
When The Fallout Comes

Ray McAllister having a recurring Nightmare where's the world end is near. Armed with that knowledge he will attempt to save his friends and family. (sorry for the bad grammar etc. its my first time writing and as per usual Fallout is the property of Bethesda Softworks) Here if you want to support me : p@reon.com/Dowaray or https://ko fi.com/dowaray

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Chapter 23

"Argh!" Of a sudden, I'm shouting in pain, for I'm in for a rude awakening. As the overexcited Nicole waking me up with a cross-body. Seeing me waking up, she's getting up and greeting me with joy, "morning, Ray. Quick get up and get ready for our training. I can't wait going to Jenny farm later!" I'm groaning while clutching my stomach, "ugh. Likewise, I know you're excited, Nicole. But please don't wake me up like this again." Winking, I'm asking her with a coy grin, "anyway. Why don't you, waking me up with a blowjob instead? It would make a very pleasant awakening."

Flustered, her face turning red in embarrassment. Hesitating a bit, Nicole beckoning me closer with a serious expression. I'm leaning closer to her, as I'm curious for what she's going to say to me. Taking a deep breath, she's start whispering into my ear, "behave yourself. My father is downstairs waiting for you with impatience, you know. So go get ready." Getting up, I'm letting out a sigh of resentment, "ah of course, your father. Sigh, I better get ready then." Seeing me getting up, she's running away from my room in shame, "I'll be waiting downstairs, Ray."

Puzzled, I'm shaking my head while muttering, "huh, weird? Why is she embarrassed, even though we've seen each other naked several times already." I'm surprised when I'm peering into the wardrobe mirror, on accident. As I'm changing, finding my skinny body getting more muscular than before. Stroking my chin, I'm wondering. If this change because of my increasing endurance or from the training I do. But, a sudden shout filled with impatience coming from below. Interrupting my reverie, "come on, Ray, we are waiting here."

Hearing that shout, I continue changing my clothes as fast as possible. Breathing a sigh of relief, I'm getting down after changing. Only greeted by the pouting Nicole. And the dissatisfied uncle Victor that sitting on the sofa in the living room. Feeling awkward, I'm scratching my head and apologize, "I'm sorry, for the delay." With a cold snort, uncle Victor standing up and walk toward the door. While beckoning us to follow him, "humph, we will start our exercise then, follow me." Without saying anything back, I'm following him in silence with Nicole in tow. Running around the neighborhood after him.

Soon after, we are entering uncle Victor backyard through the side gate. Puzzled, I'm looking at him with curiosity. Weird, why are we here? I thought it will be like the usual. With him chasing us around the block until I'm falling down in exhaustion. Curious, I'm looking around and find a ring erected in the middle of the yard. Gulp, I'm having a bad feeling about this. Grinning, He's looking at me with malice, "you might be asking. Why are we here, right?" Nervous, I'm nodding as my heart screaming to me to run away. Because I can feel his malice becoming stronger.

Cracking his fist and neck, uncle Victor, explain with a grin, "well. I heard from my daughter that you are getting into a conflict against a group of delinquent. And getting beaten up by them, right?" I'm nodding in shame to his question. Satisfied with my reply, he continues on, "hearing that, I'm feeling disappointed. Because there's No way, I'm letting my daughter dating such a weakling, until an epiphany struck me. Wait, why don't I train him until he's worthy for my daughter, then. So, from today onward, I'm going to teach you my prided skill of hand-to-hand combat."

Terrified with the prospect, I'm clutching my stomach in pain. And prepare to running away, "ouch! I've got a stomach ache after what happen this morning. I better get back home and take a rest then, bye!" Grinning, uncle Victor grabbing my collar before I can get away, "don't worry! There's a cure for that inside the house. I will order Nicole to get it so that you can train with peace in mind." Desperate, I'm pleading Nicole for help, "please, help me Nicole. Your father is going to kill me." Looking at me with pity, she's clasping her hand and pray in silence. Seeing that, I'm shouting in despair, "no."

Before long, I'm now standing in the ring in a daze. While wearing a complete set of sparring equipment. My body trembling in fright. Seeing uncle Victor entering the ring wearing the same exercise equipment like me. Grinning, he starts speaking while hitting his fist together with anticipation, "today. I'm going to teach you the martial arts I'm mastering from the military. Karate and judo, by demonstrating the moves with your body." Trembling in fear, I'm raising my arm and ask, "umm, uncle. Why don't you show the move in front of me with a dummy first without using my body."

Scoffing, uncle Victor starts to explain to me with disdain, "nonsense! I'm going to teach you with the way how my teacher taught me. By experiencing the move with your body. So, are you ready?" Desperate, I'm shaking my head in fright, "nope." Ignoring my rejection, he's letting out a cold grin, "hah. What an overeager student you are, now take this." I'm screaming in terror inside while slandering him with malice throughout the training. After an hour of grueling martial arts training. I'm finding myself lying on the ground in exhaustion. While looking at the sky with a blank expression as a panel appear, +2 unarmed.

Shocked, I'm standing up of a sudden, seeing the training is very effective. Noticing me standing up, uncle Victor laughing mixed with malice, "oh. It looks like you've still got some energy left, huh? So, why don't I extend the training for you, then?" I'm shaking my head in desperation, there's no way I'm strong enough. To go through another hellish training. Hoping it's a joke as I'm exhausted from the training. He laughs after seeing my reaction, "I'm kidding. Anyway, you will receive martial arts training, every Saturday and Sunday."

