
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

chapter two The encounter

Kiara's heart quickened,her instinct warning her to be cautious, she had to thread carefully with this mysterious woman,for she knew that revealing her true purpose would not only endanger herself but also her quest for justice."I have seen much in my travels,"she replied critically keeping her guards up"perhaps we can help each other".

Kiara said this still keeping her guards up not wanting to trust anyone,what is the were working with Sefra,she couldn't let her guard down at this dire moment,she would continue to hold on.

The woman's lips curved into a knowing smile,her gaze unwavering,"perhaps we can indeed,"she said her voice holding a note of intrigue.

"Follow me".

Stella said and kaira stood still hesitant for a while not knowing if to follow her or not,but as they say curiosity kills the cat and she was curious to know what she wanted to show her and also desperate to know the truth about what actually happened to her pack members and then exert revenge.

Kiara's curiosity piqued as she followed the woman through the labyrinthine corridors of the vampire den. They navigated through hidden passageways and secret chambers, their footsteps muffled against the cold stone floors. With each step, Kiara couldn't help but wonder who this woman was and what role she played in the grand scheme of things.

Finally, they arrived in a small, candlelit room, its walls adorned with ancient tapestries and shelves lined with books. The woman gestured for Luna to take a seat, her expression unreadable. "I am Stella," she introduced herself, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. "I have long been a prisoner within these walls, bound by forces beyond my control."

Kiara studied Stella, her eyes searching for any signs of deception. There was a sadness in her gaze, a longing for freedom that mirrored Kiara's own desire for justice. "What do you know of the vampire coven that resides here?" Kiara asked, her voice low and filled with determination.

Stella's expression darkened, her voice heavy with sorrow. "They are a blight upon this land, driven by their thirst for power and dominance. Sefra, their leader, is a formidable force, ruthless and cunning. He is the most cunning of all of them,countless lives had being wasted by his hands even..,my own people,she said with a tinge of sadness which only lasted for some second,but she could still see it.

Mirroring what she felt inside her as she saw or remembered the death of her pack members,she could actually relate with Stella and they were going to find the traitor that backstabbed her packmates,make sure they pay and also pay Sefra back in his own form of payment.

Stella's words hung heavy in the air, amplifying the tension that coiled within Kiara. The realization that Sefra and his coven were responsible for the devastation of her pack intensified her thirst for justice. She leaned forward, her gaze locked with Stella's, seeking answers.

"Tell me, Stella," Kiara urged, her voice filled with determination. "What can you offer in our pursuit of justice? How can we dismantle this web of darkness?"

Stella's eyes flickered with a mix of sorrow and resolve. "I possess knowledge—a collection of forbidden texts and ancient scrolls hidden within these walls. They contain secrets that could aid in our mission to expose the traitor and bring down Sefra's coven. But beware, Kiara. The road ahead is treacherous, and darkness lurks in every corner."

kaira nodded, her eyes shining with determination. She understood the risks, but she refused to let fear deter her. "Lead the way, Stella. she said not wanting to back down as she was already close and wasn't going to give up till she avenged her packs death.

Stella took her to the wall where she had being harbouring this knowledge and the collection of the forbidden text and ancient scroll hidden beneath the walls in order to bring down sefra,but luckily Kiara was also with her so they could teach Sefra a lesson he would never forget.

Together, we shall unveil the shadows and ensure that justice prevails."they said and worked on a plan to destroy Sefra and his coven,but they wanted the impact to be heavy so they planned to turn his coven around him and make him alone slowly asking for death to take him.

Over the following days, Kiara and Stella delved deep into the hidden catacombs of the vampire den. They carefully studied the ancient texts, piecing together the intricate puzzle of the traitor's identity and the depths of Sefra's malevolence. Each revelation fueled Kiara's's determination, solidifying her resolve to avenge her pack.

