
I Though I Told You Not To Come

Yue Ling who had no idea that she has just narrowly escaped from being caught by Song Jia, stood in the alley, thinking about her past, cursing her bad luck.

She was in such deep thought that she almost jumped back from surprise with the ring of her phone. She saw the caller and then answered it with a sigh. She was already expecting her brother to call after Yue Tianxiao found out about her lie. Just that it came a bit too soon.

"I heard something about you from my son, sister. You must be knowing what it is. Is it true?" Yue Min was in no mood to talk sweet or suck up to his sister so he cut the chase and came straight to the point.

How about I come to your place and we talk there. I can explain. It's not like what you think it is." Yue Ling spoke in a rushed manner. She was desperate to mend things with her brother and get him to work for her.

"So it means, it is all true. Isn't it?" Yue Min scoffed on the other end.

"Let me explain-"