My mind collapsed in an. instant. After hearing the news, as I'm having a mixed feeling about it. Ignoring my state, uncle Victor keep talking, "come on, get inside. My wife prepared a sumptuous breakfast for us." Walking inside, he's leaving me outside in the ring while muttering, "huh. I better take a shower." As my body exhausted to even move a single step. Noticing that, Nicole approaching me with worry, "are you alright Ray? Need any help?" Grinning, I'm replying with a nod, "yeah, I'm alright. But I do need your help to get inside, though."

Sighing, Nicole moving closer to me, "come on then. Take my shoulder, I'm going to help you get inside." Nodding, I'm resting my hand on her shoulder. Taking the opportunity, I'm pushing her face toward me. As I'm leaning down to kiss her lip. Then I'm moving my lip closer to her ear. Whispering with a coy grin, "Thank you for the help, Nicole. I hope you can do some special wake-up call tomorrow like I requested before, okay." Her face turning red in embarrassment as she's nodding in shame. But, a sudden cough interrupting our flirting session. Looking at the window. I can see uncle Victor staring at me with a piercing glare of hatred.

Frightened, we stop flirting and get inside quick through the backdoor. Entering the kitchen, noticing our presence. Aunt Chelsea, greeting me with an amicable smile, "ah, good morning Ray. You're exhausted after exercise, right?" I'm nodding with a bitter smile, "yep, you could say that." While Nicole, helping me to sit down on the dinner table. With a knowing smile, aunt Chelsea serving me an unknown concoction, "here. This will help to reduce your fatigue. It's our family secret recipe." Hesitating to drink it, I'm taking a quick sniff of the drink, "ew!"

Backing away, I'm pinching my nose with repulsiveness. After smelling the foul smell coming from the glass. I'm looking at aunt Chelsea with suspicion. Until Nicole, assuring me with a smile, "drink it, Ray. Don't worry, it's very effective. I'm always drinking it after a grueling exercise, see." She continues to gulp down the disgusting mixture in front of me. Because she's giving me an example. I'm taking a deep breath to calm myself down as aunt Chelsea serving me another glass. While giving Nicole a disapproving look, making her embarrassed.

Holding my breath, I'm drinking the concoction in one big gulp. Huh, I'm finding the taste is sweeter than I thought it would be. Until an overwhelming bitterness hit me like a brick at the end. Making my face crunching up in disgust, holding on my nausea. And I can hear Nicole snickering beside me. Glaring at her, I'm waiting for my nausea to pass by. While drinking, a glass of water aunt provided. Later on, my urge to vomit is gone for good while I'm resting on the chair. But My eyes go wide in shock as I'm finding my body recovering faster than expected.

Noticing that, Nicole grinning with pride, "see. I told you that thing is very effective!" I'm nodding with reluctance to Nicole statement. Even thought I hate to admit it, Aunt Chelsea interrupt us with a smile, "both of you must be starving. After drinking the concoction, right?" Our stomach start to rumbling hearing her reminder. Embarrassed, both of us nodding. With a bright smile, she's showing us plates of foods in her hand, "ta-da. Come eat up, I'm already prepared breakfast for you." she's start serving the food on the dining table.

Starving, both of us start eating the food served on the table. At the same time, uncle Victor enter the kitchen with a wet hair and a towel draped around his neck. Grinning, he's hugging aunt Chelsea from behind. And kissing her cheek, "morning honey. It looks like breakfast ready, huh?" Smiling, she's nodding while pointing at the food on the table, "yes, enjoy it while it still hot." Nodding, he's joining us for breakfast with a smile. While trying to ignore my existence. Of a sudden, he's asking us while eating, "hey. I heard you guys going to your friend house after this, right?"

Puzzled, both of us nodding, while Nicole the one to reply, "yes. Why do you ask dad?" Uncle Victor replying while eating a toast with egg and bacon, "well. I decide to take you all there myself." Flustered, she tries to argue, "dad, we can go there on our own! I'm not a kid anymore, you know. Besides, we will go there with Gorge too. So, don't worry." Rubbing his beard, he's shaking his head, saying, "well. That's the more reason I need to drive you there. So, I better get the car ready, then." Nicole and I are looking at each other with a helpless expression.

Pointing at me, uncle Victor added, "now you better get back home and get ready too. I will drive to your home later." Sighing, I get up from the sofa and say goodbye to aunt Chelsea. Getting back home I'm greeting the neighbor along the way as they start the day. Arriving in front of my home, I'm greeted by Codsworth, "good morning, mister Ray!" Following suit, Aunt Nora also greeting me with a smile, "Oh good morning Ray." I'm nodding with a smile and greet both of them, "ah, morning Codsworth, and good morning to you too, aunt Nora."

With a teasing smile, aunt Nora ask, "what happen Ray? It's pretty rare for us to not hearing your scream of terror early this morning?" Helpless, I'm shaking my head with a bitter smile, "uncle Victor decided to train me. In unarmed combat this morning at his house." She's closing her mouth in surprise, "what? You're receiving unarmed training from Victor?" Puzzled, by her reaction, I'm nodding, "yep." Happy, she's clasping her hand together, "congrats Ray! I heard from my husband, he used to be a drill sergeant famous for his unarmed combat. To the point, he's receiving an award from the president himself."

Confused, I'm scratching my head, "eh, is he that famous?" Aunt Nora, nodding with a solemn expression, "yes. So, you're better training hard under his tutelage, okay." Somewhat doubtful, I'm nodding then pointing at my house, "okay then. Anyway, I better get inside and change my clothes. I'm planning to go to my friend house with Nicole and uncle Victor. So, goodbye, aunt Nora, see you later." Smiling, she's waving her hand, "oh, okay then, bye careful on the road." I'm waving my hand back, while entering my home.