
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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39 Chs

Mr Colbert knows Everything...

He reached at his company his secretary was already waiting for him out side with other two female secretaries miss hana and Lucy and other security guards they all bow to show respect as he enters answering their greetings with a nod , "oh and sir your grandfather is waiting for you in your office " said his secretary Mr. Joel" what my grandfather and why am I only hearing this now ? How long has he been there? "

"about an hour and a half sir , I did try to call and send Texts to inform you sir"

He couldn't possibly see his phone ringing during that steamy sex and he didn't get to check his the phone he was driving fast to get to work, he's nervous his grandfather has never came to the company since he retired so what is it that made him come today ..

Slowly opening the door to his office and was greeted with his Grandfather Colbert Sitting there looking all angry . ( Oh my this can't be good) . " I see you've just arrived , so where did you go to this morning? "

" Me ? I didn't go anywhere ,I just .. I just got up late grandfather . I'm never like this , you see I stayed up till very late yesterday I was working " D couldn't stop stammering and avoiding eye contact for some reason he can never lie to this old man ..

The stammering gave him away that's how his grandson is when he's lying but there is no use of lying anymore he already found out everything about him and Eric " ohh is that so !! Come sit let's talk there's no need to lie I know everything , yesterday I received a very shocking news , what's wrong with this generation ? I couldn't believe it You and Eric ? "

He was shocked he almost fainted what ? How? And who told this news to his Grandpa he couldn't even come up with words to refute.

" and here I was urging you guys to find ladies from respectable family and get married , while all this time you were a couple ? When did this start ? And who is the girlfriend between you two ? And you better tell me everything so I can know how to fix this , if this come out you are both finished both our family business , respect everything will crumble "

Damon knew there was no point of lying anymore " grandfather we fell in love since we were teens , it just happened and we've been together upto now non of us has ever been with other people it's just up and Eric is my beautiful butterfly , I know this will disappoint you Grandpa we're really sorry "

Mr Colbert came here to face his grandson hoping somehow this news were all fake but hearing him say this was devastating no wonder this two punks have been inseparable since childhood he took a deep breath the room was heavy Damon was even scared to breathe loudly ..

" if you guys really do love each other that much and been together for that long I won't try to break it ,you are both my grandson I love Eric as much as I love you "

Wait what ! Is this a dream ? Did he just heard right ( how I wish Eric was here to see this ) it was such a relief but what his grandfather said next turned it all bitter

" but you have responsibilities as my grandson and the leader of our company , I won't separate you guys but under one condition you have to get married I have already picked miss Linaluna , she's a perfect candidate for you . Get married give great-grandkids , what will happen after is upto you . The public has been talking a lot about you ,just like how I found out about this there's no guarantee another person won't what if our companies enemies find this and use this to bring us down ?

Damon was thinking deep about this , what his grandfather said is true the last thing he'll ever want is to bring down the company his grandpa and late parents worked so hard for and to bring shame or scandals to his family's name that has always been perfect but what about Eric will he be okay with this .

Mr Colbert the saw how hard his grandson was thinking he knew this is not easy and really didn't want to burden him more he has a very soft spot for him

" discuss this with Eric , I also advice him to do the same even if it'll be a contract marriage just do it , you guys carry your family's business and image do you know how important is that , think about how many people will be doomed if you mess this up , I'm rooting for you and I know this will be hard , think about your cousins and uncles and aunts who wish to take this position from you , think about Eric's mom , she's all alone miss started this business for Eric and he's all she got who will continue their family and company ? "

" I understand grandpa and thank you so much for understanding and still supporting us even after knowing all this , I promise we won't disappoint you" D was a business man so he understood what was really at risk he must go and talk to Eric this is not to be taken lightly but he was so grateful his grandpa the only person he has that loves him truly was not against their love

" I'll leave you to it , after you've discussed this I want you both to come see me today we'll have dinner together , okay"

Said Mr Colbert getting up and hugged his grandson "you don't have to see me out , you just arrived get some work done you slacking punk president "

" you know I'm the best grandpa you just don't want to admit it "

" best my foot , you'll never reach my levels ,see you later! "

"Okay grandpa bye"

The first thing he did was to send a text to Eric " we'll have lunch together freaky E, I'll book the place and send the address we have something serious to talk about .