
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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39 Chs

Should I call her?

Lina decided to text a message to marry and ask about This she wanted to know if he was genuine and try to understand his intentions better,

" i think he is being true , like I said he's a confused man with a divided heart , he might have started to really like you , but he still have a lot of love for that guy , be very careful if he's still going to be cold to you when you meet again and if Eric is there it only means he doesn't want him to know that he actually has some feelings for you , just observe him for now and make sure you're always a step a head of him so he won't get to use you "

Mirie explanation made a lot of sense , ( I'm lucky to have such a friend , now I know what I must do , I shouldn't get ahead of myself and end up hurting )

Gianna invited her to one of her family gallery , she dressed and went to meet her .

in the Afternoon Eric was busy working his secretary came to him to bring the special Delivery it was two big bouquets of Roses and a lunchbox with a note written a capital letter D next to a cute kitty with doe eyes full of love cartoon..He was really touched , He was afraid ever since the marriage issues started that they'll drift apart but now they were closer than ever , he even takes his time to prepare this kind of special surprises ...

" thanks Daddie D xoxoxo " "what about tonight my place or yours ?" Ric texted Damon but he felt that wasn't enough . He also wished to do more than say thank you , (I should prepare something for him too but what , let me search what should I prepare for him ) he stopped working and got busy searching for romantic surprises you can give to someone you love ..

In Damon's office he was working but very alert waiting for even a text from Lina he texted her and even sent flowers but she didn't even reply ,

( wait , is this the pay back from how I acted on the trip , but what should I do to soothe her even a bit) ,he was busy thinking and Ding a text , he put down the document he was working on and picked his phone with a wide smile only to find it's Eric . ( oh it's just Eric , urghhh Lina, Lina , should I call her but what if she never picks up , should I invite her for a meal and prepare something amazing for her like on our first day , Yesss I got it now let me check what should I prepare )

He also got busy with his phone , he didn't even bother to reply to Ric's text ...

Lina met Gianna , and she was giving her a tour around the gallery , "wow this is a masterpiece who drew this one " it was such a beautiful picture a pregnant woman was drawn kneeling on the ground full of blooming flowers touching her belly and there were two babies in her womb ..

" that's my newest collection , do you like it I'll give it to you "

Lina was so excited "really! you will? , aww thanks I really love it , it's so unique "

" yes it's nothing girl , you also gave me your newest designs they are amazing , you can hang this paint in your new home when we get married , and may my inspiration bring you the best of luck in your marriage and many babies "

" hahaha thanks girl " she really enjoys the company of Gianna she is such a joy to be with , she decided not to tell her about Eric and Damon for the meantime , they talked a lot and decided to go out to have a meal together , halfway through a their meal Lina's phone rang she just ignored it , thinking it may not be so important..

Damon was in his office, walking around honestly he was very anxious , he couldn't stay still , after so many attempts he got the courage and decided to call her ,

( she's not picking up , let me call her again , I'll call only three times )

Lina decided to pick the second time her phone rang to tell whoever is calling to call back later it was ruining their girls time . looking at her screen it was Mr Damon she was so shocked even the fork fell from her hand .

"hey Lina is everything okay ? Lina ! Lina ! "

she didn't realize she was spacing out , she was thinking should she just pick it up , but won't Damon see her as easy girl he can have and discard whenever it's inconvenient to him . Gianna snapped her fingers to get her attention " ahh it's all good just continue eating, I'll head to the wash room for a moment " .

She wanted to organize her thoughts before she decides what to do .