
Chapter 14

Emelda told him that the business he was managing should be making more profit than they were recording, having studied Business Administration abroad. She hadn’t finished talking to him about where the problem had sprouted from when she looked up and saw sad lines all over his face.

He had endured it till this moment…enough of her waffle. She wasn’t going to listen to her empty business nuggets. What did she know about business?

“I have heard you. I will make effort to improve. Love you,” he said in a subdued tone. He didn’t quite have the energy to impress her with his business knowledge.

“Prof called,” Emelda said.

“What about him?”

“He seriously asked where this relationship was headed.”

“Fuck him. After all that he did to you”

“He did nothing, Don”

“But he would have”

“But he didn’t”

“Had you given him the chance to…he would have dipped his dick into…”

“Please, don’t want to hear those vulgars” she cut him off mid-sentence.