
When Lina came Between us

What will you do when one day you wake up and the person you loved the most change on you ? ,all the dreams you planned to achieve and that person chooses to achieve them with someone else ? Will you choose to walk away ? or fight ? or will you also change to a bad person and make them pay? This is a story about two rich c.e.o's Damon and Eric who fell in love and dated since highschool , trouble begins when they were advised to get married and have children , inorder to protect their image and their family businesses and also sire heirs who will continue their family legacies. They both get married to LinaLuna and Gianna who were both coming from powerful families. Damon falls in love with the woman she married and forgot all the promises he made with Eric he even goes as far as telling Eric their relationship was a big mistake . Eric gets heartbroken and seeks revenge to Lina for stealing what was his , he believes she was the reason for all of this after finding out the truth of his parents he decides to let go of Damon and focus on co_parenting with a wonderful woman he married and had two handsome twin babies In his journey of healing luck shines on him he also finds his soulmate who was with him the whole time posing as his secretary ..

Divah_Su · Politique et sciences sociales
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39 Chs

Damon is acting weird.

He put his tongue on her clitoris and started sucking , Lina felt so good she couldn't help the moans kept coming out , Damon was content knowing he was doing something she liked he put his finger and slowly inter her vagina while his tongue was still sucking her whole ,he was sucking her every corner it didn't take long , Lina felt like a wave coming down , she has touched herself a couple of times so she knows that she's about to cum , her moans got louder hearing that Damon added another finger and increase his pace of sucking her.

Lina felt like she was on the clouds

" Damon move ,I'm cuming mhhhh Ohhhh aaanhhhh " she couldn't wait any longer she exploded and Damon didn't move some of the cums fell on his face he kept his mouth open and swallowed all the cums that entered and licked her till she was all dry.

Lina was getting sleepy but she saw how Damon gulped down all her cums like it was something so delicious ..

(oohh shit I forgot I have to keep her pussy wet so I could fuck her , since it's her first time I don't want to hurt her )

He was rock hard , he couldn't wait to fill her pussy with his cums. He decided to go up and start kissing and touching her to turn her on again.

to his surprise Lina was already asleep

"seriously are you sleeping ?, Lina , hey Lina wake up !"

He couldn't believe it she fell asleep just like that

( what about me ?, Damn ) he kept cursing inside him.

His member was so hard he felt like it will burst , with a grumpy face he got up and move Lina from the edge of the bed to the middle , he picked a towel and cleaned her , he looked around and found a night gown and put it on her , he tucked her in nicely and left he went back to his room to have a cold shower.

the temperature in the nights is really cold in this island but he has no other choice right now

( oh I'll make her pay , the day I get to fuck her she won't even be able to walk )

It was already so late about two a.m , he went to sleep with Lina on his mind

The next day was the day they Planned to return , Damon was the first to wake up he was Mr five o'clock sharp , he always wakes up on this time no matter what , even if he goes to bed late he'll always wake up at five am

He was thinking about going back to Lina's room but he decided not to , it was a dangerous idea , if Eric wakes and find him coming in or out of Lina's room , he wouldn't be able to explain himself. But he was super horny right now and he really didn't like masturbating that much it was a Hussle it always takes him a lot of time to cum.

He was so shocked to hear a knock on his door ,he got up so excited thinking it was Lina

( ohh so the deer is bringing herself into the Lion's den )

When he opened the door he was shocked to see who was there ,

(why is Eric here ) he was shocked seeing him there, he never wakes up this early.

Eric went to give him a big hug , truth is he was awaken by a bad dream , he decided to sneak into Damon's room to find some comfort and for some more quality time together.

Damon closed the door first he was so alert , seeing how alert he was , Eric thought it was just because he doesn't want them to find out about them.

"i don't think any of them is awake D I made sure to check first before coming ,come here my love "

He went on for a kiss but the energy Damon responded to his kiss wasn't the same at all .

(what's wrong with him , Damon is acting weird today )