
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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39 Chs

This is not what Lina wanted

Ric woke up super late , he couldn't open his eyes he felt like they were too heavy , everything felt heavy and he felt pain on his entire body .he never expected that he'll pass out , the energy Damon had and the pleasure he gave him was too much for him to handle .

He thought Damon will laugh at him for passing out , something that has never happened before , being the one who's super freaky in their relationship Ric is always vigour but not that wasn't what happened yesterday.

"Good morning my sleeping beauty , how are you feeling , you scared me yesterday are you really okay ? "

he was sitting on the bed next to Ric he was watching him all this time while playing games on him phone , he got worried and checked Ric's temperature and it was normal , he tried to wake him up but he didn't wake he didn't even make any movement from the time he laid him on the bed and tucked him till now , he just got up and prepare food for him and wait for him to wake up.

"my body and head hurts like hell , but I think I'm okay sorry for passing out last night " Ric couldn't even get up he was too tired on every part of him, Damon got up and helped him up and put pillows behind him , after making sure he was all set he kissed him on the forehead.

" what are apologizing for ? It's okay , let me go bring your breakfast don't move "

He brought bone broth soup first then breakfast , he made bacon , scrambled eggs, beaf sandwich , sausages and fresh orange juice.

He always makes the best food , the quality of his food is like those from top Hotels Chefs , the taste of his food , the way he prepares and dress his food , even the way his food smell it's always perfect .Ric loves everything he makes it's always delicious , even though he can't cook anything no matter how many times he tried , last time he cut his finger and burned the whole food he was trying to make , he ended up deciding to just accept his fate that he can't cook rather than keep trying and burn down his house. He should just enjoy the food his man makes and he was super famished right now.

Lina woke up very early today is the day she gets to know what to do exactly for this whole situation she started her day with talking with Mirie on the phone.

Gianna was awake early too , she too is excited to go shop with her future husband and her new bestie , they had fun when they went to the island , she would love to have that again.

After finishing his food, Damon carried Ric and helped him shower and dress up then massaged his whole body with cloves oil to help with the pain on his body . After sometime he regained some of his energy , Damon already told him what to do they have to be close and display care and love to their respective partner, even by act so it won't be obvious to the media and people that it was arranged for them to be together and they shouldn't be close to each other cause people and media's have keen eyes , if they see just a little detail of any affection between them it won't be good for their whole plan.

Damon picked up Lina and Eric went to get Gianna ,

They both decided to shop at different places , When Damon arrived to pick up Lina her the gift he bought the last day a teddy bear doll of everlasting flowers . Lina just accepted his gift and gave it to one of their house servant to go put it in her room and just said thank you to Damon without showing that she was that much excited and happy to get a gift from him .

Damon told Eric about what to do earlier not just because of the people or media , it was because he wanted some time with Lina like this and he doesn't want to be cold to Lina when they are around Eric , it was a perfect lie he won't ever get suspicious , he'll think he's doing it for the people's eyes but that's not how things truly are.

He opened passenger door of his car for Lina and he went to sit on the other side , his secretary was the one driving them today , on their way there Lina wanted to make sure if Eric and Gianna will be joining them.

"where are Gianna and Eric , aren't we going to shop together !"

"no they've went to shop somewhere else "

But this is not what Lina wanted she suggested shopping together so Damon and Eric both will be next to each other so she'll see how is Damon going to treat her , but this will ruin her plan she has to think of something fast , that'll make them meet today she has to , before she goes on with the engagement this weekend.