
When Pokémon Meets Naruto

After waking up from the mother's womb, only to find that he has become Uzumaki Naruto? Where did the nine tails in my body go? How did you become Arceus? Wait, why is the thing I channeled not a toad? What the hell is an elf? Pikachu, I beg you, don't eat it, you will become a fat mound if you eat it again, look at your skill table, high-speed movement has been replaced by Mount Tai. Charizard, can you be more courageous? You are a flying dragon, not a ground insect. How can you be afraid of heights? Miao Frog Seed, if you use the cane whip, use the cane whip, you tentacle play, let alone the enemy, even I can't stand it! ! !

Poison_Rage · Anime et bandes dessinées
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55 Chs

Chapter 4


  After a long time, Naruto, who didn't feel as much pain as expected, opened his eyes again.

  Naruto opened his eyes wide in surprise when he saw the green caterpillar that was motionless in front of him and even had a faint glow on its body.

  Could this be... going crazy?

  Cough cough, no, it should be said at this time: "This green caterpillar looks a little strange."

  Just when Naruto took advantage of the immobility of the green caterpillar and his mouth was blurred, the light on the green caterpillar became more and more dazzling. In the end, even Naruto closed his eyes again because he couldn't bear the strong light.

  After a while, Naruto opened his eyes again after feeling the light disappear.

  Naruto's eyes lit up when he saw that the original green caterpillar turned into an armored chrysalis, and even the silk wrapped around his body fell off because of the loss of stickiness, and he became arrogant again.

  Getting up from the ground, Naruto pinched his waist, stepped on the iron armor chrysalis with one foot, and laughed arrogantly: "Look, look, I made you want to bite me, you will be punished, originally you worked hard If you work hard, you can evolve into a dragon, now? Be a Beetle for the rest of your life!!!"

  As a pseudo-high player of Pokemon in his previous life, Naruto knew very well that since the green caterpillar evolved into an armored chrysalis, it could no longer threaten him.

  After all, no matter whose armored chrysalis it is, it only has the skill of hardening, and has no other means of attack at all. Even simple movement of the body has become a luxury for it.

  But that's exactly what Naruto wants to see.

  "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi? There is no need at all, I will take revenge now, my lord!"

  Staring at the armored chrysalis with a constipated face, Naruto showed a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

  Immediately afterwards, a "C Ronaldo shot" kicked hard on the armored pupa.

  And then... the Armored Chrysalis didn't move at all, but Naruto jumped up while clutching his toes.

  He was actually wounded by the Iron Armor Chrysalis!

  Damn it, Naruto suddenly felt that he was overjoyed too early. Indeed, Armored Chrysalis does not have attack skills, nor does it have the so-called anti-injury ability, but...that is a rule that can only be applied in the game.

  In this seemingly real world, even if the armored chrysalis does not move, but relying on the hardening skill, you can make yourself helpless, and you can even use your own hardness to achieve difficult operations like anti-injury like just now .

  Looking at the still armored chrysalis again, Naruto thought for a while and hugged Pichu to his side.

  Pointing at the armored chrysalis in front of him, Naruto said to Pichu: "Pichu, your chance to get your revenge has come. Use an electric shock to kill him. Don't hit him wrong this time."


  After Pichu agreed, Naruto didn't close his eyes, so he saw with his own eyes that Pichu called out a golden lightning that was not too powerful from his side, and instantly hit the armored pupa... beside him.


  No, little brother, what's going on with you? Why fall twice in the same place?

  Just when Naruto wanted to educate Pichu, he found that the other party's big watery eyes were looking at him pitifully.

  awsl! ! ! !

  The original dissatisfaction in his heart was swept away, Naruto hugged Pichu from the ground and comforted him: "Don't be sad, Pichu, it is inevitable that you will encounter setbacks. Failure once or twice is nothing, and we can still do it the third time." Stand up when it's time to let that tough guy know how good you are."

  With that said, Naruto put Pichu on the ground, rubbed his little head and encouraged him: "Come on Pichu, use electric shock, shock it!"


  Golden lightning flashed all over his body, and as Pichu screamed, another lightning flashed past.

  But the result! Glad to hear it, but still didn't hit the armored chrysalis in front of me.

  ( ̄ω ̄;), insect-shaped stroke skin?


Get out of the group, Pichu! The electrical system is not suitable for you, you should go to the fighting system, you don't need to aim for such a difficult skill.  Faced with Pichu's pitiful expression again, Naruto was not confused by the "beauty" this time, but spread his hands helplessly: "Actually, I think so! We don't have to use the skills of the electrical department to attack, ordinary It might be better if it is."

  As he spoke, Naruto directed Pichu to use another skill of the other party's "Slap Slap".

  "Papa papa...QAQ"

  Pichu, who had used a series of slaps more than a dozen times in a row, had a pair of stubby little paws all red.

  The aggrieved appearance of the little guy made Naruto feel a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

  But he couldn't give up just yet. You must know that among all the elves, the two elves, Iron Armor Pupa and Iron Shell Pupa, are the weakest existences except for the nickname "Water Splashing Leap". , Then how should he deal with other elves.

  Therefore, even though the little guy wanted to stop pitifully, Naruto did not agree.

  Fortunately, hard work paid off, just after Pichu used a series of slaps for the fifteenth time, a crack finally appeared in the carapace, which was harder than a stone, and a thick green liquid flowed out of the gap, and then, the armor chrysalis transformed into A star-shaped green light merged into Pichu's body.

  In addition, there are two glittering gold coins that appear in place.

  "Picchu?! Pichu?"

  The little guy who felt warm in his body squinted his eyes, first touched his belly, and then yelled stupidly.

  Seeing this, Naruto also raised the corners of his mouth, bent down, and rubbed Pichu's small head to show his praise.

  It seems that the wizard space has decided that Pichu won.

  As for the green light just now, if I guess correctly, it should be something similar to experience points, and these two coins are rewards from spirit coins.

  Thinking of this, Naruto glanced at Pichu's panel data. Although it was still level five, Naruto still felt a subtle difference from Pichu.

  Holding Pichu in his arms again, Naruto glanced at another piece of grass, grinned and said: "Little Pichu, we have won the first battle today, but we still need to make persistent efforts, and we can't slack off. I bought a crack empty seat!"

  For the next period of time, Naruto and Pichu in his arms turned into "Krafting Zaza Killers", as one after another "Kakuzaza" fell down, even though Pichu hadn't grown to level six, the battle Experience has come a long way.

  For example, the little guy in front of him wanted to stick Pichu with silk, but Pichu nimbly dodged it, then twisted his little butt, and threw an electric shock back.



  Well, being able to dodge one and a half tricks is already a big improvement, take your time, there will be Pipi Chong, and other kinds of elves will also have them, so we are not in a hurry.


  Just when Naruto was leading Pichu to look for the next "Split Kongzuo", not far away, a single Bibi bird attracted the attention of one person and one elf.

  Naruto rubbed his chin and murmured: "Sure enough... Rikuza is too weak, let's put our next target on "Feng Wang"!"