
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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39 Chs

I choose you ....

Eric did wake up a bit late and ordered a simple meal and went back to sleep tommorow somehow he'll have to face Damon and he has to be okay

Damon didn't wake up he was sleep deprived coz the past two days he didn't sleep well he woke up at five a.m in the morning the first he did was to drive to his apartment to get ready , he knew for whatever reason Eric must go to his company so he will get to meet him there he dressed up nicely and not so casual because today he has big plans with Eric

Eric got up early and washed up then packed all his stuff took the and dressed up finally opened that drawer and opened the call barring and called his secretary to go to his place and pick up his clothes and shoes for work it was quite far so he needed to get going early so he won't be late to work , but he didn't get to check his texts he was in a hurry

After three and a half hours he reached at his company ,Eric was a the best boss his employees loved him so much , he always treat treat them without any arrogance or intimidation his secretary was there to great him with the other female secretary Miss Happiness on his way up to his office his employees greets him as usual he responds to their greetings ,he even smiles to them many of his female employees crushes on him so bad they wish he could be with one of them .

his secretary Mr . Pius told him everything was all ready in his private room of his office and he walks away in a rush before he got to tell him that Damon was also there , (ughh he's in a rush , I hate seeing them together but what can I do, he is the one he loves but it's okay I'll keep being here maybe one day he will notice me ) he sighed and went back to work

He sacrificed a lot by being here , posing as a secretary with the name Mr Pius, he told his family to give him time when he is ready he'll come back to his family business , he has other two siblings so it is not he is not needed that bad

Eric enter his office in a rush then went straight to opening his private room to look for his suit so he can dress up and start working but there was someone else here ( when did Damon got here) Eric was smiling awkwardly and waved hi at him , Damon just got up and went to hug him tightly , Eric's body tensed up a bit he wasn't expecting that at all

"thank you for coming back my love , i am really sorry for upsetting you " his was was so emotional this wasn't the Damon Eric knew at all Mr perfect is apologizing today

" it is okay D , I'm good now we are good "

" I went to your place several times , I called , I left you almost a hundred texts , sent some people to find you in the city but I couldn't find you please don't make me go through that torture again , if you are upset can you please wait till we calm down so we can both figure it out together and not leave just like that "

Hearing Damon's word really made Eric feel bad and guilty there he was thinking he didn't care about him anymore and he's out there on a date while he was just struggling and missing him too , he felt too emotional and hugged him back tightly..

" I closed my phone and up until now I didn't get to check on text messages , I'm sorry too I just felt so bad I cannot really explain I just needed some time alone "

They hugged for a while the Damon reached out to capture Eric's lips , the kiss seemed to explain all his emotions and Eric returned the kiss with the same energy , the kiss that started slowly and softly changed to more aggressive they didn't even realize they were moving till Eric hit on the wall the kiss continued till they were out of breath and Damon just reached out to hug Eric again

Get dressed my love and not the suit , I've bought you clothes we are going somewhere , it was just now that Ric realized Damon wasn't wearing a suit he was so clouded with a lot in his mind , " and where are we going , it's Monday Mr Damon you said no slacking , we have to work hard "

"you will see when we reach there , just get dressed and cancel your timetable for today and follow me okay "

Ric did as he was told and got in Damon's car , for fifty minutes Damon has just been driving them and all he was asking was where he was and why couldn't his people find him on the list as one of the people who checked in

" it is a new hotel the angelos hotel it has such a perfect view and the food is amazing , the hotel is new and you didn't find me because I checked in with false name and information , and you have been driving for a while now I'm tired D"

And finally they reached their destination and Eric got more confused it wasn't a hotel it was just a house Damon parked his car and went on Eric's side to open the door for him and hold his hand , something they rarely do while , Eric was shocked what is going on today and looking ahead he saw so many rose petals on the ground and Damon was leading him , they were following the path with roses and reached the door step of the two story building , Damon opened the door Eric gasped he saw more roses not just petals on the ground but they were many so many big red Roses bouquets arranged on the furnitures the whole room smelled like rosses

And Damon picked one of the big bouquet of about one hundred roses and gave it to Eric

"This is our first date , I wanted to make it special, I chose roses because they are your favorite flowers , I know we can't go outside and have our dates there yet , so I decided to rent this place and prepare a date for us"

Eric was so speechless and touched by Damon actions and words today he couldn't even say a word..

Let's go upstairs I have prepared more and he really did , they entered the room and there were candles arranged in the shape of heart with more rose petals and bouquets and I love you balloons hanging and a beautiful music was playing ,

I choose you by Kiana Ladé and the lyrics almost made Ric tear up

< Don't you know that I choose you over anybody else

When you're not around it's just bad for my health

I'm good on my own, but with you I'm something else

You're telling me to choose up, but I already choose you

I choose you-you, I choose you-you

They say it's choose up season, finally I got a reason

Yeah, and I want you-you, I choose you-you

Everybody needs someone to hold it down

I choose you>