
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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I really wish to love you loudly Damon.

The first thing he did was to send a text to Eric " we'll have lunch together freaky E, I'll book a private room at our usual place we have something serious to talk about .

PS , "something very serious"

Eric was already in his office going through some documents and ding a message notification

He already knew who it was his mind can't forget what they did this morning

"mhh? something serious ?don't tell me you didn't have enough this morning my lovely D "

" ughh you're so freaky Eric , this is a serious matter , I found grandfather at my office he just left , he already found out about us but it's okay he doesn't hate us but he suggested some things which we will discuss later during lunch and the go see him later "

"waait , wait , what! How ? When? Did he got angry? Oh my my heart almost stopped what did he suggest ? Tell me all the details?

"not now like I said during lunch let's get back to work , we already arrived late at work , we said no slacking remember President Eric , bye !"

He knew Eric will be fuming right now but he'll also work twice fast ...

And Eric was really annoyed coz he knew once D says bye it's bye there's no further discussion a part of him was happy that Mr Colbert didn't hate him he really meant a lot to him, he has been the father figure through out his entire life , he just has his mom and about his father he has never met him he just saw pictures his mom said he was dead also his mom was an orphan it has been just them this whole time Damon's family was the only people helping his mom who was single handedly building their company and he's very grateful to them.

During Lunch ...

Eric was the first to arrive the D came after few minutes

" you were really curious huh ! Seeing you have arrived early when you are always late " D was teasing him Eric has always been a late comer always

"come sit , tell me everything first yes I'm dying of curiosity and before you ask I already finished all my today's work and I've cancelled all my timetable so tell me "

Damon was somehow nervous he really didn't know how Eric will take the whole marriage thing

" what's with the rush let's order food and drinks first , he started to scan the menu and showed the waitresses who were waiting to take their orders " he knew this news might make Eric loose his appetite

" okay let's eat first I'm so hungry " they were regurals at this place they always book a private room for their meals but that are always very careful not to show love and affection towards anyone

After eating D started to fill Eric about his grandfather's suggestion about getting married and having kids

Surprisingly Eric was very understanding about this it's like he knew that a day like this would come and they'll have to make such decisions..

" I understand we're getting old and we also have to think about our loved ones not just us "

"but the bigger problem here is we've never been with women's ever D I don't even know if I can fuck not to mention get a woman pregnant "

D almost busted out of laughter, come to think of it he's always the one fucking Eric , this could somehow be easy to him but what about Eric this won't be easy on him at all

"D !! Do you have a death wish , you're laughing at me for real ? But you weren't laughing the trillions times you were in me , you were like a wildbeast ughhhh yesss I'm cuming !! Yesss " D had to cover his mouth

"Keep it down , you freaky Ric you don't want people to hear you do you? "

" Damon to be honest I really do wish to love you loudly and openly , to be able to kiss you and hold your hand and proudly call you mine in front of the whole world but given our situation that's not easy I just hope someday we could be like that " for a spilt second there was intense sadness in Eric's eyes , but he was quick to cover it up with a big smile he didn't want to burden D that much . D reached out to hold his hand from underneath the table

" it's okay let's give it time for now we'll work hard and get heirs for our parents and company then get divorces , let's find suitable families to get more power so when we come out we'll be powerful enough to protect our families and companies "

" I understand but wait does that mean we'll stop seeing each other ? Don't tell that me I won't be able to make it without seeing you"

"We'll keep being together but we'll be extra careful this time if we want this to really work okay " " let's head to grandfather to tell him about our decision ohhhh and he said he'll match me with Linaluna "

Deep down Eric wasn't all in on this especially after hearing he'll be marrying her out of all people to be honest from time to time he has been seeing Damon staring at beautiful girls at school , clubs , parties something he never did his only desire was Damon not even a single soul has ever got his attention and Lina was such a beautiful girl , she wasn't arrogant like other pampered rich girls and they have met quite a couple times on parties , conference and even at their shops and in all this time she has shown to be so attracted to Damon so much even tho Damon never noticed this but Eric has sharp eyes . He's getting a bad feeling about this ( why do I feel an eerie feeling about this or am I just jealous ?)

" that's not fair ,how come you get such a beuty D , what if you forget me? " he made it seem like he was joking but he for real wanted to know , coz the what ifs has really been bothering him

" really Eric after all the time we've been together you think I'll just throw it away because of some beuty , nothing and no one can ever change how I feel for you Ric " this few words really calmed his troubled heart

He was really scared of loosing this and loosing him Damon really meant everything to him

" I was just joking so who do I get ? "

"i didn't get to ask grandfather we'll know when we reach there , are we taking different cars again why don't you ride with me ?"

"no D we have to be careful remember let's just go with our secretaries, I'll finish up my dessert you can go First "

honestly this all was too hard to Eric he just wanted to be alone for sometime after D left he asked for a glass of whiskey and stayed for sometime till he felt like he was ready .

Eric got in his car as usual his secretary opens his car for him but something is always off with his secretary he always catches him looking at him in desire gaze his eyes full of love ( I must be overthinking again , why would he love he doesn't even know I'm gay , and he doesn't look gay too ,uggghh what am I thinking again , but why he's always taking extra care of me ?, what else he's just doing his job! Whatever most importantly I don't see any bad intention I'll just let him be ) he was spacing out for about 20 mins

"sir you didn't say where we're heading ,you told me to cancel all your appointments today are you going to rest ?"

" no we're heading to Mr Colbert's Mansion "

"Okay sir!" ..

Mr Pius Eric's secretary is not his true identity and he has a crush on Ric since highschool he left everything and chose to be his secretary so he can be near him and maybe someday he can have a chance he gets mad whenever he hears him talking about D or seeing them together , he used his connection and already knows that they have been together for so many years but that never made him give up ...