

“Sir, Ma’am. Try this game, if you could buls three times in a row you win”- The guy called our attention to try his game

“Let’s try it?”- He ask me and I just nod because I want to try everything in carnival, I really want to try this when I was young but CEO didn’t want me to because for her it’s a waste of time and besides everytime we wanted to go it’s too crowded and we both hate crowded places.

“Okay, we’ll try”- I said to him and Rigel decided to go on first, be he fails. He only buls once

“Let me try”- I said and smirked at him, gosh it’s not that far to hit

I started pointing my target and I ended winning, the man who are selling me to try the game was so shock “You shoot so well Ma’am”- He said to me and give me an emoji pillow as my price

“Yes sir, she pointed so well that she end up hetting my direct to my heart”- He said to the man selling to us, I don’t know if I should just put a tape on his face to shut him