
Chapter one-The beginning of the end-

Chapter one 

The beginning of the end 

 I wake up to my blaring alarm. I look at my phone before quickly throwing off my covers. I jump back onto my bed as soon as my bare feet touch the chilled hardwood planks. 

"Yes, all I need is another Monday morning."

I groan.

"What's next? My wildest dreams are going to come true?"

I mutter to myself with a dark chuckle. Almost as if on cue the dream I had the night before suddenly flashed into my mind. it had been so… weird. Almost as if it actually happened to me. From my mental size difference, I had to be a little kid, Three or four at most. My head throbbed as it tried to reimburse all of the dreams details. I hold my head as I try to make sense of everything but before I could evaluate much my previously snoozed alarm snaps me back into reality.

Shit! I'm going to be late!

I mentally remind myself before jumping up and pulling the first two things out of my dresser to put on. I rushed to the bathroom without a second thought about the clothes. It had been a very plain outfit indeed but I had not the time to fix it before I had to leave. I threw on new undergarments, a deep red shirt, and black cargo pants, those being the clothes I had rushed out of my drawers. I finish putting on my clothes in under five minutes giving me time to thoroughly brush my silky, smooth, obsidian colored curls. My mother had always told me that my hair was unique. I smile sadly as I think about talking with her once more, even if it was just about split ends. My mothers hair was fiery red making smooth waves of lava trail down her shoulders whenever he had it down. my fathers hair was sandy blond, it looked almost as if he dyed it but it had been that color since he was a child. I always wondered where I got my hair color from. My dad said that I probably got it from someone deep within our family, but I still had my doubts about it. I smile in the mirror, bringing myself back to reality. I stick out my tongue for a second before running downstairs, meeting the sweet smell of my fathers pancakes at the end of the stairs. 

"Morning hon, I made pancakes!" my father says brightly. 

"I would hope that was what I was smelling, '' I say with a smile. I sank into a chair at the table, the one not occupied by my brother. My father puts some pancakes on plates for me, him, and my brother Sam. Then heads to get the forks. 

"Sam, could you get the strawberries?" My dad asks my little brother. Sam groans but compiles to my fathers wishes as he grabs the strawberries and sits back down.

"So Astral, do you plan on meeting any cute boys this year~?"

My little brother says while miming two people kissing. I roll my eyes.

"No Sam, I don't. If I did plan to, I would never let him meet you." I say with a smirk.

My brother's eyes widened.

"Hey! Why is that? I'm not that bad."

Sam says, crossing his arms as he narrows his eyes at me. Though there had always been a large age gap between me and my little brother Sam, we had always been really close. I was sixteen and Sam was eleven. My father walks over to the table with plates of food and forks in each arm. My eyes widen as a plate falls out of my fathers hand and almost shatters on the floor. But before the plate could touch the hard tiles I caught it. Sam's eyes widened with a smile.

"Woah! How'd you do that?!"

Sam said eagerly. I look at the plate of food in my hand with a puzzled face.

"I don't necessarily know…"

I say before handing my father back the plate. I glance at the clock before starting to panic.

"Oh gods I am going to be late for school!" I pick up my bag as I try to rush out the door.

"Hey! Where are you going? You haven't even eaten breakfast yet!"

My father calls after me.

"Sorry I really don't want to be late on my first day!"

I call back from the door.

"Don't worry, it won't go to waste."

I can hear my brother say mischievously. I rush to the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth before running out the door. Before long I start to slow my pace, starting to enjoy my short, peaceful walk to school. 


My first three blocks flowed through fine, not unusual for the first day of school. The thing that really turned my life upside down was come fourth block. I get to fourth period, math, the worst subject if you ask me. and sit beside my best friend Kait. Me and Kait had always had every block with each other for the first two years of being friends, it didn't happen this year though. The only block we had together was fourth.

"Hey Astral!'' 

Kait practically screams from her seat. Kait waved me over like a maniac signaling its next victim.

"Hey Kait"

 I said with a goofy smile, as if on cue to me the intercom sounds. 

"will Astral Moon please report to the principal's office, again will Astral Moon please report to the principal's office." 

The intercom operator then sets down the intercom phone with a loud clack. 

"What did she do this time?!" Benny pollards says from the back seat, breaking the silence. The class booms with laughter. Benny Pollards had always been known as one of the "Soft bullies." He never hit anyone, never made people feel like shit, He just joked around about people's actions. Benny could be a great person if he found the right people. But right now he was not hanging around the right crowd.

"Alright asshole, go talk about your own flaws for once."

I rolled my eyes as I spoke. I left the chaotic classroom that held children throwing pencils and paper balls, with swift precision. Happy to finally have a moment to think, I let out a breath. As I walk to the principal's office people watch me walk by with widened eyes and whispers. I pay them no mind. I know why they stare. I am not what people call the "norm." I have smooth dark curls the color of obsidian. Much how people liked to say behind my back, I had eyes of a demon. My eyes are a deep crimson with long dark lashes upon the lids. They are not of my fathers eyes and nor are they my mothers. Most of the time I feel like I might be adopted. I reach the tall office door before knocking. The smooth oak held a chill. A conversation concluded before I heard someone tell me to enter the room. As I opened the door a sinking feeling filled my gut. Unsure on what to do, I walked into the room and shut the door behind me. When I enter the room I can see that Mr. Willy, the principal, is not alone but with a male in his twenties or thirties. The man had striking features paired with a head that held strawberry blond hair. The man smiled, exposing hidden dimples that made him look childish. 

"Please, sit Miss Moon."

Mr. Willy said politely. I comply with Mr. Willy's wishes, completely mesmerized and curiosity soaked with the strange in the room. A familiar feeling washes over me as if I know the man. Bi I could swear he was just a stranger. The man speaks in a low, calm tone as if he is approaching a predator on the hunt. The man's voice… His voice. A deep soothing melody shooting through my ears like a bullet. The man slowly lifts his head from its kindly bowed position exposing his eyes to my gaze. Something flashes across his features as I sharply intake a breath. Realization hits me like a slow, soft wind. Before I knew it, I was already fainting.

I know I said that the first chapter would be posted next Tuesday But I could not wait that long to share it with you! Next Tues day I will post chapter two and I must warn you, it is LONG. So please be prepared!

Tell me how you like it!

Love you always!


Max_Hondroscreators' thoughts