of the last novel she read. Her parents were the main leads of the novel - which she thought made sense because they were so perfect. However, she remembered there was a second book to the novel and her character's name was mentioned. Feeling uneasy not knowing of the events of that novel, she seeks to find out what unfolds in the second novel. "What is this rubbish!" Wanting to burn the book and deny the reality, she was furious to see the despair that fell on her family and her. "I will save me and my family!" With her strong will and determination, she started changing the course of the future, but surprisingly, the characters who were supposed to hate her ended up liking her. They even fought over her. She also ended up meeting the pitiful second male lead and vows to support him to not fall into unrequited love. What will happen on her journey to change her fate?

BlueAmethyst · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

I looked towards the door and saw the elegant figure of my mother.

"Mummy!" I shouted out of joy before running towards her.

She quickly lifted me before giving me a soft kiss.

"Sowwy mummy. I still wove you, but for now, I wove daddy more."

"That's okay. You always say you love me, it's okay to give some love to daddy just for today," she teased and I giggled.

My father stood up and kissed my mother and then me, making sure to not leave me out.

"What brings you here my dear?" father softly asked my mother.

"Oh, nothing. I heard Astraea was here so I thought I would take her since you're busy."

"Nonsense. I'm not that busy," father denied.

"Please, you have another meeting now. Poor Galen is probably waiting for you."

My father paused before giving a sheepish smile.

"Right, I completely forgot."

Mother smiled.

"Does Astraea want to have tea with mummy in the garden?"

I nodded and waved goodbye to my father.

"Bye, daddy! I wove you."

"Bye, princess. I love you too."

With that, my mother left his office with me on her hip.

"Your Majesty, I can carry her Highness if you would like," Kaine said as he quietly followed us.

"Oh don't be silly. I should be ashamed if I cannot even carry my own daughter," my mother joked.

With that, she gracefully walked towards the garden with a stream of maids following us along with Kaine and my mother's guards. It might seem excessive, but since mother was the Empress, it was necessary. Especially since she had several near-death experiences.

As we entered the garden, I unconsciously let out an exclamation at the scenery. I loved our garden. It looked like it never ended, and the best part was that it was covered with all the pretty flowers I liked. Before I was born, it was filled with my mother's favourites but now my mother insisted on decorating it with mine. To be fair, we both had similar tastes in flowers, so it did not really matter.

Anna, my mother's personal lady-in-waiting, placed all the snacks and tea on the table before me and my mother sat down. Although I was small, I was able to reach for the glass. I had milk because I was still a baby in everyone's eyes, but I could smell the fragrant smell of my mother's tea. It was lovely.

"Mummy, can I have a sip?" I asked with my puppy eyes.

She looked hesitant when I asked her before sighing.

"Baby, you can't use your face against me. That's cheating," she pouted before instructing Anna to give me a little bit.

I let out a small laugh before jumping in my seat out of excitement.

When I took a sip, a burst of flavour exploded on my tongue and my eyes widened.

"Mummy! It's like all the flowers in the world are on my tongue!" I exclaimed, making my mother and the people around me laugh.

Mother reached out and squeezed my cheek.

"Is that so?"

I carried on drinking, but I nearly dropped my cup when I saw the chocolate cake in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off that beautiful dessert. It was practically calling me, and I couldn't resist.

With a spoon, the cake entered my tiny mouth and I let out a gasp at how scrumptious it was.

"Only you can make such cute expressions when eating dessert," I heard my mother comment, but I was too busy eating to pay attention.

It was extremely peaceful. Just me and my mother having tea on a tranquil day. The soft breeze brushed past me and the sounds of birds in the distance were heard. If it were like this every day, I would be content.

As I kept eating, I randomly felt my chest throb. Out of reflex, I grasped my chest with my small hand and scrunched my face out of pain.

That was weird. Why did I feel pain? I felt fine this morning.

The pain intensified, making me gasp for air.

"Mummy…" I whimpered.

"Mummy…hurts," I said louder, catching everyone's attention.

Instantly, mother and the maids turned to me.

"Astraea are you okay?" she asked me out of concern.

"Mummy hurts!" I cried out in more pain.

She jumped out of her seat before coming toward me.

"Astraea! What's wrong?"

I couldn't hear what my mother was asking me. My chest felt like it was burning and my vision was starting to distort.

"Dizzy," I mumbled before I felt my body lean forward.

The last thing I heard was my mother calling for my father and to see if there was anything in my tea. Then, I was out like a light.