
A Blast From The Past

I have lived with my father ever since I can remember. When my mother was alive we lived in Kenya Africa. We just moved to Lubdock Texas. Its a small town with people with even smaller brains... at least i think so. When my fother and I first arrived, five days ago, the alpha of the blood-light pack had tried running my father off of the land. Father was able to talk him into letting us stay by using me as an excuse. The alpha agreed to let us atay at the Family for rouges houses.

"Finally done" I muttered to myself. I had just finished unpacking everything, and when I say everything i mean all of 12 boxes.

You would think since we moved from a differnt country we would have a lot more things to unpack, but not us... well i wouldve had more but father made me get rid of almost all my things. The few things i have left are a few dirty shirts, one sweatshirt, three pairs of baggy pants, two bra and four pairs of underwear. Oh and my braclet That i got from my mother on my seventh birthday. I keep it hidden becouse my father would litterly kill me if he found it.

If you havent guessed it yet, my father hates me. And im not talking about the kind of hate where they dont want anything to do with you, i wish it was that way honestly, no, he hates me so much he wants to physically show me. He blames me for my mothers death, and he is right, it was my fault. Im reminded everyday that it was my fault. He started mercesly beating me after her death. Even before we moved he would come home drunk every single night. I guess hes found a pub nearby cuz he is doing the same thing here.

  He never smiles or laughs anymore. Before my mother died the house was always filled with some kind of laughter. She always said that it was our job to make people smile, even if it was just once. Father was always smiling then. He had a good job and he took care of us. My mother had a lttle bakery and she would always let me help her make things. My mother and I were so close, but the day she died shattered my life forever.

Flashback, four years prior.

  "Mum, are we allmost home"?

  "Thats the third time youve asked darling" she replied cheerfully.

  "I know, but I really want to see Uncle Rex"!

  "And why is that"?


  "Well last year he told me that he was going to get me a speacial gift for my thirteenth birthday, and today is my birthday so my gift better be speacial"!

  Mother stopped walking and turned towards me, brushing my long brown hair out of my face.

  "But my liefde, the only speacial gift you need is family"

  "I know, but its still fun to get them"!

  "Yes! Indeed it is! When we get back we should surprise Uncle Rex with a-"



  "M-mum! What was that"?!

  "Shh" She pointed to a stack of garbage cans on the sidewalk. "Hide". I silently obeyed her.

  "Ashton? Whats going on"? I asked my wolf through the link.

  "Those were gunshots. We need to stay hidden untill mom gets us, okay"?

  "B-but wh-"


  "Renata, darling, listen to Ashton. Grace and I will be fine". Zev, my mothers wolf, told me.

   When the the noise of them fighting finally stopped, I peeked my head around one of the cans.

  "Ahhh"! the scream left my mouth before i even relized it. Standing not ten feet infront of me, was a big grey brown wolf pining my mother, in her wolf form, to the ground.

  There was blood everywhere. My mothers normally back brown wolf form was now stained in the dark crimson color. It was pouring out of the bite on her stomach.

Another grey and brown wolf appeared and started to slowly walk torwards me.

  "Run"! Ashton screamed.

  But i couldnt. i was frozen in that spot just staring at my mothers lifeless body.

  "Is she d-dead"? I asked Ashton

  "I dont know Renata, but if we stay here we will be killed too" She said urgently "we need to leave Now"!

  "I cant" I yelled outloud.


  Soon the wolf was right infront of me, shifting into his human form. He grabbed a fistfull of my hair and lifted me off the ground.

  "What are we going to do with this"? he asked the other wolf who was also in his human form now.

  "I dont kill children. Knock her out and leave her in the trash" He said while walking away.

  "Okay" the man turned towards me looking me in the eyes "Im really sorry about this sweetie" and with that i felt a sharp pain on my leg.

  That was the last thing i remember before blacking out.