As Kiara read through the scrolls, her senses tingled with anticipation. She uncovered the name of the traitor—a once-trusted wolf named Luna, who had succumbed to the allure of power and betrayed her own kind. Luna's treachery had allowed the vampires to infiltrate their territory, leading to the massacre of Kiara's pack.

Kiara was devastated as her once trusted friend,sister ,ally would betray their pack leading to Sefra killing them all even their alpha,Kiara swore she wasn't going to let her off...,how could she betray her family for more power and protection, didn't they already have it all,they were always happy,conversant and had a blissful relationship,what could make Luna betray them,she needed to find out the truth.

Stella told her to be patient and not act to rash or their plans to destroy Sefra would go down the drain and it will all be for waste,worst of all they could be killed and they won't be able to avenge their lost one,that was able to calm Kiara down a bit but her heart was still burning and itching to get to the bottom of it.

With newfound clarity, Kiara and Stella devised a plan. They would expose Luna's betrayal to the vampire coven, planting the seeds of discord that would sow doubt and weaken their unity. But they knew that revealing Luna's deception would not be enough. They needed solid evidence to implicate her in the massacre.

Luna was well known and trusted now in the vampire clan so if they could sow a seed of discord in their midst...she would be done for.

Under the cover of darkness, Kiara and Stella ventured into the heart of the vampire den, seeking the chamber where Luna resided. They moved silently, their steps masked by the cloak of night, determined to gather the proof they needed.

As they reached Luna's chamber, they concealed themselves in the shadows, observing her actions from a safe distance. Luna, oblivious to their presence, appeared confident and self-assured. Kiara's heart burned with a mix of anger and sadness as she watched the traitor, her former packmate.

"We must find the evidence, Kiara," Stella whispered, her voice filled with urgency. "Only then can we expose luna and shatter the unity of Sefra's coven."

Kiara nodded, her wolf senses sharpened as she searched for any signs of hidden compartments or concealed documents. She prowled around the chamber, her gaze scrutinizing every surface. Finally, her eyes caught sight of a hidden compartment in the corner of the room—a small niche carved into the stone wall, cleverly disguised.

With a surge of anticipation, Kiara approached the niche and carefully pressed her paw against the concealed mechanism. The wall shifted, revealing a hidden compartment filled with scrolls, letters, and meticulously kept records. Kiara's heart raced as she sifted through the evidence, her eyes widening with each revelation.

"These documents contain the proof we need,"Kiara whispered, her voice filled with conviction. "Luna's involvement in the attack and her alliance with Sefra will be exposed."

We can then carefully turn them against each other,before we take care of Sefra, Kiara said quietly.

Kiara and Stella carefully collected the incriminating evidence, ensuring that every detail was accounted for.

Armed with the evidence they had painstakingly gathered, Kiara and Stella prepared for the crucial moment of unmasking Luna's treachery. They knew that confronting her within the vampire den would be dangerous, but it was a risk they were willing to take to ensure justice for Kiara's fallen pack.

They planned to expose Luna and make her pay for her betrayal, also before taking revenge on the vampire clan leader Sefra.

Under the cover of darkness, Kiara and Stella stealthily made their way to the chamber where Luna resided. They were careful to avoid any vampire sentries, moving with the grace and silence of shadows. The weight of the evidence they carried pressed against Kiara's side, a constant reminder of the task at hand.

As they reached the chamber, Kiara took a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. Seraphina offered a reassuring nod, her own resolve unwavering. They stepped into the chamber, their presence immediately catching Luna's attention.

Luna's eyes widened with surprise as she beheld Kiara and Stella. "What are you doing here?" she hissed, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and defiance.

Kiara held up the incriminating evidence, her voice steady and filled with righteous anger. "We know the truth, Luna. We have uncovered your betrayal, your alliance with Sefra."

And believe me I am going to make you pay,mark my words whatever happens you..it's not karma neither is it nature...,it will be me,kiara threatened and at that moment she heard the sound of the vampires coming closer so they both hid into the darkness and made a clear escape leaving Luna in shock.