
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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39 Chs

Damon with Lina and Eric with Giana

After having breakfast they are went on their normal timetables but that day each one of them has to go on a date with their respective chosen candidate . It was easy for a powerful man like Mr Colbert to set this up with just a single phonecall because many families in the city have been reaching out to them to arrange marriage with their daughters .. both Gianna and linaluna were too excited to be the only lucky ones to go on this dates with the handsome bachelors of their city and if things goes well and they get married it will be such a wonderful thing for them and their families..

Giana was always a simple lady she comes from a family of painters and artists they own several galleries , she didn't prepare herself much , just a simple makeup she picked up a denim trouser , Sneakers and a top . she was told they were just going to a park for a simple date . Eric chose this type of date on purpose he was a very shy guy , so he picked a place that has so much going on to make it easy for


Because Eric decided to have their date at the park they decided to meet in the afternoon On Eric side , he didn't go pick Gianna , he was told to wait for her at the Park parking lot and he saw a white range Rover parking and few mins a pretty girl with a short black Bob hair opened the door , and was checking on her phone and sent a text to a number saved President Eric _ I'm already here , next to a white Range .

Eric was also still in his car just opposite to her he opened the door and waved at her , G responded with a sweet smile , while taking steps towards him..

Eric( here we goo , don't be scared ,act normal Ric , she's cute and very simple ... Waitttt she's also wearing a denim trouser and sneakers like me ohh this will be interesting)

" hey sorry , did you wait long ? There was a little bit of traffic "

Eric laughed awkwardly " no it's okay I've just arrived " which was a total lie he waited for almost two hours but was too scared to text or call her to let her know he was there already..

" ohh that's a relief then , I'm Gianna as you've already known , can I just call you Eric " " of course call me Eric "

( Seems this girl is so talkative )

Gianaa is very easy going and talkative

" so we should get going then , I can't wait I really loved going to the park when I was a kid , how about you " when ever Gianna asks questions she look straight into his eyes , her brown eyes were very beautiful with long eyelashes sparkling with excitement like a little kid

" a couple of times with my mom when I was a kid , but i never visited parks again after that"

" ohh me tooo , then we'll have an adventure today , I can't wait " they were cartoon masks and shades that Eric prepared to hide their identities

they had a lot of fun they played different games , they rode on a rollercoaster , a ferris wheel they tried bumper cars , went on haunted house , fun house everything Gianaa was very excited and energetic Eric didn't feel bored at all , they tried normal foods at the amusement park they stayed and talked till two o'clock in the evening ...

And Damon chose Dinner at a fancy hotel so they decided to meet in the evening

LinLuna was always extra when it comes to her beuty , she called a make up artists and a stylists from their company . They picked a short nude dress and gold heels and adorned her with gold jewels , earrings , necklace with bracelet and rings ,her long hair was just divided in the middle and fell to her shoulders and her beautiful face with simple glam make up on finished this look and she was perfection itself , she looked so beautiful like a fairly. Theirs was a dinner date on one of the 5 star hotel that's why she went extra ...

Damon reached at LinaLuna place to pick her up and was warmly and respectful welcomed by her entire family her mom , dad , her little sister and grandparents . They were all super excited for her .. few minutes later LinaLuna was done getting ready ( breath Luna , breathe ) she was too nervous , she has never dated anyone up to the age of twenty three , she held to her purse tightly descending down the stairs , Damon saw everybody looking at the stairs with admiration so he peeked to see and there she was walking down the stairs like an angel , to be honest she was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen . He went on to greet her and gave his hand to her ," Hi iam Damon you look so beautiful miss Lina ".

Lina was also amazed , she has seen Damon from a far but now seeing his handsome manly face up close, this man was tooo fine what a dream come true , she has had a crush on him for a long time . She reached out her soft hand to him and giggled " pleasure to meet you I'm LinaLuna " .

Her family was satisfied seeing this kind of interaction they knew thing will be great for them ..

Damon led Lina to his car and opened the passenger seat for her and went on the driver seat , he didn't take his secretary today .. in the car there was an awkward silence , he really didn't know what to ask her at a time like this ,so he was just driving and peeking a few times to look at her , sensing his gaze on her Lina decided to start the conversation , " um

What's your favorite food " it was a lame question but for begginers like them it was important to get to know each other

" I don't have a favorite I'm a foodie so I eat almost everything , and what's yours ?"

"i love seefoods so much and chicken " ohhhh that's great the place we're going has the best seafood ever" the whole journey to the hotel was about such questions they clicked so well all the awkwardness disappeared

they reached there on their private room Damon asked the hotel to make their dinner special there were candles and a pianist was playing for them while they had dinner Lina wasn't that talkative , they enjoyed their dinner so much. after dinner they went to the roof top Eric told the hotel to prepare everything , on the roof top their table was already set and and soft music was playing . Lina was amazed ( wow he prepared all this ohh it feels like a dream somebody pinch me ) on the outside she tried to maintain her calm, they stayed there and talked a lot Damon dropped Lina home almost at twelve o'clock ..