

I saw her gentle eyes, gleaming down on me. to this day I promised to protect her till the day I day.

I wanted her bad, i wanted to see her slowly put it her mouth.

I looked at the ground and got up. "I'm sorry for calling you a bitch and a whore." I apologized.

"It's true, I am a bitch but a whore far from it." She smiled. "The name is Jane."

"nice to meet you Jane, I'm John"

she smiled, and my god it was so beautiful. I looked down and saw i was aroused. i went towards the tents, stood behind and jacked off. I finally climaxed. when my friend Jose came up behind me. "everyone can hear you." He laughs.

"What, are you serious?!?! " I asked.

"Nope, just the guys." he laughed. was I that loud? I wondered. but it seem Jose read his mind.

"Ya man you were loud. how deep were you going?"

"Thats a tad bit gay"

"No, well maybe a little. but answer the question"


I lied on the camper bed and drifted off the sleep. i thought about her soft green, blue ocean eyes. and her smile that shined so bright the sun gets jealous of her beauty.

the way her blonde hair would move before she pulled it back. the way her breast bounced when she ran. she was so fucking beautiful.

My eyes were slowly closing. then I heard a German voice. my eyes shot up and I grabbed my gun. and ran out of the tent. "Was zum Teufel machst du da?" I yelled. they pointed their guns at me noticing I said it wrong, I shot at them and as they did at me. more of our men showed up and i got shot. "SHIT, IM DOWN"

my leg is bleeding and I m watching these assholes take over our camp. I grab my gun and tok them down one by one "SUCK ON THIS, BITCHES" i yell trowing a granade.

then there she was with her sexy tied back hair, her blue eyes filled with anger. I didnt care what happens to me, I got my Gun and shoved her out of the way and fired at them POP there goes one, POP there goes two, many more go down at the fast rate the bullet moves.

they move in a calm and smooth speed but the sound is like thunder loud and scary. I'm so distracted that I didn't even noticed that she was taken."Help me" she screams helplessly. I heard her beautiful screams and I ran as fast as I could only to see her being put in side of a vehicle.

"JANE!!" I yell falling on my knees, watching as they drive away.

her smile pops inside my head. I run towards another truck. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" commander asks.

"No man left behind, you said that sir" I say politely.

" we got to stay on mission"

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT THOSE NAZI THUGS WILL DO TO SOMEONE LIKE HER?" I yell as I feel a cold sting across my face.

"you like her don't you? then go, go save her. I lost my girl 7 years ago and I understand love so do it." another man steps out and speaks.

I grab my things getting ready to prepare. war has begun.

hey I am so sorry I haven't Updated alot. I have alot of ROTC stuff going on right now and school

Beatinvestagatermecreators' thoughts