
When Pokémon Meets Naruto

After waking up from the mother's womb, only to find that he has become Uzumaki Naruto? Where did the nine tails in my body go? How did you become Arceus? Wait, why is the thing I channeled not a toad? What the hell is an elf? Pikachu, I beg you, don't eat it, you will become a fat mound if you eat it again, look at your skill table, high-speed movement has been replaced by Mount Tai. Charizard, can you be more courageous? You are a flying dragon, not a ground insect. How can you be afraid of heights? Miao Frog Seed, if you use the cane whip, use the cane whip, you tentacle play, let alone the enemy, even I can't stand it! ! !

Poison_Rage · Anime et bandes dessinées
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55 Chs

Chapter 2

  In order to test the function of the Pokémon, Naruto came to a park where almost no one passed by.

  Sitting on the dilapidated swing, Naruto followed the instructions in his mind and called out from the bottom of his heart: "Spirit Illustrated Book"

  Immediately afterwards, an AR interface that only he could see appeared in front of him.

  There are five options on the interface, namely Exploration, Information, Backpack, Pokédex, and Shop.

  With a few clicks of his mouth, Naruto opened the backpack, only to see that there was nothing else in it except a gift bag for beginners.

  In the novice gift pack, apart from 100 elf coins, six red and white elf balls, and three bottles of wound medicine, there was only one initial elf random selection coupon, and one sleeping Arceus.

  Um? (⊙.⊙)

  Novice gift pack = Arceus?

  After seeing the last item, Naruto opened his mouth wide in shock.

  Hey, look what I found? A sleeping god of creation, laboring with me for the past four years is just to pave the way for this moment! ! !

  With a translucent turbid liquid flowing from the corner of his mouth, Naruto sat on the swing like a fool, giggling non-stop.

  Thinking of his peak life in the future riding on God of Creation, stepping on Madara's face, and grabbing Kaguya's chest, Naruto could no longer suppress his impulse, and tapped his hand on the icon of Arceus.


  Nothing happened.

  Ah? System card bug? Where is my family's Creator God?

  Naruto was completely dumbfounded when he saw that the icon of Arceus disappeared, but the real Arceus did not appear.

  As the saying goes, the most painful thing in life is not not seeing hope, but suddenly falling into despair when you see hope.

  And our little classmate Naruto is experiencing this now!

  Taking a deep breath, Naruto twitched his fingers and plunged himself into self-hypnosis: "Cute big tits, cute big tits. In fact, there was no Arceus there. I misread it. That's right, it's just that I was dazzled before." That's all."


  After a full three minutes, Naruto opened his eyes again, only to see a calm smile on the corner of his mouth again, a look of neither joy nor sorrow.

  Arceus? What it is? Never heard of it...

  After successfully brainwashing himself, Naruto turned his attention to the random selection ticket.

  Theoretically speaking, if there is no bug in this kind of random selection coupon, 807 kinds of elves are possible, that is to say, even if he draws the God of Creation, it is not impossible, right?

  No, it should be said that if the God of Creation has not yet appeared, there must be something wrong with the system.

  The finger clicked on the icon of the random selection ticket again, this time, nothing happened anymore.

  On the contrary, in Naruto's field of vision, a multicolored light ball suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and in the depth of the light ball, countless elves flashed through the middle, and the frequency of the flashes became slower and slower.

  Naruto saw Chaomeng, Laoji, Snorkel, Lokia, Lightning Bird, and the God of Creation that made him almost breathless.

  Stop, stop, stop flashing!

  Naruto prayed crazily in his heart, maybe he heard Naruto's prayer, and finally, the elves in the light group stayed in the appearance of Arceus and did not change.

  Hahaha! ! !

  Little Naruto pinch waist jpg.(Limited time)

  look what i found A creation god with a cross mark...

  ? ? ?

  A sack of autumn beans...with a cross? Why is it crossed?

  For some reason, Naruto suddenly had a bad premonition, and then, just as he wanted to preemptively bring Chuangshishen home, Chuangshishen flashed temporarily in the light group.

  I saw the originally majestic, gray and white Chuangshi Shen suddenly turned into a little yellow mouse?

  Why? ? ?


  After a while,

Naruto, who once again successfully hypnotized himself, drooped his shoulders, and reluctantly claimed his first elf "Picchu"  [Picchu]

  [Level: 5]

  [attribute: electricity]

  [Character: leisurely]

  [Life: F]

  [Attack: E]

  [Defense: F]

  [Special Attack: E]

  [Special Defense: F]

  [Speed: D]

  (Note: Attributes only affect various potentials, not specific strengths)

  [Characteristic: Static electricity (has a chance to paralyze the enemies it touches)]

  [Skills: Serial slaps, electric shock, resurrection]

  [Props to carry: none]

  [Favourability: 60]

  (Note: Favorability calculation method, dislike 1-30, stranger 31-60, friendliness 61-90, trust 91-120, respect 121-150, like 151-180, love 181-200

  If the favorability is lower than 60, the elf has a chance to defect. If the favorability is between 91-150, the skill power of the elf will increase by 10%. If the favorability is between 151-180, the overall attribute of the elf will increase by 10%. , skill power increased by 20%. When the favorability is between 181-200, the elf's overall attribute increases by 20%, the skill power increases by 30%, and the elf's exclusive Z move is activated. )


  After reading Pichu's attribute panel, Yi Ren fell silent again.

  Want to ask Pichu Niubi? The answer is obvious.

  Pichu is awesome! Because it can evolve into an elf named Pikachu, and Pikachu has another well-known nickname, Skin God.

  As the saying goes, there is a hand in the skin, and one skin is thicker than the other, which is Pikachu. And the glorious deeds of the other party are far more than that. Since he can be called a god, Pikachu naturally has a godhead. Even in his last life, Pikachu was 50-50 with all the beasts, including the Creator God.

  Basically, the first words that all enemies say when they see Pikachu are: Hiss! This skin is terrifying! ! !

  However, there is a major premise for all of this, that is, the owner of Pikachu must be Xiaozhi who lacks wisdom in the five elements in order to exert his strongest ability. Call it a "smart pickup".

  And if other people raise Pikachu, sorry, it is a weak air mouse with a race value of 300+.


  I don't know if his name Xiaozhi in his previous life would count.

  Naruto muttered inwardly, and then set his eyes on Pichu, the size of a puppy.

  Perhaps out of curiosity about his sudden appearance here, Pichu sat on Naruto's lap, kept twisting his round head, and looked around.

  "Picchu, Pichupi?!"

  After a while, Pichu hugged Naruto's arm and asked questions, as if asking him where this place is.


  Facing Pichu's naive appearance, Naruto, who originally thought that the God of Creation had lost blood in exchange for Pichu, suddenly felt that he had earned his blood.

  As the saying goes, cuteness is justice, emotional games, no need to consider intensity... ( ̄ー ̄), sorry, I'm off the stage!

  In short, after teasing Pichu for a while, Naruto shifted his gaze again and focused on the "Explore" option on the AR interface.

  After thinking for a while, Naruto stretched out his hand and tapped lightly!