

“So, my darling Sophia, what do you think?” Titus smiled at her. But his eyes didn’t carry any warmth.

‘Why does he look like a lizard right now?’ Chantal thought.

She would have laughed at how her thoughts suddenly went in a different direction but she was reminded of how dangerous her position is in.

“Think about what, Darling?” She smiled at him, trying to keep herself calm.

“Oh, you know–about what my colleague and I discussed just now.”

“Ah.. I honestly am surprised.” She said.

Titus raised his brow.

He was expecting her to feign ignorance. Now he was even more intrigued.

“Surprise about what?”

“What kind of business do you have? I was expecting it to be–restaurant businesses, maybe real estate.. You know, the usual.”

“Hahaha! Oh I have those too..”