
When Our Two Worlds Collided

Nestled among the towering skyscrapers and opulent mansions of City Y, lies a world of glamour and glitz, but also of secrets and criminal syndicates. At the heart of this enigmatic world, is Xu Liling, a 24-year-old planning manager at Li Corporation, known for her cold and meticulous nature. Little does anyone know, Liling is also a skilled assassin by night, a secret identity kept from all except her best friend Shen Ru. However, Liling's life takes an unexpected turn when she is ordered to assassinate her boss, Li Hao, an order she knows she must fulfil for the sake of her brother's life. Before she can carry out the hit, Hao discovers her true identity and what was meant to be another night soiled with blood, ends with a marriage proposal. This unexpected twist of fate sets Liling on a path she had never anticipated. As she adjusts to her new life as Hao's wife and caretaker of his young son, the adorable Little Bun, Liling begins to uncover secrets about her own family's past. As Liling embarks on a new phase of her life, one without The Organization's control over her, she uncovers layers of herself and her family's past that lead her through the winding path of lies, deceit, and betrayal. Will she be able to navigate the web of drama and deception that surround her new life, or will she be consumed by the challenges ahead. Prepare to be swept away into a world of intrigue and romance. Enter the pages of When Our Two Worlds Collided and join Liling on her journey of self-discovery and adventure. The fate of her new life hangs in the balance - start reading now to find out what happens.

The_dark_rose14 · Urbain
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27 Chs


Liling opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, 'Was that really how Shen Ru saw her?'

"You can't say anything, that means I'm right then huh", her lips curled into a small smug smile as she continued, "Well does that mean you can help me get a promotion as well?"

Liling's expression turned even icier than usual, a look Shen Ru knew all too well - Liling was angry. Very angry. She looked at Shen Ru through narrowed eyes and coldly spat out her words; "Well if I can do it, you can too, get the promotion yourself", then she turned away and continued on her way,

As she walked, she could feel the pair of eyes that had been following her for a while, but she couldn't work out where the person was or what they wanted, and the fact they gave off no malicious intent didn't help at all.

She had turned the corner and was right beside her brother's room when she felt a hug from behind her,

All her anger melted instantly and she slightly ruffled Little Bun's hair, He was just like a ray of sunshine in her life,

She looked up to meet Li Hao's questioning gaze, "Where's your friend?"

She couldn't help but flinch at the word "friend" but quickly regained her composure, "She suddenly just had to leave"

Whether he believed her or not he didn't show it, so the question was therefore automatically dropped.


Xu Ming sat limply on his bed enclosed in a hug by his sister. As usual, she was practically crushing him but he could feel her worry just through her hug alone,

"Wow, if my sickness doesn't kill me, your hugs probably would", He joked

He had felt a wave of guilt wash over him and had said that in desperation to see his sister laugh,

"Oh shut up", She pushed away his shoulder and turned away dramatically feigning anger,

Just then a little head peeked out from behind Liling and locked eyes with Xu Ming,

With confusion evident on his face he asked, "Who's that",

"This is Li Qiang, but you can just call him Little Bun instead",

With that, Little Bun proceeded to climb Xu Ming's bed and circled him as performing an investigation on him, before wrapping his arms around his neck

"Well I guess that means he likes you", She was a little surprised seeing him do that since she was told he didn't like to approach strangers, but she couldn't keep her smile down at the cute scene displayed in front of her,

Xu Ming could suddenly feel the room getting colder and goosebumps rising on his skin,

He turned around to check if the door was open and letting in the cold air, but then he caught sight of the 6-foot-tall man with a darkened expression staring in his direction,

"Who's that", he said with widened eyes, his reaction was befitting of Li Hao's expression as anyone who saw him then would absolutely fear approaching him,

"Oh, that's just Li Hao, Little Bun's dad, my boss and my....husband"